Any Hong Kong people on this server?

If you go somewhere like Reddit and read some threads you’ll see that some people prefer RP servers because the community is generally more mature, more prone to being fluent in English and because the idle RP you see when you’re in a city is better than trade chat spam.

While yes, ideally people would RP themselves, are those reasons really that bad that you put the people having them down?


Anyway I think you should keep posting loads because while every time you advocate for your position, you do more to support Vilem’s point than he ever could

The smirking “heh … you deserve to be griefed” PVEcel with progression that suggests he wouldn’t be taken so seriously on a real PVE realm being extremely happy that the main selling point on this server isn’t great optics, king

To clarify - we (as in the PCU) personally don’t suffer a lot of toy-spam / OOC griefing - or rather when somebody does it they can only do it for a few minutes a week before they have to take a vacation :smiling_imp: - but it’s an issue across the realm for the little guy roleplayers with so many systems that are meant to stop zone disruption etc being automated and being entirely based on numbers

Wouldn’t call it roleplay honestly

It was the most default “Why yes, I’m a demon hunter! Also, I’m here for the $$$” dialogue ever


Arent you also someone who comes, and takes part in rp tournaments but don’t actually RP?

Also going to reddit, who cares about reddit?

nvm, extending this to the braindead Belf DH poster:
Paste in article[data-user-id="441"] {display:none;}

One less bored troll to deal with!

Yes, well you can go back to Reddit and tell them that we’re not zoo animals in an exhibit, thank you.

Also can you ask them to pipe down with the anti-China stuff? Some people are trying to play games here.

Nah. He doesn’t. No one does.

But it’s not surprising that he is. This is the typical " I don’t blame you for being robbed but maybe don’t walk around with 10 diamond rings on your finger through the dark street ".

PVEcel with progression that suggests he wouldn’t be taken so seriously on a real PVE realm

Eh. While yes, I don’t ( didn’t ) go hardcore on DPS logs I do believe I’d do just fine. I mean, I haven’t played the game in 10 years and I got Edge for both raid tiers so far, so that’s decent.

My character fought in 2 other campaigns prior to that tournament. He champions Silvermoon. The whole " I’m here for $$$ " is your ad lib, nothing of the sort happened.

I feel like you’re just salty I won. I didn’t roleplay less than characters like Hungaro, or that Priest and DK I fought. If you take issue with me, you should probably do the same with them.

But I feel like you’re singling me out just because I beat them.

You should take it as a compliment. People enjoy seeing it. I don’t know why you have to be offended by everything.

People are literally praising what you do, and your response is to yell at them.

Watching some RP is kinda fun at times.

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tbh when you look through his activity on Reddit you see he pretty much does the same schtick on every degenerate topic you can think of

Clearly the zoomiest of zoomers in this thread right now

Seems you don’t know the people you are talking about, after all how could you? You are not an rper.

Imagine being this upset by a forum poster on the WoW forums that you look through his history.

Did you at least like the pasta I posted in r/food ?

I am tho.

Show me your rp passport please

I feel self conscious about my trp3, AD has a lot of good ones.

No, people like you are why the world is filling up with weak snowflakes that were coddled and can t function as normal adults


Dude I’m like the most right wing person on these forums.

Yeah I know - have sex, incel.

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Major horse-blinders there thinking right-wingers can’t be :snowflake:


Are you implying right wingers can’t be snowflakes? Check what some politicians tweet my man.

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This is a thread about people from Hong Kong


Not anymore it seems.
edit: Now it’s about one dh acting toxic towards an undead because he happens to disagree and acted rude towards him.


The duality of man - I haven’t played but also I raided extensively

I like it


Hungaro isn’t active ATM but in his heyday was one of the Rotgarde’s most active roleplayers

I don’t care that you won because it wasn’t my money / my time and it was fairly obvious that the DH would win in a 1v1 tournament to anyone who has ever typed /duel

I more take exception that despite showing up and doing this bare minimum roleplay you still pop off on the forums with your contrarian PVEcel take at length, being really happy that there’s trouble for some people and saying “heh… its ur fault …”

It won’t happen again, at least

I don’t care about what some stranger on reddit finds cool. They can create their own cool content instead of oggling ours

As is our right and privilege. If I said I enjoyed observing you, would you let me sit in your house and observe you? Probably not, even if I was a polite and genial guest - because why ever would you? =S

local man says after watching one video by jordan peterson

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