Are Mirage raceway and Pyrewood going to be invaded by rerollers?

Seems like every single conversation is about pve servers and “how is wpvp on pve servers, is it better since you can choose whether to do it or not”? Is it just a temporary thing or are these servers going to be “invaded” by people who can’t stand P2 on pvp servers anymore?

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Better solution

please support (and bump)

My guess is people will try to make alts there until blizz offer paid transfers. Then the servers will be full, they are almost full now i think.

Then theyll open more pve servers and the current pvp servers will lose pop numbers and get merged.

They should imo show a basic ally horde ratio for server pop. Not to avoid but because sone folks would take on the challange of conquering a server.


Seems to me like you used all your alts to upvote your own thread, because it just doesn’t make any sense at all

Not my alts check the toons and you’ll see that’s demonstrably not the case

If you want the forums to be like this for the next year or so, then…

Already started on Pyrewood, a huge wave of alliance rerolls were crowding Elwynn and Westphal this weekend.

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