Are Covenents Another mistake?

Covenants are fine but attaching power to the covenants is the dumbest thing Blizz could do :thinking:

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Just like people what prevyously had bis covenant for those dungeons and no longer have bis for rest of 3/4 of dungeons becouse they facour covenants what were previously nonoptimal.

So picking class is also arbitraty choice? Is also Blizzard terible with forcing us to pick class? Why we cant just pick w/e skills we want from all classes then? Why we cant just swap into w/e class skill we want? Oh yeah becouse that would make game total garbage of rpg. We alredy have enough loadout systems we dont need another one opposite to only meaningfull choice we do now is literaly just picking class and even this choice alredy lost lot of identity for sake of balance. Game right now have much closer to moba/arpg game than to mmorpg.

but there is a major difference there, because people have been playing specific classes for upwards of 15 years nearly 16, meaning that they could then be forced into an awkward situation and forced to not be able to properly play a spec that they have loved for years,

the main problem here is that covenants and classes are completely different, there is RP value to a class, but realistically covenants come down to transmog and what colour your spells might be,

the covenant abilities are basically just a new talent row that is arbitrarily locked behind a choice forcing us to be unable to change them like we would any other talent. i dont want to swap between the covenants at will, they just need to add the class abilities to the talent window and allow us to change between them in rest areas, they are essentially talents so why are they not being treated like that

keep the signature abilities tied to the covenants that makes a lot more sense and does give you a meaningful choice that gives RP value to the covenants, but the class abilities which are the exact same as talents should just be treated as though they are talents and not locked behind a fake meaningful choice for the sake of it, when it has such a negative impact on game play for such a large portion of the community.

Class is just word just like covenants. You pick class = you picking set of skills you play with just like with covenants.

If you are ok with classes being restricted and not swapable then you are just hypocryte person. It same system.

are you even listening to me, im not saying that you should be able to actively jump between being necrolord and kyrian whenever you want, which is what you are suggesting im saying, i have literally said repeatedly now that i just want them to treat the class abilities like talents, because thats how they are designed.

its like how as a warlock i have the choice to change between specs, im not just told i have to pick one at the start of the expansion and im stuck with it, or how i can change my other talents around when im in a rested area.

you argument makes no sense, because you are talking about something completely different than i am

im fine with covenants being locked and not being able to swap, just so long as they dont lock so much player power behind it because that is the problem.

im fine with taking venthyr gaining the teleport thing and the transmogs and story, but i want to play with the venthyr ability in dungeons and torghast, or decimating bolt in raids/dungeons, or night fae and kyrian in torghast, they are designed the exact same as talents, why shouldnt they be swappable like all other talents.

Most likely they just wanna test covenant specific stuff? That screenshot doesn’t ring any alarmbells for me tbh.

I really hope they do the whole ‘‘ripcord’’ thing.

My heart says Night Fae, but the Necrolord swarm ability looks so good and just more fluid.

Really hope they stop being so stubborn. But knowing Blizzard that may be stupid to believe.

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Exactly that. They have tried to borrow a Diablo 2 concept and in their twisted mind screwed it up royally.

In original Diablo 2, a piece of gear would occasionally carry an ability, a skill not found on your class talent tree, and it would be so powerful that you’d make a new character build around this gear.

In WoW there were no special abilities on weapons and armour and all skills came from your spellbook and talent trees. So they decided to take a leaf out of Diablo 2 and so started with Sets, Artifact weapons and traits, Legendary gear, Azerite gear traits, essences and now with the Covenants etc On every successive expansion they invent a new system of progress offering new skills, not just passive stats, for players to grind to. And they need all these abilities to vanish in the following expansion so that new players can simply breeze through previous content.

I can certainly understand the rationale behind this, but I do not like the implementation details, especially the contrived obstacles to free changes, like Azerite traits and all the headaches they gave to hybrid (and not so) classes.

I would say that its because apart from a small niche who enjoy them, cosmetics are a major yawn. Having said that they are probably all this game has left at the moment.

Covenats are not designed like talents or specs. They are designed as you picking class. And yes specs were actualy back in older expansion locked behind gold. And it wasnt exactly cheap to constantly respec. Which was good thing until Blizzard made them more like loadout options and players lost junk of identity becouse of it. They just bringing back some of thay lost identity back.

And i want warriors charge instead of steed on paladin. I also want DH mobility and mage teleports and by your logic i should have option to swap my spells with different class becouse its not healthy to restrict me. No covenants are not designed as talents and never were.

