Are Botting & RMT really impossible to fight?

the reason that they cant go for leather is because of that area,
(its the best and the other area of war within zone is bad for leather botting)
2: if its for market . right now the worth of leather is better than herb and ore because you get so much more of leather in hour than ore and herb.
the only thing that stopped them is that area

“You want to end botting in WoW for good? Then you aren’t playing WoW again.”

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No because they would just use another way. Botters aren’t stupid. If they were they’d stop after their first bot was banned.

Like I said. Blizzard can fight the botters, but they’ll never defeat them until they shut down WoW for everyone.

Or this, which would create such a maelstrom of headache for Blizzard it’s just not worth it.

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No, not by any stretch, because it does nothing to change the market of who is buying gold, which is the entire reason it´s profitable to begin with. If nobody bought gold, nobody would have a reason to run a bot.

The only way to fix bots is to remove the demand for services they offer. Either by swiftly and heaviy sanctioning anybody that uses them (banning gold buyers) or removing gold entirely, and by extension teh Auction house, and forcing everbody to switch to bartering materials directly for any ingame transactions.

This also means by extension that you either have to remove repairs entirely, as well as any vendory that sell items for gold… or literally everyone hase to go out and farm leather /Herbs /ores to pay the blacksmith for said repairs. And if you play on a low-pop realm that doesn´t have a maxlevel enchanter or only has one that believes his enchants are worth 1000 Bismuth, then you just don´t get enchants or get to spend hours flying around looking for Bismuth nodes. If he suddenly decides he want´s thorium instead, well la-dee-da and F me, here we go again farming for hours.

And for the record, I´m not aware of any successful MMO (or real world civilization) that has No player economy or one that relies entirely on bartering… Because gold is a convenient way to put a value on someone´s efforts, just as money is in teh real world. Beause otherwise you´re SoL and not eating this week if your baker already has enough eggs and wants Beef, instead. :wink:


bit like you dodged answering how you managed to get ashbringer to drop in wotlk you been avoiding that for weeks.

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really bad ideas


we are waiting for your propositions

its seems the best ways to stopp botting for good are these in my opinion:
1: making the game and environment against them like what it going on in the zone that big blue wolfs and bees are (no bott can do botting there or even set foot there. only players)
2: weekly ban waves.
3: let the game master to roam in all realms and ban them
these all i can say atm

I haven’t seen a single botter at all this expansion. People confuse multi boxing with botting all the time. They are not the same thing. Blizzard are happy to sell people multiple accounts. They even allow you to link them together. This combines warbanks and currencies.

As for the herb selling issue. There is a very simple solution and just limit how many you can herb per hour/day. Limit how much gold you can trade, more so restrict gold trades for character below a certain level.

There is nothing to indicate who is selling all those herbs on the AH either. My tin foil hat says it could just as easily be Blizzard selling herbs.

Maybe its time to make the game like a franchise like Mcdonald.

Allowing people to buy the right to launch and manage servers by their own hands

I ll be happy to rent a legal server for 500-1000 players and manage it and be ruthless against cheaters

go to silvermoon or big realms in hollowfall zone im sure you will see alot.

That seems to be the hill you want to die on. I don’t agree. There is no evidence.

Stormcharged leather sells for around 6g a piece, in contrast Luredrop sells for 16 - 84 gold each.

Can’t really say more than that. We’re just going in circles.

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really bad for the botter yea.
Like I said, will never happen, but it would combat them good but limits the normal player too much too.

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You do understand how the token works right? and how the AH works ? because it seems to me you do not.

i think you are not reading everything.
only half of my answers.
i said its better because its gives you so much more in hour
its aabout the number of leathers in hour,.
you cant get 200 lure drops each 2 minutes.
but if you join or even go near those groups and skinn the left overs on the ground youll get atleast 150 leather per 2-3 minutes.
that makes you 3k per 3 minutes.
but each lure drop is 200 yards away and after flying 200 yards to the next lure drop youll get 5 at max.
in that 2-3 minutes you get trash gray items to sell too.
you get gloom chitin too
you get meats.
blue boe items.

you should test it for yourself i think/.
but since you never do farming in wow i cant blame you

A little spark of hope

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lol whut…

Yeah they got apparently corrupted ashbringer during wotlk :rofl:

I’m no expert on WoW but even I know… Dude. Did you play as Tirion Fordring?


Blizzard never fought bots or Rmt , and thats confirmed by multiple ex gm-s

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