Any Hong Kong people on this server?

You just seem to be so disconnected from wow RP that i don’t believe u are an rper, like i don’t believe u know PvP because you seem to be pretty disconnected from that as well.

100% meant him, because he is also rly weird and defends oocers/lollers who likes to ruin rp

My bad then.

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I got to a higher rating in 1 season than you did in your whole career, good man…

Thing is right. In a massive circle you will always have mini circles that intercalate with other circles. This means:

  • Not all people who roleplay raid.
  • Not all people who raid roleplay.
  • Some people roleplay and raid.
  • Some people only roleplay.
  • Some people only raid.

I don’t have anything against you or something but if you think that because you see people do content people don’t raid, then I guess there’s something wrong you’ve seen about AD? I know for a fact at least 1000 people roleplay (From AD/D), others roleplay with others from argent dawn but not directly on argent dawn so they are relevant not.

If not 1000 people then at least 500.

500 people RPing on an EU realm means 500 * 15 = 7500 dollars a month; even though RPers are also invaluable because they love paying for their race changes and class boosts and what not just to roleplay. So I suppose blizzard might want to heed to the community - as this is, at least some of the most secure cash they can get first hand. And that’s the EU only; the US’s roleplay server is much the same I’d say if not even more popular.

Point is. People roleplay. A lot of them do. You may not see them, you may not like them, but you have to accept that there are people here.

Are blizzard going to cut realms and merge them and make it super unpleasant for roleplayers? I think not, because they’d lose $$$. And that’s bad - as they’d also lose people that are some of the most interested folk regarding the lore of the world, not just the game.

That and that roleplayers aren’t really that relevant so I doubt they’ll care anytime soon to merge.

When the cost of keeping up the server exceeds what they gain from it, you can bet they’re going to merge.

As if gaining rating with a geared DH was a challenge…

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They are having the servers up anyways as they exist, merged or not.

It’s local allocation and array merging which means array A and array B become array C, which is…literally just accommodation for low pop realms. Nothing on blizzard’s side. But that’s basically it.

In Season 1 DH was doing pretty badly representation wise, so uh. Sure.

you also done more arenas than me in bfa, your point is? highest i gotten in bfa was 1.8k and that was just pugging to get the season 1 mount and then i stopped. Rating is not exactly something to brag about rly when you make comments on how PvP works and they seem really disconnected to how it really is.

What then? Duels won? How cool your mog is?

Where are your credentials, bro?

Knowledge about how classes work against your own and knowledge about basically rock paper scissors prediction based on other factors.

Someone could get a Russian to play on your account if you’re even in the same city and get to 2.8K rating or some stuff.

That doesn’t mean you’re going to…you know. Be good. But if you did it on your own merit in arenas…

It also is a partner tango.

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Your ability to actually know what other classes actual playstyle is in the current meta. Seriously it’s rly not impressive about rating, i got 2k rating in legion once, and only once i bothered with it, why? It was just to help a friend get a transmog. Its really not that hard man

How do I know it’s not Dimitry on your account posting this?

I wouldn’t let Dimitry post on my account. He’s busy farting watching cat videos in the bathroom.

Assuming there even exists a Dimitry.

Seeing as I am not Russian and I never met a Dimitry before. I’d love to though

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Also because the name is Dimitri…

Well now… This is getting to a point it is not even a joke anymore, just some guy getting salty over nothing at this point.

edit: I bid ye farewell my fellow ADers.


I find it fascinating how it’s somehow my fault some random guy calls me bad at RP and PvP.

Ayupp. It’s late here so I’m going to sleep my friends. Been nice chatting here in this thread that was derailed by…demon hunter hate love hate ooc ic rp realm merging people statistic ret paladin…stuff?

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Good night!


Sleep well when you find it too!

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