Are Horde the bad guys?

If you slaughter everyone, you don’t have to listen to their lamentations.
Probably less cruel as well to have these survivors live on without their husbands.

I think that’s why we invented manabombs, to make sure everyone gets killed equally.

I sure don’t.

Mind you, this is even slightly outdated by now…

It’s perspective. When you level as a Horde you see various bad things the Alliance do. When you level as Alliance you see various bad things the Horde do.

You even get slightly different views of the same events they witness.

Play the characters you enjoy, guilds and much pug content are cross faction now anyway.


Not quite, since if the alliance is the aggresoren-what next?
At the end you will have the same boring, Hackneyed faction war story with NO winner since then cant let lose one faction which in the end doesn’t really satisfy anyone.

I think it’s a moot point by now, faction choice is pretty much entirely cosmetic, due to the 2:1 faction imbalance in favour of the Horde, making as much as possible cross-faction is the only way to keep things going…

I’m just hoping we get a few more “Hell yeah!”-moments, and a bit less of the “Staring wistfully into the distance”, DF overdid it a bit on the latter, IMO.

Mostly because twitter gets offended when they try to make the alliance do a bad thing and for some reason twitters opinion is really important to developers.

I thin kthe allinace needs to slip up so the horde can legitimately go shock and awe and ensue a real big war… within

Quite the opposite actuially. I want a reason for playing Horde. But why would you play a faction that you know are the “bad guys” who will eventually lose in the end. Who’s only reason for existing is because you can’t just remove an entire faction from the Game.

We’ve even gotten to a point, where Horde hardly have any recognizable characters left. Apart from Thrall and Baine, I can’t actually think of any important Horde Characters. Sylvanas is Gone, Varok is Gone, Gallywix is Gone, Vol’jin is gone, Nazgrim is gone.

So they need to introduce basically a new generation of Horde Characters and built up their story and lore to actually make us care for them.

Edit: Horde still has Rokhan, but I think Blizzard forgot he exists.

You keep saying this, but in a 2 faction game NEITHER OF THEM is ever going to ‘lose in the end’.

Because of Gameplay Reasons… The Horde exists because of Plot-Armor, literally nothing else. And even if we were to go to War, the Horde would be so outclasses it hurts. The Alliance, in lore, literally have a Spaceship in orbit, which can do Orbital Strikes.

Horde still living in Middle Ages, while Alliance is playing Warcraft 40k.

Edit: Using that Orbital Strike is even the Light-forged Draenei’s Racial ability.


And? The Goblins have a giant gun.

What does it matter? My point stands: Neither side will ever lose in the end.
So just play horde if that’s what you want.

This, and and ask yourself why so many alliance players were so dissatisfied, because despite all the possibilities they have, they are not being exploited while the horde is happily throwing mana bombs and plague.
If logic were applied, the horde would be finished as soon as they crossed the border because the Orbial laser would directly target OG.
The horde has benefited from plot amor in so many places that it’s not even funny and many alliance players have complained about it, because the horde gets away with a lot of crap and the alliance are always the stupid ones.

Because goblin tech is so well know for working well… :upside_down_face:

yes, but many people don’t seem to understand this

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The horde arent THE bad guys.
But theyre still bad guys.

Even on the small scale they do a lot of messed up stuff.
Although blizzard has been moving away from that and making the horde races nicer people in general.

Well, the Draenei aren’t exactly known for flying their spaceships without issues. :sweat_smile:

You mean the spaceship that was sabotaged by blood elves under legion order or the spaceship where a naaru turned into a void god and they had to eject it? I mean they flew vindicaar pretty well.

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No, I don’t. However if another faction war broke out (and honestly I really don’t want it to because that storyline has been overdone to death) I would like for the Alliance to have some teeth this time around.


Except that all the crashes were piloted by a naaru.

well, the exodar crashed becaus the blodelves (that one legion under kaelthats command( sabtoaged the ship with intend to kill the dranei

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‘so the Draenei claim’