Argent Dawn EU has a population of 70% Alliance, and yet Alliance are the ones who get the War Mode bonus. The Warmode phase is chock FULL of them

Enjoy it, level your characters for the Heritage Armor while it lasts. You won’t get them easier than that.

It’s detrimental to the Alliance players as well, those that worked hard to get, for example 100 exalted reps. I’ll just know they did it on easy mode, with a no risk bonus.

WM Bonus should reflect the RP sharding, it’s got different rules so they should modify the bonus to reflect this. Anyone grand standing that there is no issue here doesn’t have a leg to stand on, in what way is it fair for the Horde players to face overwhelming numbers? 70%+ as some people have said! Then, not only not get a bonus, but the Alliance ZERG does!


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Work smarter, not harder. Can’t blame people for that, can you?

Do what you’ve got to do, still will feel it’s a shortcut so it’ll lessen the the achievement for the Alliance on the RP shard in my eyes.

The bonus exists to promote players to join a unfair PvP scene, it’s not meant to promote players to get a bonus and join a Zerg. That’s just easy mode.

No risk, all rewards.

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I actually waited for someone to tell you this but you don’t get any bonis in the reputation but Gold/Azerite. Maybe you should really play the Alliance once in your life before you try to blame them.

Ahh yes, very true. Don’t worry, you don’t need to wait for more people to tell me. I’m a big boy, I can own up to a mistake. Still it doesn’t change the fact it’s easy mode, no risk, extra rewards!


There is about 4:1 alliance domination on this shard, as of now the Alliance bonus is 25% horde bonus is 10%

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Imagine how loud would alliance cry if Blizz took the buff away from them? They would start another wave of hate…


Both sides enjoy a good cry :slight_smile:

I’m seriously sick of Blizzard reinventing the wheel constantly and then failing to fix issues they’ve fixed multiple times in the past.

What happens in Wintergrasp when you’re outnumbered? You don’t get a bonus for winning, you get a buff to your character.

In addition, regarding Argent Dawn wanting privacy, that outcry was spurred prior to the Siege of Lordaeron, when there was an RP-PVP campaign of such a high turnout that it crashed the AD server multiple times. That was back when the RP community of AD was attempting to make use of War Mode and the Cross-RP addon (which broke at some point and resulted in the Elixir of Tongues being added to the game) to run RP-PVP campaigns. However, the result is that the RP was constantly having to be put on a hold, as full raids of Horde/Alliance offrealm griefers would appear and ruin it totally. In the end, the result was a poor attempt to RP-PVP while two full raids of RP-protectors and offrealm griefers slaughtered each other in the background. It was horrific and ruined much of what was set up.

This lead to a massive outcry from the AD community to have their own WM shards.

Then they stopped using WM for RP-PVP events, they just flag for PVP outside of War Mode now.

Just in case anyone was wondering.

Also I would post the screenshots of the two factions lining up for screenshots and crashing the server, but Blizzard doesn’t like me posting links here. Suffice to say it was impressive.

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Yepp you’re right there Gaske. As an WPvPer on defias (rp-pvp) realm people that didn’t enjoy being killed by random horde/alliance ended up changing to argent dawn to have more controll over their events.
I’m sure blizzard WoW worker’s know that RP-PvP are known for the toxic community we -HAD- (WPvPers are kinda gone tbh)
We from RP-PvP servers and Argent D do not wan’t to be on the same phase in WM. So i wonder what stops them.

Except my ‘‘cry’’ is justified. The Alliance outnumber us 10 to 1 and they still get the ‘Against overwhelming odds’ bonus. It just makes no sense.

I wasn’t playing until a year ago, but there’s a big difference between being ganked in world pvp and being ganked while you’re doing an RP event. The latter is pretty crappy to do, as those things take time and effort to organise for dozens of people.

Also people might simply move to AD because it had more players/RP.


That’s observational. Other data, like wm bonus says Horde outnumber Alliance on average, therefore incentive required for outnumbered. Our wm survey says majority of responders feel outnumbered half the time or less during gameplay.

My perception is that dual faction shard balance varies, but that’s just my observation. If I was to go round the zone and do a head count, would it actually be balanced? Possibly less unbalanced than we realize. It could be that player distribution in zone is the single biggest factor of balance perception.

Kinda what i ment, back in Mop/WoD + some wpvp guilds on horde (atleast) went and f%cked up their events, so they moved to AD. Doing WPvP around the world randomly or have a GvG is something else

Personally, I would be much happier if RP-PvP realms became actually PvP (Normal) ones, and not RP. There was none/close to none RP on DB so it would make sense for it to become a PvP realm instead. Seeing whole raids of random AD alliance players wasting my time, when i’m grinding neck really annoys me. These people are RPers, they don’t need to grind the neck for Mythic Progress etc. Most of them don’t even raid at all, and in the meantime i’m doing my best to perform as good as i can on my guild’s progress days, so i kinda need this 10% Azerite Buff, but seeing so many undergeared randoms running in multiple groups and killing solo players doesn’t help. And with the awesome 50/50 Horde/ally ratio we had on Defias i think all of us would be much happier.


I’m talking about Argent Dawn. I don’t care about data from servers I literally won’t interact with. Applying global data to isolated servers is dumb.

Yes, Alliance should get the warmode bonus if they are sharded with realms where the Horde outnumber them.

The RP servers aren’t such a case. The Alliance outnumbers Horde 10 to 1 easily and still get a fat bonus.


Apparently you are not on argent dawn in wm though. You are on a wm shard, populated with ad and other rp realms.

Problem: rp wm shards are not 100% isolated from normal wm shards, due to cross shard groups. A separately calculated bonus is not workable unless rp wm shards are 100% isolated from normal wm shards.

If you want a separate rp wm bonus calc, pushing for rp wm 100% isolation from normal wm would be the way to go. An issue for communities and friends lists tho, no more grouping between rp/normal friends. Always drawbacks.

I doubt 9.0 will see WM as it is now. Imbalanced, rewarding leechers and punishing actual wpvp.

A whole generation of pve players are getting used to epic rewards( free gear, 30% buff) with ZERO effort. The moment the wm buff dropes to 15% the forums gets flooded with pve leeches wanting their buff back.

I dont know how sharding is supposed to work, but for horde on AD it’s impossible to do wpvp. The dominating faction gets rewarded with 25% bonus, while the minority faction gets 10%. This is pathetic.


Only one side got rewarded for crying though.


Thats easy to fix. Calculate the BONUS on the fly!

  1. the shard has 70% horde and 30% scum? - scum gets bonus
  2. the shard has 70% scum and 30.% horde? - horde gets the bonus

recalculate that everytime people drop in or out of the shard - problem solved.