Are female and male identified as 1 and 2 only now?

Why didnt you quote other people i mentionned?

Just for using the meme “godwin law”?


People were allowed to be worked up enough to merit a change then I say people are equally allowed to be worked up about wanting it changed back.
I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss people opinions just because one doesn’t share them.
This is obviously an important issue for a lot of people on all sides. :dracthyr_shrug:


Pathetic is, that I did just disproof you and the only thing you comment on is one of my quotes. :wink:

I did quote what I did had to. I did disprove all of what you did list together with the rest of the post with my second comment in the same post.

On the contrary because you’re indirectly saying that believing in an abrahamic religion is being transphobic while that most definitely isn’t the case for every follower of those those religions. Religions to some degree are what points you take away from their texts and the cultures in which they are practiced. It’s why you have very individual takes on what a specific religion is to one being a practitioner.

While it’s true then threads like this one aren’t about adding additional customisation like letting players choose their choice of gender. Instead it’s about not liking the change or latching on to a minor change that’s used as a tangible point to express a view that isn’t generally acceptable. Hence the dogwhistle callout.

It rather obviously is given the OP’s posting history, this being posted during the wekeend the day after a similar thread and there being absolutely no substance to it, unlike the other thread i’m sure you’ve referenced.

On one hand, sure, there’s a merit to some being worked up about it but there’s also reason to dig into the reasons why some are worked up about it. Those being worked up about wanting these changes for the sake of inclusion are often doing so because there previously have been very little representation for them in more mainstream media.
The ones being annoyed with this change in added inclusion often come from it from a very different perspective of having been the ones stereotypically represented and now seeing that lessened somewhat.

Personally i’d say there’s a clear difference in which stance i feel like supporting out of those.

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I want npcs to call my char body type 2

you’re just showing off ur tmog >.> and i like em!

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come back when bliz decides that saying male and female is a slur and a bannable offence.


Everyone’s entitled to an opinion. The reason why someone has an one doesn’t devalue that right.

That would be my guess as well.

Isn’t that reasonable though?
No one enjoys having something taken away from them and having something else forced on them. Especially when they could’ve kept the original and simply added a new option instead.

In a very traditional Swedish way I try to stay neutral™ :sweat_smile:
Mostly because personally, I don’t see a difference between the sides at all.
I think both sides are arguing the exact same thing just that the table has flipped.
Which is why I think it’s important to instead of dismissing people and calling each other woke/transpobhic etc realize we all feel and want the same thing and that there is a middle ground to be reached that would please everyone*

*As close as we can get at least ^^

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Well atleast im happy small indie company Blizzard has chosen type 1 for male, atleast its still the most superiour of the 2. The road Blizzard took a couple years ago is just pathetic. Starting with the take over by Activision, selling your soul, losing a huge playerbase, missing any opurtunity to restore the game to the era where they had theire glory days… Now hoping with Chris Metzen, to restore or minimize the damage theyve caused. (imagine chris needing to say “lok thar” with a high pitched voice changer, otherwise woke2024 get touched by the aggression in his voice)…

Ahh well… ive lost faith quite a few years ago…


You know another thing you should be really (REALLY) angry about.
None of these characters have any genetial at all! Not a single one of them.
They’ve been turned into non-binary (ironic given they’re digital creations).
This is WOKEISM gone way too far. And they’ve been doing this for years under the radar. All the way back to Vanilla not a single character had any genetial at all.

How are we supposed to play a male character without those essential dangly bits?!?

I think Blizzard’s issues since Legion stem less from embracing DEI and more from having a game director with a past at a website called ‘Elitist Jerks’. Shadowlands was a low point, but I think since Dragonflight, they’re actually on the up and up, with a philosophy that’s about respecting the player’s time.

you sure we’re playing the same game bro?


Well You are a nr 2 and im a nr1 then i guess?

More likely in America since they have an election this year that Vlad want his man to win.
Of course they’ll just stir it up in Europe at the same time.

Oh yeah. It’s all Russian propaganda again!
We are trying to convince naive Europeans that those few strange persons who was born and identifying themselves with the same gender are have some rights. And they are also the majority of the humans population.
But you way too smart to be tricked with such nonsense!


You smells racist, btw. :clown_face:

I knew wokeness had gone too far as they led me off the train and pushed me into the willy explosion chamber, but i should have caught on when overnight the little girl i play as in world of warcraft went from ‘female’ to ‘body type 2’

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sounds appropriate

Er, I’m obviously not referring to the Russian people. There are documented reports though of Russian government interference in western democracies, aimed at fanning the flames or culture wars in order to destabilize those countries. And I referenced that as a joke, sheesh.

As I just said in the other thread, tells me who to shove on ignore.

PUNY! Where do you get the grey venthyr back blades from the first screenshot? i need those in my life.