Arena is full of glads boosting players

I remember being between 1700 and 2000 rating back in MOP and about 1 in 5 games had some kind of boosting or smurfing going on in the other team. It’s been always like this. At least in 2s. Usually it’s smurfing tho.

I don’t see any fix for this. Any system you’ll come up with to avoid this will be gamed and turn into a nuisance for everyone that just wants to play with his friends.

Should read that

I did and it sounds like a chore.

In PVE we have blizzard coming up with more draconian restrictions every expansion to slow down the gearing of echo and limit and guess what… They still had 220+ ilevel in their raid in the second mythic week. Meanwhile us plebs get items that we don’t want and can’t trade to our friends that want them. I know, pvp and pve are very different but these systems have never worked out. And they will never work out.

Usually the best thing you can do is attack the client, and CC the booster. playing vs r1 people that have a 1200 player on their team is handicapping them, and is a huge disadvantage, so you should not have any problems facing boosters if you’re not a bad player.

Best of luck!

Sounds like a bigger chore to sit in lfg for hours instead of just playing.
But hey, lets complain instead and keep on dreaming how solo queue will solve all issues (it won’t).

I think most of the boosting now is because pve players want some fast and easy ilvls, so yeah, ilvls locked behind rating is doing it’s (bad) work.

I like Bewares idea btw.


Uhm… Well… That’s kinda obvious. The whole premise of it is based on the fact that too much convenience is your enemy, not your friend.
But ok, you know what, it’s not like anyone saying anything definitive now is going to matter. So just wait for TBC Classic. If they do bring back rated seasons in that, and bring back the Elo rated system they used back then with the arena teams and tabards and names and so on, then you’ll see how few people will be going back to looking for players to play with every time they want to do arenas like so many people do now in retail.

Social glue matters.

But at the same time that is a little off-topic in this thread, so about the topic of this thread then as explained in the post where I linked to it, it’s that by making it more strenuous to boost, then it’ll actively discourage it. Which that “penalty system” would help accomplish.

Or as you put it: “It sounds like a chore.” … Obviously. Which is the whole point.

At the same time you motivate people to play together more regularly instead of so many defaulting back to the group finder every time, as well as not really making much of a difference for the people who already plays together regularly, and it doesn’t “lock” you with a hard limit into only playing with a few people which was a common complaint back during the days with the arena teams.

It just makes people feel it’s more worth to play with the same people thanks to the natural path of investing in them, as well as making it take a longer time to boost which actively discourages boosting, which would help reduce the amount of customers for it.

You can’t keep your cake after eating it. It’s because of the overly convenient options in place that the group finder is a mess, and boosting being as easy as it is, that it has become like this.

You could discourage boosting more by separating PvP gear and PvE gear like in WoD (best system except for Trashran, thus far), but that only takes care of the PvE people who are only looking for ilvl. It wouldn’t affect the people buying boosts for titles or mounts whatsoever, and the group finder would still be the same mess as now.
As mentioned already, boosting can never be prevented fully without hardcore policing oversight of their own game on an individual level. But the suggestion above at least discourages it a bit more for every potential customer, instead of only discouraging the PvE people, while at the same time making it a better option to play regularly with the same people instead of going back to the group finder every. single. time. people want to play which in turn makes it harder to find people since people become more and more distrustful after recurring negative experiences, which in turn leads to all of the lying which makes people more distrustful, which leads to people wanting “better and better” players to invite just to avoid losing their rating.

It becomes a death spiral, leading to where the game is now, and it will only continue to get worse.
“The grass is always greener on the other side”, while people think it’s always easier to find someone “better” to play with than to improve together whenever the smallest problem comes up with the one(s) you’ve already found.

They should just remove rating requirements on pvp gear and the boosting problem will almost disappear overnight.

Rating requirements on pvp gear hardly makes sense from a pvp perspective as it should be about gameplay and comps, not gear deciding who wins.

… Except for all of the expansions previously where boosting has always been a problem. It just wasn’t drawing in a bunch of PvE players who only wants the gear, it was limited to the ones who wanted the mount/title/enchant illusion.

Literally in the post above yours.

I have to chilö before i tell this guy something unwanted haha

Does anyone also notice that more players on twitch are literally openly boosting 2v2s and 3v3s for gold? They even mention it in their titles now which I’m pretty sure the didnt do much before in previous expansions or if they did then they did it really subtly.
Hansol and trillebartom to name a few and they are even showing how they are coaching and how much gold they are getting out of it as they utterly smash 1.6/1.7 players by themselves literally.

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in the past everyone had a blazingboost ad up on their stream and did it offstream for real money instead

Boosting for gold has been allowed for many years already. It’s just that most of those streamers would do it for real life money instead, and they had no need for more gold. Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re still doing it for real life money, since it’s one of the more lucrative ways to earn your keep as a “WoW esports player”.

Not like you can get much money from legitimate tournaments in WoW.

The real issue in my eye’s is that blizz allow boosting for gold and therefore have no real way to diferentiate between someone boosting for gold or real money, other than perhaps hard evidence like a screenshot discussing the transaction.

If you go onto any real money boosting site you will find that there is on average a 5 day wait unless you pay for a express premium boost. Meaning they have so much work going on right now that you are waiting nearly a whole week just to get your boost, that in itself is evidence of how bad “Illegal” boosting that against the TOS is, so add on “legal” boosting for gold as well and you can start to see why this is a massive problem.

Pesonally i think they should have a ratings lock system like hearthstone ranking, i.e once you reach 1600, 1800, 2.1, 2.4k respectivley you can never drop below those ratings, which would completely stop the R1/Glad players tanking their rating to sell boosts.

Sure they would have to do a better job of balancing the game since im sure in its current iteration you would hit a wall of 220 geared bad rets at 1800 but you get my point.

Its just bad for the game long term and if you cant see that or are defending boosting you are part of the problem.

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Whilst I think it’s an unfair advantage to have a gladiator level player against low level teams in all fairness and in an open market if top end guilds are boosting people through HC, why not a leg up in arena if your purse is big enough?

Convert it into wow tokens yourself.

in PVE you only lose your time, and some consumables gold.
In PvP you also lose your ‘hard’ earned rating, leading to extra stress.

Imagine losing an item from your equipment after X amount of wipes on a boss. That’s what pvp is somewhat.


No I agree with you on that it is unfair.

You were around 2k…i was at 0-1000 fought 40 k hp players who had 25 k hp teammates.

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Your issues are not within the Game. Your problem is sitting infront of the desk.

And when you face rank one players, learn from them and improve. Watch their Streams, even better if you watch Gameplay of your own Comp to see how to do it better. They still play the same Game as you do with the same tools.

On paper,many things are easy.

Same people being top ranks since tbc destroys your logic.

I don’t know I kinda like it. I got from 0-1600 on my new windwalker in 2-3 hours. It’s nice because you go against 2400 boosters so their MMR is like 1800+ so you barely lose any rating and get 30+ rating per win.

Going to push to 1800 this weekend, not sure if it will get less rating after 1600 but don’t mind the boosters.

Or maybe will go back to my main DK and just respec frost as given the recent buffs guess Blizzard really doesn’t want us to play unholy so I’ve come to peace with it.

Btw you should beat boosters as usually one of the players is useless and you get tons of rating for winning because of their MMR, not sure what you’re complaining about

I love facing boosters in Arena. Usually the person getting boosted is trash so its an eazy 1v2. Killed Pikachu yesterday at 1800 :smiley: Eazy dab