Argent dawn for wm wpvp

It’s not, it’s annoying.

Quote them instead.

Then revive it there, don’t bring them here, simple.

There is a large list of normal realms, again, don’t bring the griefers here.

It does not, this is a pure dilusion of yours, we are a rp realm, not a pvp one, go to defias or a normal realm, again, we don’t want you here.

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Yes, that must be why I see DB premades in BGs and plenty of DB players on warmode.

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Yeah no. As I told you before, if you want a single pvp realm, go rally pvp’ers and petition Blizzard untill you get one. Leave roleplayers and roleplaying realms out of this. Trying to get your way by threatening to flood the realm with wpvp’ers is just downright selfish.


However, dont take my general tone too personal. Honestly, the idea to foster community is great, it’s laudible, I encourage it.

Simply put however, this is the wrong way to do it.
I agree that a dedicated non-sharded pvp realm is the way. Or simply a dead RP realm that wont be so negatively impacted.

And, do like the RPers. Want some dedicated non-sharded pvp? Kick up a stirr. Band together!


:point_right: :door: :wave:



I suggest getting a united community then up to kill sharding on pvp realms. Just like we roleplayers did on several occasions as sharding and cross fac.

But that would be doable since PvPers tend to be friendly people who do not grief or are mostly toxic, right?

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No it would not, its an RP realm. Are you daft?

No, he just wants to change the porpuse of the realm to suit his needs and refuses to listen or accept that there are other places better for what he wants, one such realm I keep mentioning over and over again, he just doesn’t wants to move and work for it.

Why are the scarlet gamers trying to import more pvpers, when they can’t even handle the ones already on the realm?


Masochistic nature, or some form of 'tardation.

Seriously, Blizzard should put some effort in keeping this realm healthy and for its purpose.
To bad they don’t do to well with suggestions lately. :upside_down_face:


This is probably not the server you want to do this on since the locals have no real interest in it

OP was aimed more at bringing WPvPers in rather than involving existing locals. But had a different idea so no prob.

A single PvP realm, just for WPvPers, no WM bonus, maybe a PvP related participation bonus to encourage players to transfer. I doubt an existing realm could be converted to a PvP realm, would have to be a new realm. And perhaps good PvP incentives to move to it.

Likely to happen? No.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback, was helpful in the end. I had thought about somehow utilizing RPer fury power, which has proven successful in the past. But how to direct it in a way that resulted in the goal.

AD does get mixed with various servers when WM is enabled. The AD sharding is only active in certain areas, it’s not all over.

Man you are annoying, a jerk and you deserve what you and yours have.

You come here thinking you can “use us” or “take what is ours” without considering whats already is and how hard it is to keep a community. That means you are a jerk.

You also think very highly of yourself, “master manipulator such and such, gonna change the whole realm for WPvP”. Well you shouldn’t, because you are still very ignorant as to what makes a community (inconsideration is not one of the needed traits, think the opposite…).

And your stupid community is a doomed failure because unlike roleplay it is not a self generating content. There is only so much times you can kill the same players over and over again before it becomes dull.

Now take a step back, a moment to reflect and look how you acted and think whether this was how your parents wanted you to grow up.

You are welcome to try roleplay though, after you change yourself a bit.
Peace out :v:t2:


It bugs me that nowhere, anywhere in this ‘come to AD’ post, you are stating that it is a RP server.
I dont mind OOC-ers on the realm that find their way here, some might be old RP-ers or might be friends of RP-ers who wanted to play on the same realm as their friends, but actively inviting people to AD without mentioning anywhere it’s a RP server?
That’s a step to far and actually reaches the point where I’m wondering if it’s best it’s not you that goes to a non RP server with a more active WPVP community?
I don’t want to be a dick in my statements but at the same time I feel like I’m not being unreasonable

He did once… And then followed by something amongst the lines of : the perfeft oppertunity to raise a Wpvp community. Do feel free to correct me.
Cba to scroll up to one of my quotes.

Oh it -is- one of the horse botherer lot? I wasn’t sure when I saw this idiotic idea first crop up, I thought it was just someone being insufferably dense, well that makes more sense now…

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Hard to say, but anyone that references them as any sort of credible source for “established world PvP community” is super suspicious. Not to mention unsavory. Gross.