Argent dawn for wm wpvp

Not much to discuss, it’s just the same astro-turfing attempts your horse-diddling squad does every weekend

If you are not interested why post? Trolling?

My dude, we already told you that the players you’re hoping to attract aren’t going to stay in WM. For every 1 guy that behaves there’ll be 9 Outland/Kazzak zoomers here ruining other people’s experiences.

Why do you not understand this?

Reminding people that you are doing little else

This attitude of ´not my problem if it happens’ is frustrating.

This is an idea that mused in your head, and you brought up. Clearly, it’s an incentive you want to kickstart.

YOU want to create a WPvP community on AD, but when people bring up legit concerns from past experiences, those concerns are not your problem?
It’s almost like saying ´Hey, I want to bring a bunch of shady people to your neighbourhood. Don’t like it? Call the police, not my problem.’

I know on whose door Ill be knocking if this starts making AD a hellhole to RP on and bored WPvPers are the cause.


Then try again, harder this time, don’t bring the griefers to Argent Dawn, we do not want them.

There are more populars realms other than Argent Dawn, go to them or try again in Defias.

Good, so you don’t need a presence in AD.

Correction, they are griefers, and we don’t need more of those, they can go/stay in Defias.

Argent Dawn doesn’t need and never will need a WPVP community, we are a rp realm not pvp. Defias was a pvp realm, so go there.

If it happens I’m sure it can be dealt with. If current reporting system not effective, change would happen.

That’s a very carefree way of washing your hands of the problems that will arise.

We just don’t want those players here. There aren’t any compromises to be made. There is nothing you can say that justifies a PvP oriented player’s presence here.

I rather it not happen at all, so stop invinting them to AD and go to Defias where they already are.

I thought you would understand by now that we don’t want a wpvp community.

I’ve read your comments.

I understand what you are trying to say.

But the rp community came together and went to Blizz who agreed to change the whole sharding thing.

Now you want to pvp. Do it on a pvp server in WM.

You want to create a community, do it on the PVP server. If you’re finding it difficult, too difficult to create a community, it’s likely because no one is interested or there already is one and you’ve just not found it yet. AD is for rp’ers. It should stay for those interested in rp.

Ultimately there are pvp servers that cater for you. Go there, get support from others who share your passion for pvp with regards for sharding and go to blizz and say give us what you’ve done for AD.

RP’ers have done that here, it works. You just need to actually care enough and have enough drive to make it happen on an appropriate server.


This is a genuine post. It’s aimed at anyone interested in WM WPvP community, if not interested - posting in here to derail the topic is trolling.

There’s nothing I could do about it, therefore correct - not my problem, Blizz’s problem - but it hasn’t even happened so.

RPers would complain and change would happen. Worrying over something that has not happened. We are talking a small number of players if it even happened at all.

Was not me tried, but why try a sub optimal solution?

Not on RP realms?

A community can be wherever it wants to be. The limiting factor is interest.

It’s already possible for anyone from any normal or RP realm to go to AD and disrupt RP… if it was such an issue, it would be happening large scale already. It’s not, it’s a limited number of people.

Any community I’m involved in would not promote griefing, sure it could happen. But can already happen. I define griefing as disturbing non PvP flagged players.

This is about what WPvPers want. A community of multiple WPvP guilds on a single realm. Defias could be tried again sure, anything is possible. But, better to focus on most likely to succeed realm, the most popular one.

RP wm is all sharded together, does not impact an individual realm.

No, there are no PvP realms. They were converted to either normal or RP realms depending on their type before BfA.

WPvPers are distributed across all realm types, there is no central hub realm - which is necessary for guilds to properly interact. The most popular RP realm, makes sense for WM community - increased chance to see same players in WM = community potential.

But, as I said, WPvPers are distributed. There is no ‘known’ realm for them to gather a community. And no way to bring them together r now. This is unlikely to happen. It would require somehow, AD to be known for WPvP - as Defias was back in the old days as a PvP realm, but that is over.

Making a thread in bad faith knowing that it will rile some people up is trolling, I can’t help that your group is known for trying the same lame astroturfing all the time

Because it is? It’s just something we roleplayers have come to take for granted these days. That being said we’re not on the level yet that the other RP servers suffered and died from which is because all the roleplayers have gathered on AD.

Time and time again you’re told someone coming here purely for WM is not wanted or even agreeable with the purpose of our realm. You’re trying to look for strawman arguments just to insist there is headroom for your suggestions.

There is not.

Not sure what this means when I can press WM and be instantly put into War Mode - hardly separate

I worry about something that will absolutely know will happen as a long time player on this server and another RP server before it that died off. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I’ve far more experience with this than you

It has happened.

On all other RP realms, DB primarily.

It was made in good faith, and from my post history on WM topics , hopefully the mod will see that and unflag it.

You however, are hijacking a topic, which is against forum rules. Oh well.

We are talking a small WM community, that’s not going to tip things into chaos. The interest in WM WPvP is very niche - you are worrying over nothing.

It means when you WM on, your character is transported off your realm into a dedicated shard, in the world it does not interact with your realm. Exception is cap city.

WM WPvP is niche, you have nothing to worry about - compared to what already happens regardless.

In WM they are all sharded together anyway.

Yes, so roll on DB or ER or something.


DB was an RP PVP server, if you are going to find people interested in War Mode world PVP that is where you will find them, not on the PVE centric Argent Dawn.

Just because AD has a lot of players does not mean they are interested in that type of playing because… they had access to it on other servers up until BFA.


I have no idea what you mean by this.

Yes, rp realms are for (like the tag suggests) for rp, not for pvp.

And the argent Dawn community doesn’t want wpvp guilds that would mostlikely just grief their rp.

Then why are you doing it on an rp realm and not a pvp one. Again, we rpers don’t want a wpvp community on AD.


I really don’t think you have the experience necessary to discern what is and isn’t going to happen on a roleplaying server - as far as I’m aware, you don’t currently play on one at all

I’m very hesitant to believe you have any actual idea as to how OOC players affect roleplaying servers, and instead you’re just saying what you think will happen

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