Any Hong Kong people on this server?

except… not really. There is a meta and some classes are just better than others. All you will get if you /duel as enhance shaman is a /laugh after you loose instantly

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But… that’s not what you said, you said you been rping on Wow for seven years, or did not want to specify for the sake of a fake argument?

The game is balanced ( if you want to call it that ) for 3v3, not even 2v2.

For instance, I fought a Rogue during the tournament. Sub, as I recall. Sub should beat DH in a 1v1. As should Paladin.

I believe I said that in 1 year on AD EU I haven’t had any people troll me, because when it happened I asked them kindly to stop bothering me.

And apart from that 1 year, yes, I RPed in other games where it’s harder to get rid of trolls.

where is this game knowledge from? I thought you had not played the game for 10 years? Wait… you have?

Then, what was the 7 year post for? You could have just said you rped 1 year on AD.

There being a reason for it means absolutely nothing

You’re just being an apologist for griefers ATM king


Come off it

I don’t really complain - the point is when people like you say “ahhh but these based respectful OOCers just want to watch” and that isn’t a selling point for me

I don’t need them watching. It’s a net neutral at best and mildly annoying at worst

Come on, you know exactly what I mean. Change house for [some public place] if you want

My condolences


Are you going to make the claim that DH is a worse 1v1 class than a shadow priest? Based, I like it

The class you can instantly counter the main mechanic of is your counter


Yeah and you don’t RP very often

What’s your point


So we’ve gone from ‘7 years roleplaying’ to ‘1 year on AD’, you literally don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’m calling you out.


I find that hard to believe, that they just “stopped” given the logic/behavior of some people on AD, extremely hard to believe.

I can see your nose growing with each comment, pinocchio :crazy_face:


Agreed, as I mention, this “you were rude to me so I’m going to pay you back” argument is lame, something I said three times in this thread already.

“Those rules are old, so they must be incorrect, cause common sense changes every year and therefore rules must be constantly updated!”

lmao idk if you are a very elaborate troll or just a random tool

DHs are actually incredibly annoying to deal with as anything other than a druid - only way to win against them without dampening / healing reduction in 2v2 matches is quite literally running away from them the whole game and fakecasting for 10 minutes until dampening lets you kill them or they kill you first. I think they are by far the class with the strongest potential for 1v1.

Edit yeah I know but only two classes I heard DH is struggling with is 1: Resto shaman because they can run away from them because they get a super cool movement speed increase but even they struggle against DH and 2: Resto druid who is the LITERAL KING OF PVP in 2v2 and anything resto druid is so OP blizzard loves it to bits??

You have:

  • Fel Rush spam + Wings + Vault + Imprison + Slowing + Meta + so much mobility makes DH incredibly powerful in terms of kiting or countering kiting.

Paladins do not often defeat DHs if the DHs know what they’re doing. Outside of HoJ (maybe blinding light) and two steeds ret paladins have 0 mobility while you’re a truck of kiting and they can barely keep up with you if you know what you’re doing. (Esp. if you’re using the “I fly away for a while!!” talent)

Sub rogues I have no idea about but DHs right now are a monster in PvP combat. Running away from them to get to 2K rating is basically how you win arenas. :sweat:


So, you have had people troll you, then.
If someone pokes me in the face, and then doesn’t land the second one because I ask them to stop… they still poked me.

That they stopped doing it after a request, or time passed, doesn’t change that they did it in the first place.

Playing this past year. I did alright.

I’m not, though. I said what they did is wrong. But I bet you’re not particularly civil in dealing with them, hence it’s not entirely unexpected.

Nah. You can’t complain about X thing I do if your own players do the same thing.

As I explained before, those people who watch might later on join, themselves. I know several examples that did that. Also when someone starts playing in WoW a High pop server looks better than ‘Dead’

None needed, I didn’t hate it. The game has changed a lot since I quit, and if I want the slow pace I can always level my hunter in Classic.

No, but I fought a Sub Rogue too.

If he smoke bombed my Rain from Above instead of vanishing he’d have won. He had an easy restealth.

How do you know?

Those 2 statements don’t counter each other. I said plenty times I’ve only been here since last year.

Mate, there’s no way in hell Blizzard ever enforced ‘Only IC chat’ in party. Do you even know how bad running M+ would be if you had to call every pull IC? :joy:

I asked for a source that is recent, because those are rules from 2004. And a lot has changed since.

We used a Duel flag. Mobility matters far less when you are restricted into a small circle. And Ret Paladin should beat DH in world PvP. Lay on Hands, Bubble are very strong tools against a class that has no self heal outside of doing damage. Rebuke the Eye Beam, CC the Meta, easy life. On the second hammer you should kill the DH. We’re made of noodles when stunned.

That’s not a kiting talent. It literally roots ( kinda ) you for 6 seconds, during which you can only cast.

You don’t treat harrassers as innocent little angel-babies who don’t know what they’re doing wrong therefore you deserve it.

You’re just being an apologist for griefers ATM king.

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They probably say the same thing when they do it. :man_shrugging:

I’ll break it down for you real easy like:

You don’t want the Roma in your back garden, I don’t want OOCers in mine.

You get me, fam?

Yeah, but my garden is my garden and Argent Dawn is OUR server, not your server.


So an easy free restealth that you can counter again just by being a DH? ok seems like you are right and all knowing, also running smoke bomb for 1v1’s is rarely the right call.
Also seems like you don’t know alot about /duels and pvp after all, mobility matters alot, no matter if it is just a /duel or it is an arena fight. If mobility does not matter in a /duel, your opponent is simply just not playing very good. Seems you need to play a few more years to get the experience to comment on classes and how pvp works.

Technically it’s your parents garden, but whatever.

And you’re right, it is our server, and as you can tell from a large number of replies in this thread we do not want them here.

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This is still going? Wow.