<APES> Should be banned/rolled-back for Bug Abuse?

It actually never occurred to me that a bunch of players are exploiting a bug to exp abnormally fast, I’ve been watching LFG channels closely on a top populated realm and it never came up - but this explains a lot.

I’ve been grinding and nolifing like crazy and just getting close to 40 now, it was a bit odd hearing about some players progressing so insanely fast, I kinda think it doesn’t concern me but on the other hand it feels unfair.

However now that I start to think about it these bug abusing players get to grind and hold certain profitable areas first by unfair means so it might even affect me in the end.

Incase Blizz decides to roll back exp of these players I wouldn’t mind either way really.


They should be banned.


It is hilarious how pirate game fanbois defend exploits. And you really think retail people care about who or what gets classic wf, but its issue of exploits or not. You tryharding to use ‘retail babie’ slogan is just silly.


Lol, for real? :rofl:
I saw groups spamming “LFM AOE raid SM we can sum” all week!
There will be alot of rollback and banning to do if you want to punish all that did this.

Stop being so salty cuz u didnt get time to use the bug.


You guys are so triggered :joy: Who cares if APES got 60 a day faster than they would have had without dungeon raids. Everyone else would be slower too so it literally makes no difference.

Your life is probably miserable, which is why your only joy comes from sitting and trashing on other peoples accomplishments behind an anonymous avatar on the Internet. Its sad when you think about it.

Besides like people have already said. This was known for some time and Blizzard did nothing about it. It’s not like anyone actually recall how much XP dungeon mobs give from 15 years ago.


Grinding 10 man in 10 man dungeons isn’t exploiting. Stop whiteknighting Blizzard, they made a mistake, move on.


Yall are salty af

…and everyone else who abused it too?

Nice logic.

Thank you come again.

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To be honest I dont understand the exploit but if it is a exploit of a bug then they should be banned/rollback.

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I don’t see much harm done to anyone really, maybe for the second (unless they misused anything of course, this could be a very resource consuming witch hunt).

Can someone explain in plain
English what is going on here ? xD i’m so confused never heard about this on trade or general … yet you all claiming EVERYONE is using it …

What is the " exploit" exactly

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No, Blizzard should’ve been aware of this, since it was present on the beta. How do you think they figured this out?

Also if APES were to be rolled back, everyone else who has done this should be as well.

Exactly. If people abuse a bug, they get a roll back and a temp ban. At least, this was the case in the past. No matter if they are called APES, method, or are just doing this because they saw streamers do this.

That’s how it was handled in the past.


Not my decision to make but OP tried to single out one party in and amongst a whole raid of people who are “guilty”. Not cool.

That’s a point I agree with. Either everyone or no one. But not just one party because they were more successful.

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Dont punish bad behavior, reward good behavior.

Give everyone who didnt cheat an free xp bonus :smiley:

Basically when you made a raid for SM you can invite say 10 people for example. This way you can spam aoe the whole instance in 2-3 pulls with mages and warriors.

The game would give say 100xp per mob as a regular 5 man dungeon but with 10 people it still gave like 98xp. So obviously it made the meta so that EVERYONE ran SM as a raid.

Seriously if this is the kind of reaction APES get for a world first helped out with layering and raid xp boosting just wait till there isnt a single horde FP up in the whole of azeroth and every GY in a lvl 50 zone is camped.

You people are in for the biggest reality check lmao.


Please don’t. I don’t want an XP bonus. I want to play the game slow and finish regions before they turn grey if possible. I waited too long to be able to play Classic again to now just rush through the game.


As far as I know they were running 5 man groups…