Any Hong Kong people on this server?



As Sylvanas will say to Azshara in the next patch:


Which they are. Flying in Orgrimmar or Boralus is not against RP server rules. Hell I don’t even think RP server rules exist anymore. You could force someone to namechange on any server if you get 10 people to report that person.

If you don’t intend to meet people halfway don’t be shocked when they do the same.

This is literally what kills RP servers, AD is effectively the last one left of the English EU region.

If you start with multiple servers full of people and only end up with one, it means roleplayers are leaving. And if you’re unfriendly towards potential roleplayers and then go Shocked Pikachu when you find out roleplayers are becoming fewer, you kinda’ did it to yourself.

I don’t intend to sit there with a big smile on my face while faceless OOC dude drops fel spreaders and toy trains in my face, no.

Did you not understand my chess tournament analogy?


Exactly the reaction they want out of you. Ignoring them goes long way to some people.

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Never happened to me. Have you considered people do that because you irked them in some way?

If you don’t intend to meet people halfway don’t be shocked when they do the same.

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They do. It’s also 100% against RP realm rules to actually speak out of character in channels like /say, /yell and /emote. According realm rules the only out of character chatter you’re allowed to do on public channels on this realm are the ones that are not used for in character role play.

Which is good. The realm frankly doesn’t need Sodasixtyqts running around spamming up the RP spaces. That’s literally how Darkmoon Faire, Earthen Ring, Defias Brotherhood and The Sha’tar died out.

My real life friend who got me into wow in the first place plays on Defias Brotherhood “for the atmosphere” but frankly he’s contributing to the problem that is the decline of RP realms. The rules exist for a reason on the dedicated RP realms and inviting people along in masses for the zoo atmosphere has killed every other RP realm in EU. Realms which once had some pretty excellent RP back in the day.


Source please.

Automated response is never good. It’s Blizzard being cheap and lowering game quality because they refuse to pay more GMs.

If I get 10 people to report you, your name would be changed.

What kind of an argument is that? Of course they exist.

Out of Character (OOC) Discussion and Use of General Chat

Detailed below is the language policy enforced on the Role Play realms. Use of the /ignore command is also highly encouraged.

The General Chat Channel should only be used for finding Story Lines (SLs), finding Party Groups and various other discussions pertaining to Base Story Line (BSL), game-related topics, and continuity
The General Chat Channel should NOT be used for any “Off-topic,” Non-Story Line or non game-related discussion
Absolutely no out of character (OOC) or Non-Fantasy related dialogue should take place in the /Say, /Yell, or Party Chat Channels
Guild Chat will not be policed for any fantasy related violations
All normal harassment rules still apply

Examples of appropriate conversation in the General Chat Channel:

“Would anyone like to join a Rogue Specific SL?”
“What happened to the Well of Eternity?”

Examples of inappropriate conversation in the General Chat Channel:

“Did you see that new movie?”
“My sister just bought a new car.”

If a player is found violating any of these rules, he/she may:

Be given a warning
Be temporary suspended from the game

From the CoC for RP realms.

You’re also not automatically flagged for a mandatory name change. A GM has to review your ticket before implementing that – otherwise players would just abuse that to get free name changes to circumvent the shop services, and Blizzard wants their cut.


Can you try this then? I’m curious, provided you have at least 10 friends on the realm to contribute to this experiment.

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I write a ticket complaining about my perfectly fine character name being spamreported.

OK case: I keep my name

Best case: You and your friends end up with a warning


Also this. Brigading someone like that is also considered a form of harassment.

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Those are incredibly old rules that never made much sense in the first place. Can you find me those rules in any recent Blizzard statement?

Luck you i guess. And, from one who had to deal with a loler and toy spmmer not that long ago, I can say that is not always the case, they just like to be disruptive.

edit: Even if one irks them, that’s no escuse for such behavior.


These are the current rules.


Where can I find them?

You’ve made a few decent points, but this is just denial. I mean, the existence of Goldshire isn’t the only reason I avoid RP in Elwynn like the plague, and skip any travel RP if I have to go through there. I’ve seen entire mobs of OOC trolls spend literal hours disrupting events there, recruiting from zone/trade chat to get more people to “help” out.

Really, often the only saving grace is that a lot of the world is so empty, people like that won’t even notice your RP event happening in say, Desolace. But it sucks having to avoid areas that have a lot of activity.

I’m okay with OOCers who don’t disrupt RP and are respectful (I just really, really don’t get why they’d choose AD). But pretending there isn’t a problem is not helpful.


Why would I risk a ban for abuse of a function?

I know you get automatically muted if enough people report you on the forums or ingame, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it works the same for name changes.

Again all these arguments have been done to death. Kelduril’s opinions make sense to be honest.

Edit. I prepared this long post but didn’t feel like keeping it. It’s the usual long text about the usual argument.
Let’s just say: you want the server to improve? Start by making the RP community less toxic and it will be a hundred times better.

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Singular realm imbalance doesn’t matter in warmode because warmode is region-wide. It’s also not based on the H:A ratio of all players in the region but rather the H:A ratio of players who use warmode. The H:A ratio could be 1:100 in a region and the Alliance would still get the bonus if the Alliance was the minority in warmode.