Arguements against DF are stupid

I struggle to understand why the people Who doesnt like a feature and which could Just avoid using It has the right to deny that feature ti the rest of the players.

Now please delete even dual spec, barber shop, race/faction change and many Will not play wotlk.

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Don’t worry, the developers are already working on removing Dual Spec.
The dev in charge of Classic tweeted that they are afraid it will negatively impact hybrid classes.

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Wait are they really working on removing the dual spec thing?

Developers stating that they are “allowing” a feature that was in the expansion from the start really tells you all you need to know about how in touch they are with the community.


Man the devs really are out of touch.


I have nothing against this in all honesty. But thats me personally.

Having 25 players switching between AoE specs and single target specs “on the go”, dedicating both specs to the guild (instead of PvP, farming, tanking - like people are asking for now) will quickly become a crying game and meta.

Limiting where one could switch it wouldnt be all that bad, and would indeed give more value to the hybrids, at the same time open up the second spec for the player, not the meta.

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If you don’t like the RDF, you better be ready for an even more casual-unfriendly gear score meta.

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I dont think GS meta will be a thing tbh. Warcraftlogs is a way better indicator nowdays. GS cant hide your logs.

Yea but GS will most likely still be the first level of filtering. If you use Warmane as an indicator, they all use it there. Logs will come after the GS check.

GS+Achiev+Dalainspec+Logs… pretty intense.

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Honestly, I think Zalanji makes some very good points.

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Ofc you think you make good points.

#NoChanges - implement LFD halfways through as per original timeline. Can you accept this as an argument?


As long as it’s there, yes.

Also, from a twitter post I saw, seems like Blizzard might also be attacking the usage of dual spec. #NoChanges is gonna be rough in Wotlk…

YES i understand you:
my post:
So i am playing WoW from vanilla. I loved WOTLK it was for me golden age of WoW.
I remember when there has not been any RFD during WOTLK and i know what changed when it comes.

And the answer is NOTHING. If i wanted to do HC and be sure that it will go smoothly or i will do achievements i went with my guild. If i just wanted to complete the dungeon for reward like badges then i went with randoms. It was still the same with RDF or without. Even without RFD i didn’t care who is in my group or if he make some mistakes. It happens so what?

Many people shout for #NoChanges = RDF at the end of WOTLK or none. Let me tell you something. If you dont want the changes lets put there the first patch of the WOTLK where DK’s has been absolutely broken. And continue with next patch. Don’t put there the latest patch of WOTLk (or one of them). Will you be happy? NO! If you put one of the latest patches into the start of the expansion it means you already making changes. And don’t get me wrong changes are good! Of course some more some less. For somebody more for somebody less.

In my experience at the start of the expansion it is easy to find group even for DPS. But as the time progress it is becoming harder and harder and that is the time when i think they should put RDF into the game. Or put it there from beginning and this situation will never come.

There are several possible ways to do it. Unfortunately Blizzard always choose the simplest way not the best way.

  1. Make RDF only for normal dungeons
  2. Make RDF after 2-3 months when people will be 80 and will be in the guilds
  3. Make RDF only for the server
  4. Make RDF only for old content
  5. Combine it - for example first 2-3 months RDF only for old content, after for all content + only for the server

Now there are different times as it was in ORG WOTLK. Many people don’t have so much time as they use to have back in the days. They have families or work. They dont have time to trying to find group as DPS for 40 minutes. Only because there is a mess in chat(or LFG addon) And they has not been fast enough to type: “Hello i can DPS”. - by the way this is whole social interaction today(inside of the dungeon) and has been during vanilla classic and tbc classic…
Social interactions are made inside the guilds or raids, not in the open world anymore, in TBC you can already see it and there is no RDF. Even back in the days it has not been made primarily in dungeons but in the open world and mainly inside of the guilds and raids/pugs.

I really would like to hear reasons why there should not be RDF from those who don’t want it. What it will take you ? Explain me what will be bad for you in this feature ? Did you done HC daily yesterday in TBC ? You has been there with randoms? What their names are ?

Amazing or funny moments can happend in dungeon no matter if it is in RDF or not. And you and guys there can become friends thanks to these experience. Not thanks to that you spend 40 minutes finding tank sitting in city AFK with macro - " LFM tank for".


Two wrongs don’t make a right

Because people don’t want to play with extreme casual/undergeared players if they themselves aren’t like that. They wanna play with like-minded people to achieve the same goals. If you see a message like that and you are repulsed, then don’t join. It really is that simple. Make your own groups.

Do you seriously think I’m Lorraen? Like… seriously? :joy:

I must’ve had a lot of fun insulting and arguing with myself, according to you: Bot Problem TBC mirage raceway - #20 by Zalanji-mirage-raceway

if lack of LFD killed your hype for WOTLK then you weren’t even hyped for wotlk in the first place


Says who? You?


Yes, because I am so hyped for having another expansion where I have to spam LFG chat for hours to get into a group.
Try getting into a group as a rogue right now in a reasonable amount of time, you won’t.