Argent Dawn EU has a population of 70% Alliance, and yet Alliance are the ones who get the War Mode bonus. The Warmode phase is chock FULL of them

But there are, though. People from non-RP shards can’t be defaulted into them. That is why the imbalance exists.

As a Horde on a rp pvp shard dominated by AD, i see two solutions:

  1. Merge rppvp with regular warmode sharding


  1. Since rppvp is now separate from general warmode sharding, calculate the bonus separately as well. As it stands now its anywere between 5:1 - 10:1 alliance:horde ratio, so bonuses have to be calculated accordingly.

Is it so hard to do, like for real?

I swear sometimes those skytrains of 10-15 ppl descending on my a$$ to gank are tilting me , and im a rogue. I guess classes without stealth are unplayable.

No they are just lazy

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That would be better than separate bonus calc. Rp is not 100% isolated from normal, so a separate bonus would just create problems. Whereas merging creates no problems.

100% right.
And why would they even merge AD and the rest of RP-PvP togheter in WM? Who though it would be an good idea. RP-PvP had like 50-50 ish with horde and alliance.
And AD… another faction balance story. What a shame.

There definitely needs to be a fix for this but also a way to avoid people just being able to shard into RP Realms.

Perhaps disable shard hopping when War Mode is enabled?

So members of a community can’t wm together?

Although maybe if you move Shards to an RP Realm or vice versa it doesn’t change your bonus?

So even if the bonus on an RP Realm was 10%, you would still maintain that in a Normal Realm that had 20%.

This could cause an influx of pve’ers to rp realms purely for guaranteed bonus. I mean, I don’t mind that, but it dilutes the rp realms playerbase with normals, and defeats the point of rp realms. Would it happen? Maybe not, but I don’t underestimate bonus players.

Imo, get rid of realm types, make them all just realms. And have an rp mode… same idea as wm, but set up as an rp’er would want.

But I know, always drawbacks.

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That’s probably a better solution to be honest.

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How would this fix the 10:1 Alliance favored ratio?

Blaming the players isn’t a solution, you are right. But pointing out how the system may be exploited is something I can do as a player, even if you might not enjoy having the finger pointed in your general direction. The fact that a lot of the Alliance are turning off Warmode is a problem. And it’s ironic that you say I grasp at anything I can get considering you are here pretending that the AAO buff isn’t a big deal and I should shut the hell up and roll Alliance.

Well, this would be the best solution for everyone involved. Play more Alliance. I have on both sides ~7 max level characters and I love to play them all, especially my Enc Tauren and Demo-lock Gnome.

AD has the same issues as Draenor. One sides outweighs the other faction by 75% and nobody really makes a fuzz about it, expect the Horde-players who love to have the same 25-30% AP-increase. But the truth is that AD isn’t really a competitive server. I just switched yesterday for the first time into the normal mode and there are 75% more players in the classic mode instead in WM.

In the end, it doesn’t really matter how yo perceive AD. It isn’t a normal server and while the Alliance-players have a great time there, it doesn’t factor into the global issue which normal servers face.

Therefore, my point still stands. If you want to change the system or profit from it, then you have to play Alliance.

This is not a solution to the AAO issue. The AAO system was supposed to be a measure to the lack of Alliance in Warmode. The problem on the RP groups is not a lack of Alliance. Get it?

But it does not cause on Draenor the Horde isn’t getting the AAO buff, are they? The outnumbered faction, namely the Alliance are getting the AAO buff, so how you worked out that it’s the same issue, is beyond me. But somehow I’m not surprised to hear you utter this.

You honestly telling me that you AD types are that special that you somehow deserve all the benefits and none of the drawbacks? Again, not surprised to hear this from you.

It stands as much as a Horde telling an Alliance on the Draenor server to roll Horde to fix the imbalance issue. It makes no sense to a normal person, but to guys like you, namely AD types, it makes perfect sense cause you think you are that special. And please note that when I say AD types, I’m not talking about everyone on that server, just people who are entitled enough to believe a faulty system favoring them is something they deserve and arrogant enough to believe anyone falls for your wool-over-the-eyes advice.

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Imbalance only matters in that it requires single faction shards, resulting in free bonus.

  • A relatively small number of wm rp alliance get free 20% bonus + aoo quest, on alliance single faction wm rp shards.
  • In normal wm, a far greater number of horde get free 10% bonus on horde single faction wm shards.

Free bonus is bad. But the bonus/aoo sorta balances out overall, because of the total eu normal/rp realm faction proportions.

However, PvE bonus is irrelevant for wpvp, since pve’rs are just arrow fodder.

Your posting was a waste of time, to be frank. You are not in control of what will happen or not and our opinions do not matter.

As a matter of fact, I do so no value answering your further requests for replies. The system is flawed and you simply have to accept it instead blaming others for the injustice you “suffer”. If you don’t like it that the AD server gets the benefits of being an RP-server and having the WM-bonis, then there is nothing you can do. If you want to get your fair share of the system, then roll an Alliance-character on the server.

There is no need for further discussion. Nobody cares if someone is “special” or not, this is just you own point of view how you want to see the situation. Play smart and take advantage of it or just stay frustrated. Really, nobody cares how you feel about it.

That’s all.

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You are right about time wasting. Nothing new was established here aside the fact that the AD type likes his unfair advantage cause he “deserves” it.

The only two things I can blame on players are that some are insisting there’s no “injustice” even if the reality of things says otherwise and the other thing I’m able to blame on players is the fact that quite a few turn off warmode after getting their stuff.

Of course there is. I can point it out until Blizzard either fixes it, or separates my server from AD, which I’d much rather see.

For the second time, I have an Alliance character. You keep repeating the same stupid thing over and over hoping to what? Sound convincing? There’s not fair share here because the AAO system does not fairly distinguish between the outnumbering faction and the outnumbered faction.

There are several people in this thread alone who tend to agree with me, so I’m not sure where you get that “nobody cares” statement. And to drive the point home, someone does indeed care that the Alliance on RP servers is considered indeed special enough to keep the AAO buff for nearly the whole duration of the expansion when they were NEVER outnumbered. And forgive me if I don’t take your douchey advice about exploiting the system and thus turning myself into a hypocrite.

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