<APES> Should be banned/rolled-back for Bug Abuse?

Hey man theres a few reasons not to do spam dungeons

Edit: I dont think people who did it should be punished though

It harm server economy, players that exploit a bug have unfair advantages on other and can control the market of a server.

It doesn’t need to be a resource consuming witch hunting, just look whose did raid 10 in dungeon before bug fix and ban them, it would take one line SQL command and it will take between 5 to 10 mins, to do so.


I hope you get into a group of 5 and randomly the leader invites a friend by mistake.

Or even better the dungeon leader invites his bank alt into the party. 6man party.
Enjoy the ban.

You know, this reminds me of that old Batman movie where the Gotham police just stopped working for some reason so people just went nuts and started stealing like it was something totally normal and expected.

This is exactly how you sound right now.

And you?

Once again - “it’s ok if everyone does it” is a fundamentally wrong way of thinking. Slavery was OK 150 years ago. Smoking was advertised as healthy 50 years ago. Killing villagers during the Vietnam war was OK because some villagers were actually soldiers. Coca-Cola originally had kocaine in it…

Do I have to continue? You are either extremely stupid so as to not understand what I’m telling you or with an extremely broken moral compass so as to deny my words so blatantly. Which one is it?

IT IS NOT OKAY, no matter how much you try to defend it and no matter how many people did it. It is STILL not okay. Okay?


Lol, what man

There’s just one problem with that - there are no 6-man parties and the moment a party is converted into a raid everyone gets a notification and a new raid frame.

Nice try though.

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Blizzard should be banned for failing this hard after Beta testing…


I can’t remember which movie this was from exactly. In case you’re younger, the same theme was used in Chappie when the robotized police shut down and the city fell into chaos because, obviously, when there is no control people just switch to crime by default.

And you can’t grind in 6 or in 8 or in 9 ? Also the leader converts it. party members don’t have a say in it. And it doesn’t matter it converts you were still in a dungeon in a raid with 6 men with it. With your solution you would get banned.

I just think think it’s an extreme comparison.

It’s not purposefully being criminal.

With my solution I would ask “why the F did you convert it to raid?” and leave if I get no answer, like I’ve already done on every other server I’ve played on.

Just what the F is your point???

That your SQL solution is stupid. Banning random people just because they have been in a dungeon while in a raid…

Oh, yes it is. Just read the replies above. It is EXACTLY that. My example is extreme, but without extreme examples people like him will just keep defending their point.

What the hell are you on about. Walk away from your computer and catch some breath. You lost the race to world first, give it a rest. You cannot punish a specific group for their actions and ignore others. That is discrimination. The issue was adressed and should be put to rest, end of story. Go to bed.

oh yeah man I totally didn’t notice this being a raid group thing and we actually kinda cleared the dungeon like 10 times but I totally didn’t notice, don’t ban me pls, kthx

Is Kanium an alt guild of APES or something?

He’s just salty that his lvl 16 casual couldn’t “exploit” it and get carried. Now he has to do 5 man dungeons and not stay afk in 10 man ones. :slight_smile:

I agree and I know you’re not replying to me, but it was okay up until this point. As i said, it was known and left by blizzard for 3 months prior to release.

it was streamed not only by APES but many many other streamers to hundreds upon thousands if not millions of people daily.

Are you telling me blizzard had no idea that this was in-game from beta till now?

I never raced to WF and I said that like 5 times already.

Then punish everyone, like it should be.

The issue wasn’t addressed. They just fixed it, this doesn’t mean they’ve addressed it in any way.

Not really i took the smart pve realm choice.

If i get bored i just /pvp and if i wanna chill i toggle it off. Best of both worlds.

Blizzard also had 2 PvP realms set up for EU until like 1 week before launch. I absolutely believe they’re this dumb, yes.