Can someone briefly explain to me if the idea is to just make abilities a free choice, or also soulbinds?

If the class abilities were just like essences you can switch in rested, would that be enough? With covenant abilities (the ones every class gets, the mobility ones) and soulbinds staying tied to covenants, woud that be a good enough compromise?

Or do people also want soulbinds removed? I couldn’t quickly find any info on the specifics of the pulltheripchord, so it’s not clear to me what is being asked. How much of covenants would be gone?

Add a level 60 talent row instead of leaving the class abilities locked to a Covenant. Last we had one was in WoD (and learnable talents end at level 80…). Please.

im not talking about the entirety of the covenants, as i have said 4 or 5 times now i am speaking about the covenant class abilities they are absolutely designed exactly the same as talents, which is why this is so frustrating, it would be the same as them just arbitrarily deciding to lock out last talent row behind some stupid system like this for no good reason,

the fact that they are doing it is idiotic and is going to make gameplay a lot worse and very frustrating for a lot of people, which is exactly why they shouldnt be doing it.

there is a very good reason why there are multiple #pulltheripcord posts everywhere with so many people pleading with them to make the right choice and change it.

is it even worth me replying to this now, because you are not listening to me, the class abilities specifically are designed the same as talents, they should be decoupled from the covenant system, i am fine with taht being a meaningful choice so long as they are not just arbitrarily locking too much player power behind it.

No they are not. Its all about physiologie on game desing. Just becouse you have interface where you click and you get spell doesnt make them desingned as talents. Thats not how game desing work.

You know what is funny. They are giving you several skils to pick from and you complain about it. They could also just give you 1 new class spell and call a day. And if you dont like it well too bad thats what you getting for another 6 years.

it wouldnt be a problem if not for the fact it was locked and made it incredibly difficult to efficiently play multiple specs

take mages as an example, arcane wants necrolord because its by far their best, its not even close,

but for frost and fire necrolord is completely useless, so they will need something else.

so if you pick necrolord then you will have to suffer with being behind everyone else for no good reason, thats where there is a problem. necrolord gives you a new cooldown that buffs up certain spells, the other one gives a relic that spawns that you can damage and it spreads damage to other targets,

these are designed the exact same way that talents are, take incarnation for balance druid, gives you a new cooldown that changes interactions with your spells.

back in legion there was a warlock talent that summoned a thing for you to hit which would then transfer damage to other targets

they are both literally talents that have previously been in the game for other classes, which is why im saying they are designed like talents,

its completely idiotic to not let you change them, but even worse that people will feel forced to make a decision on covenants they dont want to because of certain things being too bad,

im sorry to have to say this but you are just wrong on this one, you are free to offer an opinion, but unfortuantely you are incorrect about this. hence all the thousands of comments and posts about the pulltheripcord stuff, if it wasnt a genuine issue then it wouldnt have this much traction, and blizz wouldnt have put this pulltheripcord idea out there in the first place.

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Its not best. Its best for certain situations if you are mage and for others situations its bad.

Its like saying warlocks have this great aoe and i dont becouse i have this other ability what shines on single target and heavy movement fights. So why i cant just swap into warlocks aoe spell so i can be optimal.

no, literally no one is asking to be able to have other abilities from other classes, this is something you are making up on your own and makes absolutely no sense within the context of this conversation, asking for class abilities that are designed to function exactly the same as talents do which i provided 2 specific examples of which you just so happened to ignore. doesnt mean i should not be able to play the class i love playing the way i want to

please explain why i shouldnt be allowed to have fun? because for me being able to swap between talents in different situations is what is fun about this game. i would love to be able to play with soul rot (night fae) and scouring tithe (kyrian) in torghast, but im being told im not allowed to and i havnt been given a good reason for this. or at least for me no reason for any of this has been close to good enough because the main reason is RP value, which if you have actually played through it and seen some of the story of the expansion makes no sense,

why is it that i should just arbitrarily be told im not allowed to have fun when im playing a video game considering that the abilities being changable or not changable makes no difference to those who are fine with it being locked. because you can still pick one and stick with it, you still essentialy get what you want, you can pick the one you want and stick with it,

but no you have to campaign for them to release the game in a state that means thousands and thousands of players are not allowed to play the game the way they want to. how is that fair? it literally make zero difference to you as you are fine with picking something and sticking with it.

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Yes nobady is asking becouse it would ruin entire game. Just like making covenats sawpable would ruin this part of the game and everything what covenants represent which is player idenitity.