Any Hong Kong people on this server?

No… not Dark Glare…

RIP Sha’tar, used to play there myself during Wrath

Watrus’ first part of the post fits my points quite well actually. It shows that many causes that contributed to the decline of the server weren’t actually related to non-RPers but the limited numbers of RPers aswell as drama and infighting (the last issue is the one pointed at myself).

In her description furthermore, the arrival of raiders seems fairly parallel to the ongoing crisis in his posts. Wartrus gives us the idea that the arrival of the raiders accelerated the already-occurring decline of RPers on the server, but fails to provide a link between the two. It just states that it is the case. So yes, I found it informative but not groundbreaking.

I have personally played on ER and SWC before AD and can tell you non-RPers weren’t a huge problem and actually helped with OOC activities that many full-time RPers couldn’t afford fully.

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You do know this makes you look like bad don’t you?

Why do you write like you’re e-mailing a company about the warranty on your washing machine? Bruh.


Yes, I think so too. That is when I remember it started to really peter off, with a lot of RPers migrating out, and more non-RP guilds migrating in. There was definitely an attempted push then to get it back to form, but it was all a bit pissing in the wind.

It’s combined. You say there isn’t a link, but my point is that when you have realms that are small (but successful - Sha’tar in BC and WotLK was phenomenal), the presence of OOCers actually causes considerable damage to it. When these raid guilds took notice of Sha’tar, it hurt it, and it’s what started to make people look for a realm that wasn’t going to become dominated by non-RP.

My other point is that RPers are doing these OOC activities too. It might not be to world firsts, it might be a bit behind other PvE realms, but they were being done and we didn’t really need or want these large raiding/PvP guilds to come along and put the realm on the map in that way.

I can’t speak much for ER. I was only there briefly in response to Ariyel’s big push to return RP to the realm (though I wonder why she felt this necessary… was RP compromised there too…?), but for Sha’tar it WAS a problem, and many RPers resented it.

I’m not saying OOCers are the only reason these small realms were damaged. As said, they were always spread thin, but the population becoming filled with more and more WAS a big problem, and is probably why trying to recover the realm proved unsuccessful for both Sha’tar and ER in the end. Because it was already too late; RPers wouldn’t want to come back to a realm where OOCers were so heavily involved.


Yes, some non-rpers do that, the majority thou, they either hang around in Goldshire, Silvermoon bazaar, Boralus and sometimes come to rp hubs naked and begin toy spamming.

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Naturally as time goes on people are going to leave the game, the Sha’tar was never that high population anyway. Even as quite as Silvermoon is these days on Argent Dawn, it’s absolutely crowded compared to the Sha’tar in TBC.

I do miss the Sha’tar though, back when I was less jaded and it was easier to have more fun via RP.

Same. In BC and WotLK it was great! It helped that it was the newer RP realm so a lot of people were there for that, and the RP excitement was quite high. Lots of really passionate people.

I adore AD, of course, and don’t long for the Sha’tar to come back, but I am glad it was my intro to WoW RP and I made some damn good friends there, that I luckily have with me still in RV, even.

They wern’t so bad on their own, but they definitely were a reason the Sha’tar ended up on so many non-RP guilds radars, and it was a shame. Nevermind the saviour complex it inspired; as if this mere little realm would have been nothing without these realm first seekers.

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AD was a curse in its own way, i’d have continued through life being innocent of so many things if it wasn’t for this place.

On Sha’tar I was sweet. Kind. I wanted everyone to get on and be best friends.

On AD I laugh at sauce jars with the PCU. Sunrise, sunset.


And yet

It would be ironic that one of your earlier jibes was about my reading comprehension when the post you claim lines up with yours is actually the complete opposite.

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every time i see the blizzard launcher these days…

Is Gremkarc still about, do you know?

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I said I don’t see it from your posts. Maybe there is, I am not aware of what happened on Sha’tar but I can’t find it in your post.
Here you’re telling me these OOCers caused damage to your community by virtue of being there, but don’t tell me how they are doing this damage.

The way I see it is, RP and non-RPers don’t have to fight and can live fairly close to each other until harassment happens - then you report and ask for a suspension.

But why?
The reason the recover failed were the lack of numbers [and the huge offer of RP that AD provided]. If you have active hubs like AD that offer dozens of possibilities, players aren’t going to remain on a small server which offers two RP events per week.

I moved my mains from SWC and ER to AD when I didn’t have anyone to PVE and PVP with in MoP. You could see RP communities were super small and dying by the end of Cata.

Edit. More incoming.

The idea that RPers also do OOC activities isn’t a solution. Many active RPers don’t do OOC activities as much as non-RPers, that’s inevitable. If you want to play in a competitive setting, underplaying in that field is going to impact negatively on your achievements. It also means less possibilities for your RPers to do dungeons and buy stuff from the AH.

But more importantly it also still means that role-players would, by themselves, turn endgame content into OOC areas and other places such as the trade quarter in Stormwind.

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You’re either blind, dumb or willfully ignorant for the sake of your continued garbage posting - pick one.

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Eh, again, poor reading skills? She’s basically saying non-RPers damage RPers by virtue of sharing the same server, by default. But she doesn’t say how that damage occurs, what these people are doing to cause the damage and in which way it affected the community of RPers, which was dying anyway.

It’s basically the old “they were there” + “bad things happened” = they must be the bad guys.

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You’re quite an obtuse bloke, Athramus.


Know who you’re talking to. He starts out with a forced contrarian opinion, wildly flails around for a bit, then tries to slowly turn it into “hehe ur all baited… hehe…”

Willful ignorance is the name of the game.

Literally did, several times.


The reason been said time and again mate, but it’s not your opinion so it must be lies.

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So having raiders seeking to get a realm first caused the RP community to die? How are these two things even related to each other

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