Argent Dawn, Communities, Us VS Them & Escapism

Yeah that’s me.


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There have been many good posts by role players on the subject of OOCers on AD recently. The effort seems to be gaining traction and Blizzard started showing minor signs of receptiveness.


No no… I am the PCU now :clown_face:


Another individual added into the hivemind.


Another clown for the collection…


I’m digging the circus :clown_face:


No no… all rpers are PCU now.


Just for the record, it is Ilyadris for those who still had doubts.

And since I’ve never had a problem with him, and even had some help with raiding from him during Legion, I am going to ask:

Why the bitter posts all the time Ilyadris? You still roleplay here too, I saw you on your paladin in Stormwind not long ago and we had a pleasant talk then. What does it accomplish? You’re perfectly capable of being a good roleplayer and from the times we talked you did seem like a decent person.


This is a big thing, on other servers, and even classic like Zandalari tribe, you can’t say anything against non-RPers without being torn apart because almost no one there RPs or abides by any of the RP rules like naming policies and griefing/disrupting RP.

I actually had right click report abused against me for pointing out RP policies and giving a link to the articles in public chats in Classic.

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Sad state of Classic RP. No one cares on Zandalar Tribe cause it’s PvP server, meanwhile Hydraxian Waterlords is dead.

You what? So you’re telling me you can be either coming to a roleplay realm to roleplay or… ? Do nothing. Yes.

Would you like to tell me what OOC’ers contribute to Argent Dawn?

Everything can be done cross-realm. OOC’ers contribute nothing but being laughing stocks.

RP or get out.

What does that even mean? How should I interpretate it as?

Because the first interpretation that comes to mind is “You go to a bar and start disrupting people having fun there. The people you disrupt, should accept you instead of antagonizing you”.

Imagine working 8 hours a day + 1 hour trip home. You eat and all. So you have a few hours (if at all and not spend with family/friends) to roleplay. Some goons decide to interrupt your roleplay by spaming in the chat, jumping ontop of your character etc. Would you accept that?

Would you accept someone who tries to interrupt your hobby? Because I wouldn’t.

Had that situation last night that some scrubs came into a tavern where I was roleplaying with a few friends. They told us to leave etc because it’s “their death roll table”. We decided to sit there and wait until they were gone. After spam and “XDDD” memes that only 12 year olds would think is funny, they left.

Stormwind Army or w/e that Goldshire guild is called, came to Duskwood same thing. Tried to interrupt roleplay, having their PvP turned on. They got killed over and over and never came there again. Clowns, nothing else.

I do though.

Install TRP, get to roleplay or get off this realm. If installing TRP is already “too hard” and “gatekeeping” like some say, then please never touch any form of media ever again, thank you.

The dream is dead, gamers. Argent Dawn remains the last fortress of WoW RP

I was PCU before I was PCU.


I took a very long break from RP to recharge my batteries and left BR because I would only be playing WoW, not attending events and so on. I was unguilded for most of this year, but the forums never show that, so I chucked my toons into my banker guild, then it updated.

No drama, just needed a break, plus was hoping to spend more time IRL getting various things done. I’ll be returning to BR over the next few days though.


The forums takes like a million years to update things unless you force it. Vixi has not been in Emberwings for well over a year now & guildless since it’s no longer existant/active other than a bank alt guild for a friend.

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I don’t even know what guild this is supposed to be

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Just a happy reminder of what OOCers are like and why we despise them:

Just in case you were still wondering why role-players who are on a role-playing realm do not like these types of people.

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You’re a decent guy (most of the time) Desartin so i’ll level with you

I’ve been a roleplayer on this server for far longer than I care to admit. It’s passion that drives my posts against these vile cretins whom killed their own servers that have migrated here and are carrying out the same disgusting acts and attempts to undermine all roleplay to kill yet another server. In this case, the last remaining RP server in Europe.

They hide it all behind a veil of “Us vs them” that people who don’t know better buy into. You included. No, standing in lines auto attacking while a healer heals constantly isn’t RP nor is it content. No, making level 1 alts to slander people IC and kick off Anti-Void Elf sentiment, all while using other alts to support Inara who was a rampant ERPer isn’t RP.

In conclusion - The Rotgarde were a stain on the server when they first formed. Now, so many years later with the inclusion of infinitely more toxic elements? They are a plague on the server. They are the greatest threat to RP on AD. Not the supposed OOCers who just do their thing. Newsflash. A large number of these griefers you just paint with the same “umg it’s an oocer” brush are other roleplayers doing it because they think their roleplay is “Superior”. Just look at the meme roof for christ sake.

Be better.


I agree with your post, OP.

Debates establish a connection between people. Pushing a perspective that focuses on dividing everyone in two categories and then trying to subtract legitimacy to one should be seen as a toxic move. I do not think players have the authority to tell how other players should play or enjoy the game - and there’s something unscrupulous and entitled to believe otherwise (as long as no one is being harmed, of course). In general, I don’t think non-roleplayers should be thrown alongside griefers, as if they are a single category.

I find it especially troubling when it often comes from the same people who have often defended toxic or uncaring stances through statements like “as a paying customer it is my right to do what I want”. To me, a lot of people are adopting a tribalistic mentality not because it’s right or wrong but rather because it provides them the advantage they want. And that’s enough of a justification to act. This exarcebates a negative atmosphere not only outside but also inside the community.

So you are saying that you would prefer to have Goldshire-esque type of roleplayers instead of people who do normal roleplay that doesn’t include weird stuff?

Most people I check on checkpvp that grief don’t have any roleplaying guilds or even characters.

I also would sign that my roleplay is superior to that of any Goldshire regulars. I hope you do the same.

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