Argent dawn for wm wpvp

Ok, this is just dumb, accept griefers ruin in your fun, are you listening to what you are saying here?

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nah, should just stay away from a rp-realm as a non-rper


Just don’t even bother debating with this guy, honestly. He has no idea how the rules work on RP realms and repeats the same arguments insisting that if you have your PvP on you play in spite of the rules in a RP-PvP event.


Then try and make that they stay away from a realm that won’t suit their needs.

This. I woudn’t bother entering into a discussion with him at this point.

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Roleplay on a WM shard would “go with the flow” not out of choice, but lack thereof. Players would actively work to ruin and dissolve any manner of roleplay that they stumble across for a quick few kills, and that in itself goes against the spirit of a roleplaying server.

RP in WM will likely never take off, but only because of select players both on and off of the server prevent it from happening. Just because that is the reality of War Mode, doesn’t mean it’s correct.

People such as yourself and the others involved in the community that you desire here on Argent Dawn will not solely confine themselves to War Mode, and once they’ve grown bored of it, they will happily - and selfishly - begin trying to kill roleplayers partaking in RP-PvP. I know this, you know this, and everybody else knows this - let’s not try to pretend this wouldn’t happen.

This is, again, absolutely false. If you think these people will exclusively remain in War Mode, then you haven’t thought about this nearly as much as you try to imply. Furthermore, aggression from roleplayers on a roleplaying realm is absolutely an issue, as this is a realm designed wholly for them; you don’t see people roleplaying on normal servers.

People having fun their own way by meddling in RP outside of War Mode. They incite senseless aggression against the community I am part of, not to mention the fact they opted to not only wipe a group of roleplayers in Ironforge outside of WM themselves, but even go as far as to bring in off-realm players to assist them (because they’re not very good, frankly).

As a matter of fact, as recently as a few days ago, one of them decided it amusing to spam toys on me in the middle of a city whilst I was roleplaying. You place a guild nobody likes upon a false pedestal. It’s not a very important start, and it’s not even remotely important; in fact, I think it’s likely one of the most inconsequential desires anybody could any have on a roleplaying server.

Irrelevant. PvP focused players coming to a RP realm for PvP content is a decision devoid of logic.

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Some might do that, up to them. If a prob just report them, you said it results in ban - that will dissuade them from doing it - therefore non issue.

If it happens at all that WM WPvP became more of a thing on RP WM - we are not likely talking about a lot of players needed. Enough for at least a couple of guilds per faction. More the better ofc.

AD as a central hub for RP WPvP guilds makes perfect sense. Other RP realms are dead for WPvP guilds, to my knowledge. Not enough players, put all the WPvP guilds on one realm. Better.

If that became a problem, RP community would just get blizz to do a fix. Don’t worry, RP community has the powah :slight_smile:

People will do what they want to do, I accept that 100%. But for me anyway, WM is an always on thing, and that’s the players I’m interested in.

Other RP realms are too dead - a central hub known for WPvP guilds, and AD being popular makes most sense.

Note that in WM you are not on AD - you are on an RP WM shard, any lag would be in WM and not on AD.

Ye, accept you can’t control other players, and simply integrate them into whatever WPvP scenario you are RPing. I think WM RP PvP is a bit different from normal RP. In WM RP PvP, it can be about the fight - and that’s easily integrated. Just fight and see off the griefers. Within your group, you can stay in character. That’s just how I would approach it if went down that route.

Then why is there a War Mode?

Rules in WM are different. I know those rules. I am not talking about events, there could be WM PvP events if this took off, but for now it’s just about the WM community aspect - seeing players you know = a start for WM community, not possible on normal WM.

It can suit their needs, because it’s the most popular RP realm - and WPvP guilds will ideally all be on same most popular RP realm.

There is no control possible in WM, therefore why try to control it? Only solution for WM PvP is to accept no control, and play with that in mind.

I’m not concerned about that, as I will only be interacting with players in WM. If players are causing you problems, just report them - it’s been stated many times that those players will be banned, therefore a non issue.

They can only attack PvP flagged players. Easily solved.

That is a different situation, and may be reportable.

The logic is that RP WM shards are potentially better for WPvP - due to the fact you are more likely to see the same players than in normal WM shards. That is the foundation of community, and it is missing in normal WM. Pretty logical.

Seems that the response in general is “Not in our backyard, go to one of the other RP servers?”

An important start for who? Not the roleplaying community. It is a roleplay realm; you slipping in a community of PvPers who will negatively affect the intended community of the realm for your own enjoyment is selfish on a very fundamental level.

Please do not make this community here. If you do, do not be surprised to receive the same level of hostility as the “Scarlets” currently enjoy.

This dismissive reply is probably the most indicative of your actual attitude and the disregard for the community here. I hope everyone sees it.

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Bans typically don’t deter them. And to be honest it happens so frequently that just because one guy gets banned doesn’t mean the trolling stops. Another zoomer will just take his place.

This is a cycle we’ve been used to for years. And that’s exactly why we don’t want it to get even worse if all the OOC people come here.

And how did that happen you think?.. Because Roleplayers lost their interest there, as the amount of intruisions took its toll. Alongside the majestic tales of the AD community.

Yes, defias or any other former pvp realm, and stay away from ad.

There is no such thing as wm rp, I don’t know here you got this idea.

We are, by telling them this is not a server for them.

A rp realm suiting wm pvpers… again, are you listening to what you are saying?

I am not ‘entirely’ opposed to a World PvP community on Argent Dawn.

