Are you hyped for Dragonflight?

I’m happy that this will be a breath of fresh air from the grey, fel green, depressing content that we’ve had for the past four expansions.

Bfa zones weren’t that depressing imo. Maybe just Nazmir.

never play fallout that’s basically all the colors there are :stuck_out_tongue:

They were awesome, even Nazmir’s swamp and Drustvar’s creepy forest had its own unique atmosphere
In SL, only Revendreth comes close to them IMHO

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Drustvar was the best zone!

Yes I love Revendreth! But think Ardenwaeld was my favourite not druid biased zone to level through. I remember Revendreth without flying…ugh…

No. Because shadow suck a… Again. Unfinished.

If my class sucks…then i dont realy care bout anything else expansion have to offer.

Its unbeliveable to be frank.

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Hyped, not really.
Eager to play new content and be done with anything Shadowlands? Yes.

I’m looking forward to DF, but I’m not hugely excited.

not at all. this is the last garbage ever. some students from third countries are simply hired and a waste is programmed. ZERO new content! yes… 3d graphics can also be created by an idiot without arms. that’s what it’s all about!

even in SL we have EXTREMELY much recycled content. and in DF we probably only have 99% recycled content!
they want to sell us a 1-year subscription because they know that no one will play this DIARRHEA!

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They didn’t hire students from faraway lands. They hired mobile game teens from Irvine who don’t know anything about Tolkien, D&D, Warhammer or 90’s games.

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I haven’t bought dragonflight yet, and the comments here make me reconsider. Why is the feeling so lethargic here? Is it just based on shadowlands, or what about dragonflight is making people hate it?

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I don’t know how it is now. However, in 2018-2019 I saw many reports of how things were in the company. and back then I was still playing wow and diablo3. That was also the reason why I urgently canceled subscriptions and uninstalled both games!

No borrow power
A less bustier pvp
Solo shufle
Equal pvp gear
Improved mythic+ challange- suckz they have few new dungeons
More easier raids at start- so more people try it
No treadmill grinds
Alt friendly
Finally a wow fantasy like aproach

Seems way decent than SL was.

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It might end up being surprisingly good, or at least I hope so. Hopefully there will be lots of little things to do (outside of raiding and M+) in the game to keep us playing.

I hope so. I really do.

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more so based on trust in the company to deliver a good experience i think…

i think most people just do not fully trust blizzard ability anymore.

EDIT: and they have done so much damage to themselves in the eyes of the fans… that they need to perform literally miracles to appease them…

and so far DF just looks… “Meh/alright” so people are both optimistic and sceptical at the same time.

EDIT2 : its safe to say the days of WoW making gamers queue on the streets all night are over right now.

i have my doubts…

but i also know nothing…

so we’ll see ?

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No it just looks boring.

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I was cautiously optimistic because it finally appeared to be a more fun and chill expansion, like MoP.

But then they decided to kill of Malfurion as if the night elves needed another tragedy, proving it’s yet another god awful depressing piece of crap, written by the same team of mean-spirited, nihilistic, bitter, empty human shells.

malfurion should have died back in bfa

Honestly that would have made slightly more sense, especially with Tyrande’s night warrior storyline, and maybe she could have met Malf in the Shadowlands to finally calm her down.

But no, they have to do a completely meaningless switcheroo to ring back Ysera, completely undercutting Merithra’s storyline too. All this just because they want to kill of yet another old male leader.