Any Hong Kong people on this server?

I can see you yourself are being pretty hostile and toxic with this post.

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Toy spamming in places like AH? Yeah you’re hypersensitive. If they are mounting on you that is harassment and we already agreed that not all OOCers are harassers [and claiming otherwise is fallacious].

So yes, considering we’re speaking of OOCers in general rather than harassers, your point is hypersensitive.

In return to someone who was toxic first. I never claimed to be a bastion of politeness, but I will be nice as long as the other person is.

No, doing it where people are literally ROLEPLAYING AT THAT VERY F**KING MOMENT. How can you literally be this stupid? Seriously?

Nobody roleplays in the AH, nobody cares if you put up a toys in the AH.

Hmmmm :thinking: Where in my posts did I mentions AHs?

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As I said to the trollposter, this is hyberbole though. Litterally the only time i’ve seen this mentioned is people like him arguing that roleplayers deserve mockery because of it.

The issue is not that, because roleplayers not being IC at the moment will do that too. But it’s not difficult to try and be respectful to the roleplay community and maybe not spam “funny” memes in /say, and if afking on mounts do it at a place where it isnt disrupting.

Coexisting with people like Kelduril for example, is basically impossible. He is part of the OOC category that is “bad” and should be a lead example of why this is a problem.

The entire mentality of “Im a big tough guy so I can do what I want, I paid my money, I can go troll you if I want” is a bit…sociopathic in nature.

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Tbh Vixi hasn’t been super rude (neither have you). But you have both been a bit too blunt I think. You’re likely both just a bit tired after all the posts and tensions ongoing.

Don’t fall for it guys, it’s a trap!

Yeah, well, I’ve yet to see you be a good guy in any post so far (and I count other threads as well), I dont even know why I bother with you.

So, an eye for an eye until everyone goes blind then? I don’t really approve of this sort of thing.

Kelduril has a bit of a forum trackrecord of being…let’s say conflictive in nature.

And yeah, I’m fairly tired.

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Go to bed child!

Funny you should say that, because you insulted me first.

So you’re not just delusional, but also a hypocrite.

What was the insult?

Im not sleepy though :frowning:

Yeah, but she was counting every thread she’s seen you in, not necessarily the current one.

Man, I wish I could write something here, but then I’d get banned.


I ran out of likes, so have a I.O.U one.


I mean the zandalari did mention this very situation a few posts ago.

I personally agree with Kelduril. He puts it bluntly but you have to accept that the entire world will never be fully devoid of OOC and OOCers.

Well, who is using hyperboles now? If it’s impossible to coexist what can you do? You leave the server, considering he won’t leave?
Also he’s actually a role-player if I recall correctly.

I’m also a bit thin on the ground likes-wise.

Different factions, she’ll survive.

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