Any Hong Kong people on this server?

It matters on AD because AD isn’t sharded with the other realms. On the RP servers Alliance vastly outnumber Horde.

but rather the H:A ratio of players who use warmode.

And on AD far more Alliance use warmode while also getting the benefits, yes.

Which is why that needs to change.

AD is, in fact, sharded with other realms in warmode which is why it doesn’t matter. Warmode shards draw players from the entire region rather than just one realm.

I’m pretty sure we’re only sharded with Defias Brotherhood and other RP servers, and if you see someone from outside he joined through party and not through random happenstance.

Literally 99% of the people I see in Warmode are from AD or Defias.

In current expansion areas sharding is fully active on rp realms as well. Has been like this since Legion.

Then why am I seeing almost entirely Alliance players from RP servers in warmode?

I’ve played for 1 year and this has been a constant.

Literally just luck. I’ve been on many Horde dominated shards myself. Individual shards also tend to get dominated by 1 faction as people form raids but Blizzard can’t really do anything about that.

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This isn’t about Alliance outnumbering Horde, it’s about myself only seeing AD and DB players. I severely doubt that we are sharded with all of Europe.

Aren’t we just sharded with RP realms?

I’m pretty sure we are, yes. That’s why I said 99% of players I see are from AD/DB.

Fair, I don’t see many from DB tbh.

If only there was a way to force a server transfer on people who don’t RP

A man can dream…

Oh, that’d include me

Dammit bros

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No they dont, his arguments waver from denial to apologist and they’re not particularly good; blaming the rp community for being toxic? Come on man, surely even a forum brainlet like yourself doesn’t believe that is the issue, otherwise OOC players would be coming here specifically because their friends asked them to help out against the ‘mean roleplayers’.

This opinion of yours mr dragon roleplayer sinks to a whole new level of garbage posting, please quit while you’re behind.

Current content I.e BFA is shared among all realms, warmode specific rp shards are only for older zones, far as I remember


And then you wonder why people troll you when you RP.

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Totally not “my opinion is better than yours because it’s mine”.
Yes, I do believe toxicity is impacting negatively the RP experience and if you’re in denial it’s not my job to correct you.

Tbh you shouldn’t gloat much. Your arguments have already debunked several times, such as the idea that Defias Brotherhood (which is not a RP server) is a valid parallel to AD. DB grounded and justified harassment [of RPers] in wPvP mechanics, which you don’t have on AD.

If you look at the Sha’tar, Earthen Ring and SWC (the real RP realms that have died) you’ll notice that the decline of OOC activities did make an impact and nudged people to leave the servers and find a more populated one, such as AD.

Most of your points are based on conjectures, appeals to a common sense that apparently is shared only by a part of the people here (not very common huh) and appeals to the fear that our RP could be disrupted. Ultimately your target also remains undefined (is there a RP quota required? should people who have stopped to RP remain on the server? what about those who take a break? or those who do both IC and OOC content, they would still create huge OOC zones) and any solution you could possibly propose is just an unrealistic goal.


Well yeah, “trolls are bad” is definitely a better opinion than “you deserve trolls for getting annoyed by trolls and their entire existence is your fault”.

I agree, blaming the victims of harassment is quite toxic and really shouldn’t be done. Yet, here you are.


I don’t know why you pretend anything on the forum has an impact on these people in game, the vast majority of which don’t even know the forums exist - it’s some weird kind of victim blaming.

But what has that got to do with the OOC problem? Nothing.

The fun part here is this is literally what you did but you’re too dense to realise so you called yourself out as well. :clown_face: honk honk

I also like how you edited your post, again.

He did.

Who decides what a ‘real’ RP realm is? You?

Darkmoon Faire wasn’t a roleplaying realm? Well colour me surprised, because funnily enough I used to play on DMF when it still had a community, do you want to know why that died out and people moved to AD? Because of OOC disruption.


Oh, I can tell you. That’s an easy one to answer :slight_smile:

You and Kelduril did.

yeah let’s compare the sanctity of a hobby to racial segragation and years of violent abuse.

are you quite alright?


This huge OOC problem you speak of doesn’t really exist, which is why all this dedication towards OOC could be reinvested into something more productive. You don’t want to fight toxicity? Use it to fight off public ERP, as a lot of you people already do.
It’s better than this charade.

This statement contradicts the one above btw.

Your reading skills must have been very low at school. I said that if you think that toxicity isn’t a problem that’s delusional. As you say above yourself, it is unrelated to OOCers.

I mean that’s standard web speech my dude. If you feel surprised I wonder what all your 3k posts have been discussing all this time. Yeah I’m not speaking in terms of moral gravity, just in terms of dynamics: you demand to apply a discriminatory treatment to a an entire category of people on the basis that they have a trait which is intrinsic to their category.

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Comparing basic rule enforcements to apartheid isn’t standard web speech. It’s frankly quite jarring that you’d think so. In the future I’d definitely recommend finding better terms to express your point.

That said, I have (with GREAT effort!) found a little snippet to basically dismantle any argument that can be made for non-RPers that stink up the realm.

" Argent Dawn (Europe) is a roleplaying (RP) realm"


Yes, it does.

Nice fallacy, also you assume that toxicity is an issue.

Then why are you trying to conflate the two, by bringing it into the OOC argument?