Any Hong Kong people on this server?

I never even mentioned nazjatar.

Boralus is more or less off limits unless you want to walk through a million 'McNASTYKILLER’s and draenei in slutmogs.

Dazar’alor is a little bit better, but still you don’t want to venture near the main area.

The central valley in Orgrimmar is no-go, Stormwind trade district; don’t even get me started with Goldshire.


You said current content.

I think you’ll find both Boralus and Dazar’alor are located in current content zones.

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Don’t forget Orgrimmar ever since 8.2.5

Also, if that’s your only defense (spoiler: it’s not great) we could also include you actively wanting to harm the RP community by advocating for a shared warmode with normal servers just so YOU can get that sweet, sweet 20% bonus.

Yeah, these non-roleplayers are so great for Argent Dawn. :+1:


That’s not what I am advocating for. I am advocating for Argent Dawn’s War Mode bonus to be based on its own Alliance:Horde ratio, not the global one.

As in, if Alliance is 90% of players they should not get the bonus just because outside of AD they are outnumbered.

I’m not a non-roleplayer, though.

Which makes your argument even more perplexing as it’s totally against your own self interest to have the server swamped with people who do nothing but harm the community.


It’s not, though. People who might otherwise have no interest in roleplay see it and are maybe interested to, at some point, join in.

How else do you get new players?

People generally interested in roleplay join in quite quickly.

The people sitting in Boralus etc, do not; in fact many of them will happily walk up to you, dance, put toys down or give some quip like ‘lol nerds’ which is truly immersive.


Increased numbers of people not RPing, and trolling RPers goes up more than interest in the actual activity. Having more OOC permanently people is counter productive.


Alright, we’ll agree to disagree. I don’t think it’s realistic to expect the hubs to not have OOC players, it would basically mean they don’t play the game, they only RP. ( trolling can be reported ) And you can do that for free on 20 private servers.

Do you at least agree with the Warmode bonus thing?

I don’t think we should even share it with other RP realms, as in their current state they’re just normal realms, the bonus itself is negligible to me and percentages are neither here nor there as I only use it to level alts.


As far as I know, the bonus is global. As in, Blizzard looks at Europe’s H:A ratios and that’s how they calculate the bonus for the weaker faction. Which is nonsensical as on RP realms Alliance are far more.

The bonus makes Alliance use WM more and Horde less ( why would I fight 1v10 when they get the bonus ), resulting in an even bigger imbalance than there already is.

If you don’t care about the game outside RP I guess it doesn’t affect you, but it basically means Alliance guilds have an advantage in the race for server firsts since they can get their rep/AP/weekly rewards way faster.

Aren’t most of the world firsts taken by Horde guilds? In fact, the top 10 are Horde according to wowprogress, 4 of which are EU (1 of which is 1st).

20% isn’t way faster, it’s a tiny bonus compared to the amount of AP you need to be on the bleeding edge of progress - the bonus doesn’t even affect weekly and I’m not sure what the rep bonus would help with other than giving access to gear that is inferior to anything that can be gained from raids/mythic+, maybe some azerite powers? idk.

Perhaps we should all return on topic. The RP / nonRP debate has been tried over and over. Some believe that it doesn’t matter while others insist to claim OOCers are worse than the plague. The latter have usually arguments that could be relegated into the oversensitive area.
Opinions won’t change anyway.


You’d think it the end of the world with how some people call out OOCers at times.

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A certain number of roleplayers have anxiety on some level. Some literally don’t RP in the open because they’re afraid of being judged and can’t handle crowds.

Seeing comments that berate them for lurking will further discourage them. So yes, it is a problem. Roleplay is a dying niche, and it should be made as welcoming as possible.

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That isn’t really the issue. Imagine you go to a chess tournament to play in it, it starts out fine and you enjoy playing chess with your opponents; then a couple of football fans turn up, bit odd but they’re whispering to themselves so no big deal.

Then they tell their friends, and they tell their friends, suddenly you have a large group of football fans loudly talking about their sport in your once silent chess tournament; you ask them to be quiet so you can concentrate on your chess game, they laugh and call you a nerd for playing chess, then they start chanting and flossing next to you for ‘a laugh’.

Your chess tournament is ruined, the other players leave, you have no one left to play against in a space that was specifically set up for your niche hobby.

If you need proof of this happening in wow you just need to look at Darkmoon Faire, Defias Brotherhood etc. This is literally what kills RP servers, AD is effectively the last one left of the English EU region.


I also cant see how roleplay is niche. But I guess thats just my own perspective

To respond to this also: honestly? good.

I have no obligation to bend over backwards to accommodate someone coming to a roleplaying server with no intention to roleplay. The onus is on them to adhere to the rules and guidelines set in place, you wouldn’t go to a foreign country and expect them to speak your language or stop what they’re doing to accommodate you.

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