It does not matter to you.
I said what i said since i dropped my resto druid, made a shammy and played the same dungeons with the same gear levels. I am speaking in terms of personal experience and not some hyperbole. When both actions roughly tend to achieve the same goal this gets noticed. I noticed how easy it is for shammies to heal. There are reasons as to why shammies are good. I am not here to argue that but the seeing how many are up there speaks for itself.
I can see why. With one simple totem drop, once again, they can get rid of all poisons and diepells this week. Something a resto druid has to wait one minute for as they are on a 12 second cd. Alternatively i heal them off or theu use personals. Which they are not doing at all this week so far. Not seen it once in the keys ive run.
The effort required to achieve the same goals on both classes is miles apart. One simple healing stream totem, and possibly a riptide on top just to make sure, kept the bars in the same state as all 3 hots i can put on you. They both did the same thing. One took 12 globals to achieve. The other was a passive totem drop and one additional spell.
Have you played a resto druid at all? Do you understand what i a saying here?
I will be happy if ever the classes will be all equal. And i said this before.That wil never happen.
And since i know that rdruids healing is based on multiple stacked heals, there will never ever be one single simple solution to equal a shammies totem. The only thing that comes close is convoke.
And i am not happy and a selfish person because of that? I think something got lost in the translation there from your language into mine. At no point did i state anything remotely close to throwing a tantrun since my rdruid was not top of the list. Weird comment.
And i am confused as to your assesrtion that i am selfish when it comes to class balance and that i am that way since i want my rdruid to shine. I dont get it.
I played my rdruid through think and thin since 2010. At the start of this expansion we had it really rough. I was stacking all 12 hots all the time on all i could. Be it on a DH who got out of range faster than you can say MB, or some rogue who used sprint. I worked my rear end off using nearly every single global and it still only did as much as when a shammy dropped a simple little totem.
Dont blame me. Blame blizzard. There are reasons as to why shammies are at the top of the list.