Any Hong Kong people on this server?

Ignore lists, man. Ignore lists.

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Even if it’s the same faction, one can easily avoid him, it’s not that hard.

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He is in the same category Epoch are in terms of “roleplay” tbh. His reputation is there for a reason.

No I stay here, and I won’t chase him off the server, of course not, because that is both not really possible and very mean. But I won’t be curteous either honestly.

I know it won’t, but I feel like it’s an incredibly…dumb move to just go “lol deal with it, I can do what I want”. It’s a certain category of people who have that mentality and it’s not good ones.


As is Athramus - which is why he uses them as some shining example

Birds of a feather, really


So what you’re saying is basically you tolerate each other despite not liking each other.

…learning to coexist, somehow.

I mean, a lot of RPers used the argument they’re paying customers and can therefore do what they want. I am not too keen of it either, but as long as OOCers respect other RPers then they should be allowed to stay without telling them they shouldn’t be here.

You can’t say that! IZ TUXYC!

So tuxic vixi amgawzds… :frowning:

No, she doesn’t have to tolerate him, but she can’t force him anything, so she’ll have to simply deal with it, even if she doesn’t want to.

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Well since we all do things OOC every now and then, this is a pointless statement.
But to go on with this would return the argument to its initial point, and frankly its been overly done as is.

IF they respect rpers, which the majority doesn’t, whence why having any oocers in a rp realm isn’t very apreciated.

The majority does respect them tbh.

Not that many honestly, and those who do are just as everyone else who is like that really, not good people.

Pretty much, I see your point you are making with it. As Jessicka said though, it’s more being forced to deal with it than wanting to.

This was honestly not aware of, since I have not heard of Atrhamus aside from seeing a few ordinary posts before, neither of which has been anything noteworthy like that until this thread.

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Good, you missed his last argument. I didn’t.

I’d call it indifference, as opposed to respect. Which is not a positive.

No it doesn’t, if they did, places like Silvermoon bazar, valley of strength and Goldshire would be pleasant places to rp in and they are not.

And what category might that be? I don’t recall ever trolling any RP.

lol deal with it, I can do what I want”. It’s a certain category of people who have that mentality and it’s not good ones.

Except you’re the same. You want YOUR preferences enforced even if they’re ridiculous and unrealistic.

I don’t respect roleplayers on principle.

Get off this realm

Tbh I would disagree.
People that have RPed with me usually don’t mind my contribution. I may have a few flaws but everyone else does.

Perroy (Chayan) and I just have a long story of dissent of the forums, which sometimes gets a bit personal, mostly because the PCU is kinda hostile towards these things.

It’s alright, but it’s part of life in the end. Sometimes we have to interact with people that we’re not too keen of. It’s up to us to make the best of it.

Fight me. >:o

I won’t respect roleplayers on principle, because I don’t really have to.
I won’t, however, annoy people just because I can, because I have better things to do. I’d rather watch RP than disturb it.


This isn’t a bloody zoo. Get out.


Sometimes people act like it is e_e