Any Hong Kong people on this server?

Look at warriors. Then compare DHs to warriors. Then pries- (nvm that’s rmp and that’s a broken comp…)

Aren’t both RMD and RMPala better than RMP?

Ever since RMP nerf yes… RMD is practically the way to go since druid is stupidly overpowered and I guess RMPala is okay too with melee wings. I’m a 2v2 not a 3v3. I’d love to try Hpal / Mage sometime. Great comp.

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Yeah I can because a single character typed from one of my members would dwarf an essay written by you by an order of magnitude

Also I think saying: some people were AFK with an attendence of two raids so I’m really based is a goofed out argument and just shows that you’re reaching

I don’t care if they join

An easy restealth if you decide not to press the see through stealth button

Pretty crazy that a guy with half your item level gave you trouble though

[quote=“Kelduril-argent-dawn, post:522, topic:94061”]
How do you know?

How do I know that you don’t roleplay this blood elf much? Like I have eyes and can percieve things I guess lol

looks at the camera

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so in an ideal world, since we have 12 classes DH would be around 8,33% played in top 200.
in 2v2 it’s 12%
and in 3v3 it’s 6%
This is according to the numbers you posted. means across both 2v2 and 3v3 average it’s 9%. Thats still over the numbers man

You’re entitled to your opinion, but I don’t know why you think I care about it.

Which I had already pressed to see him in the first place.

You added me to your friends list to keep track of me? That’s so sweet.

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I think he just meant that…you know, you said you raid a lot and I think that you don’t RP as much as you used to, hence why the conclusion?

You know 30 cds secs in a duel is… nothing really. Especially for something like spectral sight that you only need to use when while ur enemy is stealthed.

Tbh one thing I don’t like is people blaming just Kelduril for being hostile, when a lot of people are being as hostile to him. He’s just returning what he receives.

If you want to take the high ground, be correct and ask both characters to lower their tones.

Nooo I’m not blaming him! I’m just confused, probably as confused as he is!

I unsealthed him with Sight > Throw Glaive, then popped wings. He could’ve dropped smoke and stunned me when I landed.

I’m not hostile towards anyone that wasn’t hostile first.

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Yes, I found myself in a similar situation quite often with certain people, so I see where you’re coming from right now.

Anyway I’m drunk right now, so I’ll try to get some sleep. Let’s see how it goes.

How in the world could he possibly know that you were going to throw the glaive exactly when he popped smoke? Actually no I’d love to meet that kind of syke 2.4k player rogue!

Not being hostile either, but being them being hostile doesn’t justify him being hostile to them, if you go down the same lvl as as the other person don’t claim to be better than them is all I’m saying.

depends. Most tournaments i been to is pretty much “No talent changes mid tourney” so you are expecting a lot for him to choose the smoke talent and have a dead talent for half of the fights over something that can be used for more

Duel starts, I use Spectral Sight + Glaive. He’s Unstealthed.

I pop wings so he can’t jump me and start unloading. If he popped smoke during that, since it breaks LoS and I have nothing else but projectiles, he’d be out of combat and stealthed again by the time I come down.

He had it p sure

Yes but it’s a bit unfair to focus just on him don’t you think? I’m sure if I check I’ll find you blaming Kelduril for returning the hostility, but you don’t seem to blame, say, Vilem for being aggressive against him in the first place.

If the issue is the lack of a mannered debate, that’s a double standard.

your whole argument relies on if the dude had a talent or not and i don’t know if he had it, and you don’t seem to know if he had it either.

Okay, since I am clearly lacking context… how did Kelduril appear in the thread and why’re people arguing with him? Even if my previous replies might’ve made it look like I’m a part of this… I’m not. I just like joking about demon hunters and death knights, that’s all!


Second this. Please let us know!

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