Argent Dawn EU has a population of 70% Alliance, and yet Alliance are the ones who get the War Mode bonus. The Warmode phase is chock FULL of them

Doesn’t reduce region faction imbalance, needed to balance shards.

No we dont need faction balance that train is long gone, as most alliance players dont have any faction pride at all.
(which I can understand, cause when you learn you are the bad guys why would you wanna stay with your bad guy faction)

but fixing the wm bonus is easy as I just have pointed out
(ofc you dont want that, because then you wouldnt have your 30% bonus 24/7 am I right?)


Controversial opinion.

I am in wm for wpvp, only a pve’er would care about bonus amount.

Which are all Alliance heavy yes. The Warmode bonus is global, it doesn’t care about that RP shard.

Ye, but although rp wm shards are populated from rp realms, they are not isolated from normal wm players, and normal wm shards are not isolated from rp players. RP wm shards should only get separate bonus calculation if fully isolated.

So? That’s irrelevant.

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Horde normal pve’ers would in large numbers join rp groups to get 30% bonus. Incentive based shard hopping sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Thanks for another of your useless jibs :smiley:

As has been proven before without the 30% Bonus you alliance dont come into wpvp :smiley:

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Apparently the Horde are more PvP than Alliance, in which case so many being worried about bonus amount is confusing :smiling_face:

Maybe… the issue isn’t too few Alliance in wm, but too many Horde. Who are these extra Horde in wm that cause region faction imbalance… PvPers? Hmm… PvPers that worry about a PvE bonus? Odd.

Yet many Horde admit they only fight when it’s a 100% chance and that if it wasn’t this unbalanced to begin with they would have never gone WM. But sure the Alliance are cowards… The Alliance who kept WM during 8.0 were the real people with courage. Couldn’t get enar a flight point or WQ without being ganked or taking in the most extreme case 33 minutes of waiting to kill a single named mob!

Horde started to complain the remaining Allaince were pro at escaping or hiding and that tehyc oudlnt’even finish their weekly 10 kills anymore! So the scalling buff came the buff that isn’t baised towards Alliance if Horde wnats it you all need to massivly go WM off for a week. Then you can get the ‘OP’ 415 item and 30% bonus!

Plz do I will use this week to farm rares and supply caches in Nazjatar like a mad man!

Except Alliance players aren’t doing that, so your narrative is bogus.

You don’t balance on what ifs, you balance on what’s happening in the moment. And in the moment dozens of thousands of Alliance players get more AP, REP and War resources out of war mode without risking anything. It literally affects server first races.

Alliance don’t need to, they already get same extra bonus on both normal and rp wm shards.

However, if rp Alliance wm pve’ers had a lower bonus they would shard hop to normal wm shards, just as Horde normal wm pve’ers would hop to rp shards for higher bonus - guaranteed.

Incentive based shard hopping is a bad idea.

So why aren’t alliance players from other shards coming to AD EU for easy WM farm?

Oh right because your what if scenario doesn’t happen enough to warrant worrying about it.


They don’t need to, they have extra bonus regardless. There could be some benefit from being on quieter rp shards, but 1. they’d have to think of it, and 2. they’d have to open group finder. Too much effort, when you get extra bonus regardless.

However, if rp shards had their own separately calculated bonus, different scenario.

Large % of both factions will in bulk go where the higher bonus is - guaranteed.

But they’d have a far easier time farming and winning Battle for Naz on AD EU. They’re not doing that, so clearly Horde players wouldn’t come to AD EU either.

And even if they did the natural proportions of the Shard would still be 9 Alliance to 1 Horde.

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Greed for extra % would drive it, not shard balance.

The realms should just be merged with the general war mode population. The argument that RP realms need to be isolated in war mode is meaningless. No one RPs in war mode, and if you want to RP-PVP you can turn war mode off and just /pvp. It’s funny how 99% of the people arguing war mode should not be sharded with the general population on RP realms are alliance…almost like they have a vested interest or something. Strange.


Ye I don’t see why not. If the RP’ers do want to RPPvP, they don’t need WM to do it.

Better to merge them, than other possible solution of two different bonuses depending on realm type.

The realm type concept should be dropped too. Just make RP a mode that you toggle if want RP. Then you get layered into your realm with other RP mode on players.

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Typical solution coming from a guy like you. You want me to roll a character for no other reason that to make this futile attempt to fix something that Blizzard should be fixing knowing full well it will not make a difference. And by the way, I do have several Alliance characters in fact.

How about this instead, you AD types stop turning off Warmode and stop whining in the Boralus chat about how unfair Blizzard is to you while they are KNOWINGLY allowing you to exploit the AAO buff.


First of all, child, the EU-team is bond to the regulations of the official team which is why there are no changes. Blaming the players is a poor solution but I guess you really are grasping after everything you can get.

And you’re talking with the wrong person here. I have been since the BfA-launch in the WM. If you want to blame someone, then find at least the person in the chat and write in full caps lock! I’m sure this will help a lot!