Because the actions of the horde are much worse than those of the alliance. It’s like comparing a drop to an ocean.
And also all wars have been started by the horde.
In a war started by the horde, where they also kill alliance civilians.
After they used Dalaran to sabotage Theramore’s defenses and steal the divine bell.
At the end of the third war between both factions, caused by the horde. And she was right, because a few years later the horde would once again start the fourth war against the alliance, genociding the kaldorei.
In any case, she was not asking for genocide, she was asking for dismantling the power of the horde. If she wanted to commit genocide, she would have done it by invoking that tsunami with the help of the focusing iris after the destruction of Theramore.
The Alliance is not immaculate either though. If you have played MoP remix on an Alliance alt, you can see that the Alliance shoots swimming orcs into the sea in the first half an hour. Also, Stormwind failed to pay the Stonemasons Guild after the rebuilding of the city which created the Defias Brotherhood. And, the Scarlets used to be Alliance as well at some point, I think. Now they are zealots of the Light. Extremes are not good on either sides. The Forsaken used to be the people of Lordaeron. Kul Tiras has just rejoined recently, they used to have issues with Jaina’s diplomatic skills.
It is not entirely black and white and Blizzard’s writing could surely use some more depth.
I’d say, play what you enjoy. If you enjoy playing monsters, blood elves or underdogs, go for it. If not, roll Alliance.
yes, they are since their orgins were warmonggers and everry time they make the same mistackes and and fall into the same pattern
Here my little list for this:
point on the list above
I couted 28 attroycity on horde side while only 4 on alliance side, two of them even questionable
taurojan, its was a legitome military target, even acknowlegd by horde., and the general in command ha deven a refugee coriddor.
not alliance crime and also dicused to death, first no alliance action, it was jainas decison as head of the Kirin tor (council), second dalaran bloodeveld did treason by helping the horde, stealing the divine bell.
yeas, and you cant blame her for that since it woude be logical and understandable after a freaking GLOBAL WAR, started by the HORDE.
In my experience, they’re pretty much like Germany 1935 or so. Regular people, perfectly normal. Just take a look at Argent Dawn-Crusade, Cenarion Circle-Expedition, Order Halls and quests, and many more. Heroes are above factions. Technically our characters are not, yet again this blood elf just assisted Tyrande, same about Thrall earlier.
Leadership was a mixed bag, I’d rather call them corrupt. Certainly the alliance is righteous (like any modern imperial nation, the US in particular), while the horde is openly respecting power. Sylvanas had her own agenda, following the Classic storylines of Tirisfal-Silverpine-TarrenMill it was glaringly obvious that the forsaken were actively working on a plague to exterminate all life but themselves, officially the scourge but also the alliance, the horde and most likely all animals. I’m entirely convinced that Varimathras was proxying the whole deal until his replacement. (The blood elf leadership was working for the Burning Legion, too, until its replacement, not to mention beloved high elf Queen Azshara, so what’s new.)
Then again if you go back to Classic and play loremaster-like, you’ll see a myriad of quests about honor, defending your family, tribe, land, caring for them, and so. That’s what I mean by regular folk.
So! In short - The situation is complicated but it gives potential depth for your character story. You can choose to be Thrall, Garrosh, Sylvanas, BloodElfGuy or anything in between.
The Horde isn’t the Bad guys, but the Horde does tend to be the aggressors. Mainly because of bad writing or catering to characters like Sylvannas.
I think even Alliance Players want to be the aggressors at this point.
Both are pretty gray in the general setting, but the horde leadership has been hit with the villian bat more.
Cataclysm garrosh did kill an officer who killed civilians, and stood up agienst sylvanas’ plague wepons.
And if you play alliance the intro for pandaria, the alliance shoots unarmed drowning horde members as they swim for their lives when their warships are blown up. Something that would be seen as highly immoral in our modern warfare.
If you play the pandarian intro for horde, the horde free pandaren slaves, children and women that the alliance has put to back breaking Labour.
The alliance also put all the orcs into enterment camps at the end of the second war and used them as slaves and put them into arenas to fight to the death for fun, but in this setting, where an demonic army that can not be reasoned with or stopped with diplomacy makes sense to me. So maybe not so evil, but still immoral.
And then you can look at why the blood elves joined the horde, but i would not blame those actions entierly on the alliance aswell, as i do not think it was the alliance policy to use elves as canon fodder, but is the actions of a few alliance generals
Yeah, that was out of Charakter since later he had no problems killed civilians and use weapons of mass destruction, even afrasiabi admitted he messed up with that since garrosh was since wotlk hot-headed and looked for confrontation.
Justifiable-yes, since remember roggers reminds you they woud kill you with bare hand (which IS possible because they cant livt entire horse) at the shore-which is highly possible.
Why people still arguing that is an evil/bad act by he alliance?
The alternative was far worse-extermination since the orcs started the first and second war to conquer all of azeroth, killing everyone at sight, murder, pillaging and even raping.
The alliance had even mercy with then and just put them into camps an people still complain about it “mimimi this is such bad that the orcs warcriminals were put into PoW camps mimimi”
And we only knew from durnholde keep that there were slave figh, we don’t know how the condition in the other camow were.
And btw Blackmore Has done his own thing and wanted to use the orc as slaves army to overthrown the king.