Argent dawn for wm wpvp

It always is when threads like these pop up, they aren’t that subtle.

What does a horse botherer mean?

I don’t think that’s a fair assessment.

scarlet scourge members made a video of them ERPing with a horse (using alts made on another realm to impersonate some members of this community) and got suspended afterwards

With them being former (E)RPers it kind of adds up tbh, guess they are the paragons of WPvP content when this is what they enjoy as a hobby lmao

Come to think of it, most of the scarlet scourge players are minors IRL so their gleader just coerced them into… bestiality.

Jesus just how corrupt can you become from WPvP


The need for internet fame and the quick buck you make of it sure drives people mad. Thanks for explaining.

I’m sure it’s already been pointed out earlier in the thread, but I do find it interesting (read: suspicious) that the OP also picks the one server where the Horde are outnumbered by the Alliance quite significantly AND manage to retain that inflated rewards bonus due to being outnumbered across the region.

Of course all credibility goes out the window once OP endorses the Scarlet Smegheads, a proven band of griefers and trolls, which kind of goes against their endeavour to create some sort of WM WPvP utopia server. Strikes me that OP misses old PvP servers and wants things to go back to what they were. Leave the RP server out of it next time eh?

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Yes, I noticed there have been some super salty contrarians the past week or so. I reckon it is because their guild collapsed or something. I don’t see them griefing low level roleplayers anymore, at least.

As for OP… other have tried, others have failed, you will fail too.


They raided SW a couple of days ago. By “they” I mean about 4 of them and a ton of random off-realmers they’d invited.

They wiped on Anduin then spent an hour or so being camped in the Deeprun Tram before quitting.

that’s really embarrassing.

Well, crap.

Hey AD friends, this is not directly related but could you please not suggest other RP realms as an “alternative” for this sort of… initiatives? Especially given how outspoken y’all are about OOCers being bad for the RP community.

Contrary to popular belief, RPers on smaller realms DO exist (Hello!), and even more OOC players is the last thing we need. It’s not exactly cool to shove problems like this one our way just because our community is small.


people were doing that? dang, that’s a yikes. I’m all for shooing OOCers off the realm, but they can skedaddle to non-RP realms.


Yeah that’s pretty poor form to advocate that, sorry to see you ran across posts like that. The last thing I would personally want to do is advocate pushing down on those frontier RP servers which are overwhelmed with OOCers.

Keep up the good fight and kudos for trying to keep the flame going a little longer, friend. If you ever get sick of it and feel like bugging out I’m sure you’d be welcome to AD with open arms. I know me and my guild were and a lot of us are refugees from one of your connected realms.


Can’t believe the Honorbound Offensive became the Scarlet Scourge and horse ERPers

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Oh? Well, it’s what will end up happening, what is happening, most pvpers just don’t care if they’re in the wrong server, so yeah, it is fair that we don’t want a community that doesn’t belong to the server and who in the end is already griefing, the laughing stock the op calling the one wpvp guild is just one of them.

But also that guild has roots in RP but they apparently have been so offended over roleplay that they turned griefers.

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to the point where an RP guild died out because the GM spend all his time griefing RP instead :pensive:


The OP himself is an ok player, I definately wouldn’t take him for a griefer, from the WPvP-ers he’s an honest one based on my interactions on the forum with him in the past. I also highly doubt that his intention is to grief or start a griefing community
He’s probably praising the scarlet guild from his position as a wpvper and only in that context

However he can’t be held accountable for any person he brings in and unlike him decides to start griefing.

hes an alt character of a scarlet scourge member lol

Armory me the main then

I would love to if 95% of their guild wasn’t a 404 page :S