I am a Roleplayer who started on Defias 2011 during Cataclysm, so World-PvP is a familiar thing for me and is something I actually enjoy doing, when not too imbalanced.

(MoP was great, for one, since PvP gear had a “cap” in max Conquest Gear, after which it was a question of skill and not who got most access to Mythic Raid Gear)

However, OP, do understand; Defias used to have a large, thriving Roleplaying community that was largely KILLED by World PvPers.

Before WoD, BfA, Legion and before Warmode, Defias was a RP and PvP server both. There was also a 50/50 faction balance back in those days. This attracted World PvPers, and that caused over the years bored PvPers to camp high up in the air at roleplayers who were doing their hobby outside major cities and lowbie zones. And because it was also a PvP server, you were unable to turn PvP off.

Roleplaying requires concentration, in that we are trying to immerse to our characters. Having to constantly be on-guard for air-attack while in the middle of roleplaying is extremely disrupting.

Thus, there are many Roleplayers who migrated here and still hold grudges towards World PvP that ruined their fun. That, more than anything, is probably the reason for all the hostility seen in the thread.

Right then. On the actual subject.

The situation IS different than it used to be. Warmode is a toggle-mode, something you can opt out. You can turn PvP on/off anywhere outside Warmode, so it would not be possible to drive roleplayers away from a zone with World PvP.

However, a bored PvPer might still decide to turn Warmode “off”, fly to search a bunch of Roleplayers who are trying to Roleplay out a war-scene with PvP turned “on”, and come to disrupt those fights.

By the current layout of WoW rules, that is 100% acceptable and roleplayers can not do anything beyond 1.) fight back. 2.) turn PvP off. 3.) move somewhere else. Regardless of which they decide to do, it does ruin the fun for those who saw the effort to organize the war-scene in the first place.

I do have some sympathy towards your plight though.

The real culprit is Sharding. It is just a desperate measure Blizzard is using to account the flaw in their game being unable to handle too many players in the same zone at the same time, or the unwillingness to terminate low population servers due to people’s “nostaliga reasons”. Well, there may also be preferences to play on a low-pop server but I struggle to see why.

It would be nice if PvP players were given their own no-sharding server to construct their community, but alas.

I only hope that history does not repeat itself and that we people are able to get along and respect eachother, despite our difference in preference on how to spend our time in the game.


I think personally from my experience in various games… there just aren’t actually that many RPers in the EU for multiple servers, heck Argent Dawn has a knock on effect of drawing RPers away from other games.

And well Roleplayers need other Roleplayers around to RP else it’s just writing a story.

But people who don’t roleplay, don’t need others around so in my view its less that they came in droves and got rid of the roleplayers, but more they remained while more and more roleplayers went to pastures greener.

For the standard reasons of ‘more roleplay’, ‘guild fell out’, got caught ERPing with a child and had to start fresh and so on and so forth.

Yes, and that is exactly why WM is devoid of any form of roleplay.

In other words:

“Meh, not my problem! I don’t care in the slightest if the people I’m trying to convince to come to this server ruin what it was solely created for, as long as I get some PvP.”

Your evident lack of concern does not help your case whatsoever. Temporary bans may be given, yes, but it is not enough of a deterrence to keep players that readily disrupt roleplay from doing so again. I think you doubt how dedicated some of these people are to ruining other people’s time.

But instead, this was weirdly & actually not solved whatsoever - RP-PvP is primarily created on the basis that PvP is enabled. Forcing roleplayers to change the way that they roleplay on their own servers is an unacceptable compromise for players they do not want on their server to begin with.

I’ve reported a few of their members in the past, and whilst I’m not aware of any punishments they may or may not have received, it hasn’t deterred them. This is further evidence that simply “reporting” them is not enough unless Blizzard spontaneously decide to be notably stricter, which I sincerely doubt they will in spite of claiming in tickets that the reported behaviour is “unacceptable”.

This is not a roleplayer’s problem, and as such, they should not be expected to pay with the quality of their roleplay for the sake of players they do not want to associate themselves with whatsoever.

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I really don’t understand the thought-process.

“I want to WPVP.” Decides to go to RP-realm that is clearly not made with WPVP in mind

How? Why can’t you just go to a frikking PVP-realm and go WPVP with people who actually give a toss about it? And others have already given the argument, you’re not going to stay in Warmode 100% of the time. They too will go out of it at times and then you’ll always have those few who go 'Hey let’s troll some RP’ers, omegalul".

OP I am sorry to say it but either you are incredibly naïve in thinking this is a good idea, or you’re just a liar that doesn’t actually give a toss about the fact you want to further endanger RP’ers in their own place. Just go to a damn pvp-server.


Don’t care, just don’t want more horse erp’ers like your crew on this server

Well… mechanically that’s Blizzards mess up yeah?

Warmode for RP server functions like old school PVP servers, you’ll just run into people from the RP servers since we share the same warmode.

All the other servers don’t have that, they all share war modes so the chances of running into the same people and getting the whole grudges and so on thing going won’t happen.

They… don’t exist anymore? Everything is PVE or RP, with war mode replacing PVP isn’t it?

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Why are you defending these people?

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Yes, it is - it’s Blizzard’s fault, and not the roleplayer’s fault. They should not be made to suffer an increased number of people that have absolutely no interest in RP whatsoever due to the mistake Blizzard has made.

Correct, they don’t, but I think that Desartin’s sentiment was relatively straight forward nonetheless