Any Hong Kong people on this server?

Yes it does, even I can see it, and I’m an OOC player.

Just shows that you’re blind and the rest isn’t.


Are you out of your mind lol you have some serious troubles going on upstairs

Edit: What am I asking even this is the same draenei poster that made posts about going to a BBQ at 7 am


He’s just a contrarian.

That’s all, no more, no less.


As you do with OOC.

Which is why mine isn’t a fallacy: you’re literally investing time and energy into a non-issue that can’t be solved.

Because people like you ignore many types of ills inside the RP communities while creating non-issues to fight for. Claiming to be paragons of said communities when all you’re doing is binding people through their phobias etc.

You never leave your house to organize stuff outside of your home am I right

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I was on Sha’tar from 2007 til mid-way through Mists of Pandaria when it was pretty much dead in the water.
A big problem is this idea that RPers don’t really do the OOC activities like raiding and PvP, which they do. That was always present. In WotLK I was part of a raid community set up by Deamoa of the Dragon Slayers, that was exclusive to RPers and RP guilds. It was also hugely successful. That stuff was always ongoing, because RPers also want to actually play World of Warcraft.
RP realms don’t actually need non-RPing people to provide these activities, because we’re actually also doing them.

What hurt the realm, and others like it was a bit of a mixture. First, there were too many, frankly. The RP population being spread across 6 realms (11 if we count RP-PvP) didn’t do any favours for longevity as was discovered.
The population was small, so drama and guild fighting was more devastating. People would move from what they saw as a hotbed of problems.

Then we had the fact that the Alliance had a couple large raid guilds that did NOT RP. Which meant other groups of raiding non-RPing people saw that the Sha’tar had little raid competition and found their way to the realm too.

This was resisted by RPers on the realm. They were constantly urged to move to a more suiting realm, but nothing can be forced, and the community vibe started to shift.

People stopped running events. People stopped attending ones that were run. Big names, bigger guilds started to shift over to AD because its RPer population was bigger and more involved. So Sha’tar was left with less RPers and more OOCers.

Now it is dead. So long, Sha’tar.


Yeah I leave my house in the morning to drive to work on a simple weekday not do prepare a BBQ oh man instead of admitting you made up some weird lie you just double down on it and come up with another one

I hope though that this time you will get banned, absolutely disgusting to compare any of this role playing activity / OOC community issue to the APARTHEID


Yeah that’s me, I’m Drumpf.

When you resort to thinly veiled name calling and compare people to big time politicians of ill repute that’s when you know it’s time to throw in the towel, champ.

But I know you, you won’t relent, you’ll spent the entirety of today, maybe even tomorrow just posting drivel because you think it makes you look right, but it just makes you look stupid.


It’s a lie because you say so? Oh please shut up. I mean. Look, dude, you’re literally trying to throw ad personam fallacies at me because I said at six am I would be going to a barbecue in two hours. In September. On the web. Who’s the guy which is desperate here.

You say that of the people comparing Sylvanas to hitler aswell? Again it’s the web.

Also, I’m wondering, are you the guy reporting me? So much for the “I don’t care about you heh”

Mate, are you alright? This pro vs anti OOC argument is slowly shifting in the direction of personal insults which is frankly pretty juvenile. Take some time off before you embarass yourself any further. :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, OOC is a problem. You denying it reminds me of people who deny that climate change is a thing - just as bizarre. Yeah, I can tolerate some people if they tolerate the RP scene. But most don’t. I for the love of me cannot put into words how much I hate Boralus as Alliance because something that is supposedly perfect for RP is instead filled to the brim with female characters in skimpy transmogs running around and discussing OOC things (or worse yet, try their hands at powerful random OOC dirty talk, which is even more cringe-worthy).


Athramus is a literal rp holocaust denier.

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:roll_eyes: Yawn

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More like it begun like that. I offered my pov and was attacked with personal and snide remarks and nothing else. I am just slowly adhering to their language. If the focus of the discussion is against my credibility, this is a game we have to play in two. That’s why they’re so upset about what I did write.

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You don’t have to drag every discussion down to make it about you, draeneiposter.


Sorry mate I think you forgot that we’re not currently in ancient Rome when you accidentally posted in Latin there haha…

the ten caesars

The lowest order of internet arguing - saying “you’re the mad one, you’re the mad one!” as you transform into an ear of corn

There is not a single difference in terms of server type between AD and DB

They are both RP servers


Then don’t attack me through all your posts. Even your first reply was basically 30% about the OOCers and 70% about me. What do you think I should reply to.

I am glad you agree that your community uses the lowest order of internet arguing

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The epic “no u” response that would have been so sharp in 2006

I think at this point you should use your sandstone drake and glide back to the Nexus, king


Isn’t that what you’re doing here tho

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I think you need to restart buddy, your brain seems to be stuck in ‘repeat last song’ mode.

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Did you completely gloss over Watrus’ post for a reason, or did it just not fit your narrative?


It went quite quiet aduring Cataclysm, IIRC. I ended up leaving not long after.