Any Hong Kong people on this server?

only in current content zones though as i am aware

These are pretty much the only zones where you’d enable warmode anyways!

Yeah, thou we are sharded by in warmode and out of it.

For roleplay servers as was the case during the WrA tournament where they sharded dragonblight or icecrown or something (I forgot) they made a blue post about how they completely destroyed sharding on RP realms - which means that unless it’s current content (where they have to shard so we don’t lag and can’t play) I suppose sharding isn’t a thing.

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I don’t think you’re getting it. The roleplayer population of this server would probably not be enough for Blizzard to throw the money needed to run it at it. You’d end up with merges from other servers and the issues would start anew.

To TLDR this lovely thread y’all complaining about unfixable things.

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Syke can you get us a statistic about it? You don’t know the number.

Any number more than 50 in a zone warrants a shard.


Idk i only notice people from other servers on big patch days in content areas, but that might just be me who is not paying too much attention

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That is what I said, maybe I didn’t word it correctly.

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On Argent Dawn? Post source

If that’s true then basically you’ve proven the other side of the argument

If this, the last active RP server, has a majority of OOC players that is a mistake / not the ideal

So thanks I guess ! but also I think ur wrong


The truth is…there is no source…

Unless you work at Blizzard and have all the logs.


Where is your source that there is not enough rpers for them to sustain the server without the oocers?

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And how do you want them to fix it?

Why are you responding to me? Hrm. (Sorry just spooked me)

idk if you notice it… but we hope to help the problem of oocers being on the server ourselves. By telling them that there are many other servers they can pick from. A character transfer is 25 euros, so to help out you can start by buying one and move server. Thanks man

Yeah, expecting people to pay 25e to transfer because they bother you is completely reasonable.

Nah, thx tho

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The forum layout is horrible, sorry about that

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you already pay to play on the rp server but not rp, whats another 25 euros to play the game but on a pve server?

I RPed literally yesterday fam, where is this meme coming from. I’ve leveled several characters I never intended to play just to RP in cool mogs.

I don’t think he meant you in particular, just folk who come to rp realms to do pve/pvp content only.

No, I’m pretty sure he meant me, he’s made this assertion several times.