Any Hong Kong people on this server?

Ideally he’d stun when I land. Spectral Sight has a 30s cd.

It is vs a DH.

I said it matters less.

You’re right, you should boost me. Can you play Monk?

Nah, mine, had my own place for 5 years now. Projecting is sad.

Well, you can’t make them go. They pay the same amount you do.

I’m confused my friend - weren’t you dueling on arena rules? (Where Lay on Hands does not apply)

Because if that’s the case then yes paladin might have a chance against you; but if not, then hear me out : paladin pops wings, you fel rush away - he hoj’s you, you trinket and chaos nova. He is stunned, prolly trinkets, you fel eruption. He eventually freedoms from throw glaive slow , you run away with the vault thing and then when he runs out of freedom you slow him again. When he’s out of wings, you burst him, he has to use LoH or bubble if he doesn’t want bop dispelled. When he has bop he can try to burst you…which means

That’s if you do not think of PvP as an XYZ coordinate battle by an XY coordinate battle. Getting away, no matter where, is a matter of kiting.

While he is in BoP he’s literally immune to all damage and CC, meaning that due to judgement’s 20yd range and you being launched 30-40 yds above, probably for 8 seconds or more, you’re effectively ruining bubble burst chance. Meaning you still have blur and blade dance to loldodge paladin incase he tries to do anything like use 6 second wings, sap him if needed with imprisonment and much more. You kite them a lot more than they can ever have a reach to you. And even with divine steed - you can sap that out and maybe use the 30 sec cooldown fel eruption stun to ruin them. You can literally avoid them outside of blade of justice and judgement if you play it right.

They literally got 1 stun, so ret paladin can’t really CC meta and kill you at the same time and rebuke eye beam.

When you leave a duel area you can return for 10 seconds. That’s -more- than enough to do a lot of kiting in an area thus making that circle larger. The circle is more than 20 yards wide, I’m sure. (Wake of ashes is 12 yards last I checked) so you can kite reliably.

So yeah I agree that a paladin could win with LoH if they were smart and knew how to counter your kite. But without LoH in an 1v1 without healer support they can’t heal themselves without the risk of you intrerrupting them unless they do 1 heal every 4 templar verdicts. Paladin’s might is that he can do a lot of damage and lock down 1 target while he gets healer support. Alone he’s in a lot of trouble, squishy after the immunities and 1 defensive cooldown are out. (and only 1 stun on top of that)


No one ever said we could, we just wished they did, might as well stop trying to makes us the bad guys and the trolls and lolers the good guys, it’s getting a bit tiring.


It’s impressive. A little disheartening as well, but impressive all the same.


I can’t recall. It’s possible we were.

Those two cancel each other out. Same talent tier. I don’t think many DHs use throw glaive slow in PvP.

When he’s out of wings, you burst him

Why’s he out of wings in the first place? If I trinket his stun he should just keep his wings for the next stun. If I don’t he outdamages me.

Not quite, because while I chuck low damage felbolts at him, he can just heal up.

AoE blind/Repentance + Slow + run away. Pop Shield of Vengeance if I somehow get to him.

Sure but why would the Paladin follow when he has superior ranged damage and he can just heal? The more time passes, his second wings and his stun come back, and they’re more dangerous than what I get. As a DH you want to kill the Paladin before second stun/wings.

I’m not making you the bad guy. I just told you that just because someone hasn’t RPed yet doesn’t mean he won’t.

You’re not going to make them leave, anyway.

You saying they have every right to troll and disrupt our rp because we “trigger” them is calling us the bad guys buddy.

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Did I say they have the right to do it or did I say it’s to be expected if you’re being rude to them as well?

Yes, thou you seem to be of the same mentality as them this may sound like crap to you.

edit: Thou most trolls don’t need to be “triggered” to be a nuisance, they enjoy it, it’s in their nature, and we rpers have every right to not wanting them in our server.

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Technically I could, but the effort required would be immense.

I’ve never trolled any RP event, so no. I am not.


Now why would I tell you that? smiles

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You seem to think their behavior is perfetcly justified when it’s not, this “eye for an eye.” Is not justification.

I never said I agree with them. I said I can see why they do it. Bit of a difference.

You know retpaladin is pretty much just blow all your cds, if you fail to kill them its over for you. You really don’t get much else to do since paladin cds are so long. So if someone kites your burst you are going to have a real hard time winning a 1v1, which is funny enough, really easy to do against a retpala since they have little to no mobility. The sap is a casted ability that also takes a talent slot

In a previous post you said. "You “trigger them, so you get what coming to you.” that is justifing their behavior.

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Oh god, I just realized. This is the pre-emoticon format of text messaging. We have come full circle. confused screaming

Cheap Shot, then.

That applies to most classes nowadays. They built the game and kills in PvP around long cooldowns. You’re not really getting kills out of burst windows. That being said, Paladins have a good kit to deal with Demon Hunters. 2 instant CCs for meta, 2 dashes, a slow, kick, self heal, Bubble ( which makes a DH useless as we can only heal through damage ) and a long stun ( which is our biggest weakness, as we have no passive damage reduction ).

Alright. Trolling RP is bad. Being rude to people is bad. Don’t be rude to people, and maybe you’ll be trolled less. Makes sense?

Sorry, but I never been rude to people in game yet I’m still trolled, so I will stay by my point, trolls will be trolls no matter if you’re rude or nice.

I don’t recall this thread having 500 replies in it… what have I missed?