Any Hong Kong people on this server?

I can’t, you need to leave some women for the rest of us, first

Question mark


also “havent played the game in 10 years but been doing content to get edge” pick one or the other. You can’t pick both

I guess your attempt with The First Empire didn’t go so well, it’s okay you’ll lose your virginity some day (maybe).

Hand over the thread topic… :gun:

throws rice bowl in self defense


I came back a year ago to WoW. So yes, doing well in my first 2 seasons is alright.

I’m not, though. I’m saying that there’s probably a reason for it.

Hungaro isn’t active ATM but in his heyday was one of the Rotgarde’s most active roleplayers

Cool, but at that particular event we roleplayed about as much. I did a little more, as I arrived earlier. So why are you holding me to higher standards than your own guild members?

That’s a pity, it was a fun initiative.

I don’t know what to tell you. RP in Raid? Voice? Guild chat? As long as it’s in a public space, you can’t complain people are watching.

That’s a poor analogy, my house isn’t public. The WoW servers are.

Literally never watched a full video of his and only know of him because of the memes.

Other games. ESO, GTA, WoW priva–… alternative Retail servers, Black Desert etc.

I quit Retail WoW in Cataclysm. I’ve only been back since BFA.

A simple check-pvp will show you who my First Empire character was.

( And yes I have alts I RP on, am I raiding on the lvl 100 Tauren Monk too? )

I had nothing to do with that. And while I found the episode cringy and that Twitter pic will scar me for life, I do think the scandal was overblown.

There’s this weird pattern of ERPers going to hide in raid guilds, I can’t figure out why. Anyway, I’m sure you’re totally clean and not involved at all in any of that, yup.

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You are under arrest

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So… you were playing other games or in private servers and made a big deal. “Hey, I was never trolled on wow, and I been rping for 7 years.” I mean…. What?


oh officer can you cuff me too :blush:

Fck off thanks

I wasn’t. I really wasn’t important in TFE, at all. Just your regular soldier. I beat a raptor once.

WoW has a lot of support for roleplayers compared to other games. Trust me it’s way easier to get rid of someone here than somewhere like BDO ( which is free for all PvP anywhere ).

Ok good. I don’t like dwarves.

Yea thats right demon hunter, you stopped typing wich means you are in prison for annoying clowns

Its really simple

If you have no intention of roleplaying you should leave the server and find one more fitting.

But just how good is Kevin Lee?


DH isn’t the strongest 1v1 class.

Not again…

and what is the strongest /duel class then…

Friendship is. :blush:

Ducks out of the hail of arguing on a positive note

It’s rock paper scissors, every class has some classes it absolutely destroys.