Argent dawn for wm wpvp

Then create your community on a normal realm?

You need to make the effort to create the community there, where there will be far more people receptive to what you are trying to create?

You’re Alliance, in particular, there is very little reason to attempt to do what you are trying to do in AD. By trying to create you’re ‘community’ through AD you simply cause more and more Horde players to ignore WM even just for the levelling perk. WM is just full of defias alliance characters already.

You need to create your community on a normal server out of wm where you all walk around flagged for pvp if you wish to see the same people again and again… surely? That is likely going to create the community you want?

I’m going to insist you’re trolling, honestly. That or you’re the most dense person in the world.

There is nothing stopping the players you’re hoping to bring in from turning off WM and griefing/trolling other people. You’re blatantly ignoring this, only ever acknowledging it with an ignorant “Blizz will deal with it.”

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My proposal is that it’s already been tried on Defias, too small a base, not known enough. On AD, there is more potential for multiple WPVP guilds on one realm to form. Why go with a sub optimal solution.

WPvPers are distributed across all realms. There needs to be a central hub realm known for WPvP. RP realms are optimal because sharding. AD is optimal because most popular RP realm. Issue: AD is not known for WPvP. That would have to change.

See above.

No realm is for PvP. That’s part of the issue.

This would not impact RPers, they don’t WM for RP apparently.

There are no PvP realms, that’s why. See further up.

I played on Defias in Legion and BfA. See further up for the solution.

The problem is the normal WM sharding means that it is almost impossible to ever see the same players twice - that is not community orientated. RP WM shards are easier to see same players = community potential.

Also, there is no known realm for WPvPers to form community together - it’s a niche thing, and we are spread. So, AD makes sense as outlined above.

That is a feature of WoW that I cannot control, and can happen regardless of what I propose.

Or… give WPvPers one PvP realm - problem solved.

Exactly. You can’t control it. No one can. That’s exactly why we don’t want a risk of such a calamity here by advocating droves of OOC players who never have the intent to RP come to Argent Dawn.

Because if it were to happen AD as the last RP server would disappear, communities would die out and then there’d be no place left for us to go. There is only so much policing Blizzard can do.

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Your solution will solve nothing, and quite frankly, your continued support for this utterly needless, out-of-place “community” will be nothing more than detrimental to our server.

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You mention a few people, yet you also mention bringing various fully fledged guilds here.

Lets be generous and put some numbers on. Let’s day you bring along ten guillds to start this WPvP community with. Ten players each. Let’s also be generous and say only ONE of each guild is the kind of player you say won’t happen.

Do you have any idea what disruption a group of ten players dedicated to PvP can bring when they set their mind on ruining RP events?

You want a good barometer on what happens when we take more realistic numbers? Have a good look on that video on a grouo of douches raiding an in-game player made memorial event to commemorate someone who had ACTUALLY DIED.

If people cant be descent on something like that, how can you possibly have good faith that people wont disturb make-believe fantasy roleplaying?


Then do this on a normal realm and have your community walk around flagged for pvp out of WM. problem solved, I’m afraid your arguments for doing it here are just rubbish and will cause so much chaos / arguments and fragment the established rp community that it’s just not worth the trouble it will cause.

Ultimately, take your crusade elsewhere.

Setting aside the many reasons for why you should not come to AD without RP being your intended focus;

I do a full worldquest round in warmode pretty much everyday and have done so for over a year.

The community you suggest does not exist. I scarcely ever see the same player twice, and people from all kinds of other realms are very common, especially at low activity hours. I did worldquests at 10pm today and met mostly people from Scarshield Legion as a result.

This is a fool’s errand, in short.


AD and DB share the same warmode shard, so why not roll your guild on DB? It’s not really got much of an RP community you can bother and you can gank away in warmode to your heart’s content


Great reply when you can’t answer something.

Go to a normal or former pvp realm and leave AD.

Defias was a pvp realm and still holds pvpers, so yeah, there are indeed, every former pvp realm.

When said wm pvpers get tired of it and go gank/grief rpers, we will be indeed affected, we don’t want that to happen so we also don’t want a chance of it happening either.

There is Defias, stop denying it.

Edit: I grow tired of repeating myself, either you are delusiunal or a troll.

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I agree with the people recommending you roll Defias. That realm has already been ruined by rampant OOCers griefing roleplay everywhere they possibly can, so we have completely abandoned it. It’s the perfect place for world PvPers, if you absolutely must get on the RP realm warmode shard for whatever reason.

I meet like ten times more DBers than ADers in warmode, at minimum.

Well, another commenter and the general feedback made me realize. The actual best solution is a dedicated PvP realm, still with WM on/off option. THAT would be difficult to make happen.

Until then AD is looking like the best bet.

See above.

See above.

(but even 3 guilds per faction would be something, I know it’s niche)

Community between guilds is not possible on normal shards.

But see above.

It at least has more potential than normal WM shards - they have no possibilty at all. When I was on Defia, I saw the same people now and again - was fun. In normal WM, rare as rare.

But see above.

Less potential for multiple guilds to form on same small realm. Need a realm known for being popular.

But see above.

See above.

Former PvP realm is not a PvP realm, no point. I am already on one, multi guild community is simply impossible on normal WM shards.

But see above.

Defias is not a PvP realm, there are none.

See above.

Been tried, too small. But see above.

Anyway, thx for responses - gotta go. The solution is a single PvP realm, how to make that happen? Not your prob I know. But maybe preventing AD becoming a WPvP hub is motivation. It would actually have to happen to cause change, don’t worry, very unlikely.

It’s bigger than you think. The entire server is your target demographic, a ton of the players there use warmode. AD, despite being large, has very low warmode participation because we’re roleplayers and we don’t care.

Nah, you don’t

Sadly I don’t really have much more commentary to provide to you at this point as you’ve been in mental gymnastics loop for the past few hours so I can only reiterate that you should 100% stop advocating for diluting our server that doesn’t want you or the people you aim to bring

I’ll see your see above with my own.

Why won’t this work on AD and why it’s a bad idea.

See the many responses above.

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<10 characters and such>

Everytime you say this, I will consider it trolling and ignore it, so best explain rather than saying the same over and again.

They were so they are the best place to haebour wpvpers, not AD.

More trolling.

They were and have plenty of pvpers still, go there.

Ask blizzard, and don’t bring a community we don’t want.

My new solution is a single PvP realm. But forum fury required to make it happen. AD being targeted by WPvPer for shard benefit could make it happen. Long shot!

I thought it better than respond the same longer response to the same reponses.

At the top of that comment, I put my response to them all.

Apparently it’s dead for WPvP. Therefore a larger realm makes more sense. But, a single PvP realm is best… just not in our control.

They’ve been asked, but the niche WPvP community has not been catered to. Are we unimportant just because few? If we had a single realm, could be growth in WPvP. AD offers closest to what we want. Likely to happen? No.

Ye I rely gotta go.

You simply aren’t the kind of person that belongs in any community worth it’s salt. To push your own agenda to the detriment of others is selfish and ignorant. You have simply shown you wish to troll for ulterior motives.

But thank you for clarifying your position, at least I know now.


Honestly, just please have the decency of not doing this.

I understand if AD seems appealing from a mechanical perspective, but we’re having a lot of issues on this realm with non-roleplayers pushing out roleplayers from various areas, griefing and so on. Even if you will not be convinced it is better for you, please be considerate and do not encourage even more non-roleplayers to flood onto the last remaining true RP realm we have.

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