Any Hong Kong people on this server?

I’ve never heard anyone complain about that before on my 7+ years of being here.

You have to literally scroll up to find it

Strange that I ain’t getting any flak so far… :thinking:

Yeah, once now. First time.

You say it like it happens all the time, when it doesnt.

Hmmm. :thinking:

Yeah, get over it. People pay 15$ to play the game, not just to RP.


The issue with this is what I’ve argued before, so I feel little point in bringing it up again.

I preffer that roleplayers can roleplay where they like instead of people who are here for no other reason than “just cus” are mildly discomforted.

Talking OOC in /say isn’t a problem.

It’s sometimes what they say to people ROLEPLAYING when it’s a problem.

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Might wanna use the whole sentence there, not edit it to suit you point.

Then it wouldn’t fit his agenda, silly.

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Then if you don’t wish to roleplay at all, maybe pick a server that does what you want to do?

As said before, it’s the same stupid logic as to walk into a certain Resturant and demand they give you food they don’t serve there while also berating everyone there for liking the food.

I just won’t respond to you anymore. Athramus I could still see having a point, you are litterally just here to troll given your trackrecord and things like this sentence.


looks at Vegans judgingly

Kelduril being the OG Athramus, no waaaay…

Final note, just because you paid 15 bucks, doesn’t give you any right whatsoever to :poop: on other people’s fun because you think it makes you cool. Get over your ego. The fact you think thats an excuse to behave like a dumbo is sickening and says alot what kind of person you are.

/end rant

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It is a curious coincidence though. If that’s not hypersensitive I don’t know what else is.

Also you have ICers using mounts in orgrimmar aswell. I recall someone opened a thread about it a long while ago, where you had many RPers parked with OOC mounts in RP places.

Yeah. If you’re harassed it is bad and you should report. But as you can see even in this rational common sense troll above me, you can see a glimpse of radicalism in his tone.

I absolutely agree. But having OOC mounts in orgrimmar and speaking in the chat isn’t the end of the world is it.

If they don’t want to change server what are you gonna do? You have to learn to coexist no?

No it’s not, you just putted in your mind that it is.

And folk spamming chat, the toys and mounts I actually mention in that area, making it impossible to rp there and one is forced to leave is being hypersensible? In what universe?

Except you’re strawmanning. You can roleplay and still use those areas for your OOC needs.

You’re the one getting hostile because someone disagrees with you, and then people wonder why people’s opinions of roleplayers is sour. Stuff like this. You act like a child just because someone disagrees with you.

Expecting game hubs to not be OOC is ridiculous and will never happen. Go play on a private server if you want it to so bad. Or stay here, whine, and wonder why people bully you.

Victim blaming really suits you.

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You’re not a victim when you’re an instigator.

You complain about hostility and retort with this?
The magic of contrainion trolls.

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You too are an instigator.

So yeah, it’s victim blaming.

Sounds like it’s 2 instigators blaming each other

I don’t have to be civil to someone that resorts to personal insults because they disagree with an argument.