Argent dawn for wm wpvp

I will always subscribe to the notion that blocking people makes them infinitely more mad (as you deprive them of attention/clearly treat them as too subhuman to even read their opinions) than going on endless forum debates

In time it also reduces clutter as more people see the positive effects of my methods so it’s a Win-Win


Nah, I’m just curious to see if he gets punished. Made my ticket and everything. If nothing happens, I guess I’ll use it myself!

I’m usually in agreement with Tehya that endless forum debate is a good way to kill time, but I can certainly see the merits of just blocking if someone’s starting to loop back on themselves.

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So go and stimulate a community on Defias. No pushback from us. You got the place for yourselves.


Well, I am not mad - in fact it would improve the discussion if uninterested people didn’t take part. So it’s a win win situation.

The problem is lack of WPvP community on Defias. This would be starting over, and a central hub realm, AD, has the best chance to succeed - main WPvP guilds should all be on one popular realm.

The main problem is lack of Horde on AD. If that can be increased, and there’s already at least one AD Horde WPvP guild I know of, then WM community is more possible - both the guilds and the aspect of seeing players you recognize. On normal WM, this is just not possible.

We are not even talking a lot of players here, enough for 3 or so active WPvP guilds per faction. That would be a WPvP community.

Since RP WM is sharded with all RP realms, RPer types are losing nothing anyway, since RP WM is mixed realm anyway. This is about the best place to put WM guilds. I think WM can have an RP aspect to it as well, and AD could be a great place for that.

When WM came out RPers used it. Then the gankers came.

Yeah, your WPVP community ruined a feature that Blizzard themselves wired around RPers (enough discussion + raising awareness made Blizzard specifically change RP WM rules—it was not like that on launch).

So no. It’s not “Up to them”. It’s up to you to stop bloating our WM numbers.


You are attempting - and will ultimately fail - to create communities that no sane roleplayer wants or will welcome should they come to Argent Dawn.

In the thread we debated in prior to this one, I said that no sane (in my opinion) roleplayer should be attempting to use WM for RP purposes as it will only bring further and unnecessary grief to their RP and RP events, especially when one can flag themselves for PvP manually in a normal phase and likely encounter less trouble. That, however, does not mean at any point that I believe PvP should take precedence above RP-PvP, even if my personal sympathies for those that attempt to RP in WM are small. Argent Dawn is a roleplaying server, and as such, roleplay should - and usually does - become before any other manner of content given that the realm distinction exists to begin with. The only reason WM is not used more for RP purposes is due to griefing that quickly became widespread within it.

You speak as if communities are nigh impossible to create on realms that do have sharding, that of which obviously isn’t true given the countless guilds that comfortably exists on other servers. You don’t need to come to Argent Dawn, and given the pushback you’re receiving, you KNOW that people don’t want you or the communities you are trying to advocate for here. It’s obvious, and I know you’re not silly enough to be oblivious to it.

You would do yourself a service by staying away from the last flourishing roleplaying realm on EU servers and avoiding the further aggression from roleplayers that you are no doubt going to be subjected to, and I don’t blame them one bit.


I only ever experienced ganking from actual RPers, kinda funny to have this noble paladin type with a TRP about how much of a light abiding, kitten stroking good egg he is, be a toxic douche camping folks twenty levels lower than him in gameplay…

Why didn’t the alliance get any good new races so I could have enjoyed easy mode WM leveling?

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I don’t understand how you can take that guild seriously. Especially when you linked their topic. I mean… did you read it? Did you watch the videos?

AD has the exact same issue. You are basically growing a community from nothing. So might as well do that on a different server.

Then solve it on Defias, don’t come to a realm which (you already saw) no one is interested in a wpvp community if not gnakers or griefers. AD is and always will be a rp realm, we don’t need a griefers community.

BfA launch Vol’dun = Defias DHs everywhere.
I’ve killed/been killed by RPers but not in ganks.

Yeah I was leveling a fresh face Mag’har (well not so much fresh faced it was kinda all scars).

First zone Paladin at around max for classic, killing and camping.

Switch zone? A 120 bored night elf mage just killing and camping, both from RP guilds at that ¬_¬

I personally have never understood ganking. Unless it’s gnomes, of course.

Me neither tbh, and I will add goblins to the list too.

RP in WM doesn’t have to be strictly controlled RP events. Better to go with the flow, because WM is an uncontrollable situation.

RP on a WM shard does not make sense tho. You are gonna see random people from other RP realms at minimum. But RP with /PVP, you stay on your realm. Ofc x realm groups can come into play, but better situation than WM for RP.

Ye, RP in WM, if that was to happen - and I’m tempted hehe - it would have to be a go with the flow situation. For example, simply accept griefing can happen in WM, and incorporate it into the RP if it does.

The pushback is from non WM WPvPers tho. I am suggesting WPvPers from other realm move, or create characters there, and use AD as a central hub for WPvP guilds. It’s the most popular RP realm, and make perfect sense for a hub. Ideally WPvP guilds will be on same realm. Other RP realms are too dead for this.

Aggression from role players is a non issue, these WPvP players would be in WM and you’ll not see them.

That is one example of an AD WPvP guild, having fun their way. That will appeal to some WPvPers, and not others. That’s why we need more than one WPvP guild on AD, give players a choice for their preferences. But, regardless of what anyone thinks of them, Scarlet are promoting WPvP on AD, and that is a very important start.

This is about a fresh start for WPVP community - AD as a central hub makes perfect sense due to popularity. Other RP realms are too small, WPvP guilds should ideally be on one popular realm.

WPvPers might be interested to move here however. Up to them ofc, and not saying it’s likely to happen. But seems like would be a way to get WM community revitalized - seeing same players in RP WM shards, at least more likely than in normal WM shards.

Eh, no, they aren’t going to be in WM all the time. We already told you this. Most of the OOCels that will come here in droves will eventually turn on the roleplayers like they always do.

We have already explained this to you in the previous thread and you refused to listen to reason. Honestly it seems like you’re trolling at this point because you refuse to be told wrong.

Good. So they don’t need to be on AD then.

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One major flaw in this argument is the notion that a PvP community usually in WM somehow won’t have a negative impact in RP hubs like Stormwind/Orgrimmar when they inevitably get bored of doing a few weeklies. It’s crazy naive to think this apparently benign community of great guys will happily isolate themselves in a corner and never, ever do anything to disrupt RP.

Argent Dawn is also a high/full population realm and in the nicest possible way you don’t want the percentage of roleplayers playing on a specifically designated RP realm to be the minority just because somebody wants to exploit a difference in sharding (something Blizzard certainly didn’t intend when they implemented the change).

This really is about common courtesy to your fellow player and I hope you understand that OP.

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While the idea is laudible, you have a LOT of faith that the WPvP community you bring is
A) going to remain warmode at all times, and thus not interacting with RPers.
And B) all 100% fun and not douches.

I personally think that’s a lot of good faith, borderline naive.

The RP realms are already stigmatised often to the point of ´Come one, come all! Come look at this bunch of freaks’. And what you are suggesting is bringing in a community whose reason for playing is to kill other players, and a good deal of them are not the greatest and friendliest, who do enjoy nothing more than to rain on other people’s parade. And then expect in good faith to ONLY interact with them in WM.

I am usually one of the crowd of ´eh, I dont care if non-rpers are on AD.’
But Im sorry, but do you not see a problem here?


Its the most popular RP realm, and is not a perfect hub for random and unasked for Wpvp communities to go and flood spots that should be reserved for people who want to get into Roleplay, the server can already be laggy enough at times
Pick other realms, the end.