Arguements against DF are stupid

In my own general experience? I’ve had to start adding people to discord or keep their name noted down because my friends list has filled to capacity. Engaging with people outside of that setting and the setting itself are two different things, keeping that established setting intact is obviously important whether as to you (like you say) it’s not at all.

Not much I can say here with out it devolving in to “No, U!”

Personally with out the x realm that’s something I could tolerate, to me that’s a middle ground.

See, here’s obviously where we diverge because you’re entire focus is on optimizing effiency to it’s extreme and I genuinally think that’s an unhealthy environment to begin with, it’s that type of mentality that has effectively molded retail in to what it is today because everything has been watered down, hyper casualized or in some way streamlined to accomadate the top % of players regardless of the costs it might have to everyone else in that community. You make playing the game sound like it’s a job where you aren’t here to have fun, seriously reading this post I understand the points you’re making but at the same time you make it clear you’re obviously that top % that treat other players like an obstacle.

If everyone thought this way (god forbid) the fun would be optimized out of the game in a such way that it wouldn’t even resemble a game. Yeah, I get your point it’s more convenient, efficient and it saves your time to be in a sea of atoms where every player is easily replacable but I honestly don’t think that’s healthy at all for the game. Like holy hell, moving around in the outdoor world is an inconvenience that has to be avoided at all costs? The game might as well be numbers on a spread sheet with that type of attitude. We should be playing microsoft excel simulator.

I agree for the most part obviously you can tell what I’m going to say so I’ll not bother.

That’s true but don’t you think there should be some accountability for just abandoning your group?

Right because I thought earlier I was told it’s impossible to find these dungeons and they weren’t worth doing it.

Yeah but it’ll make everyone worthless and consequences for bad behaviour will be non-existent.

I guess but I would prefer to actually be grouped with people that seem sentient rather than people who only speak up to shout at someone in caps.

We should look deeper to answer this - why did we even get classic servers at the start?

As everyone knows - before classic launch (even now but not in such scale) community was separated by Classic/TBC fans and WotLK fans. Both ‘factions’ had huge amounts of players (and I believe WotLK still popular in certain circles of players right now), but you should admit and respect that we are playing on current servers only 'cause of Classic/TBC fracture of players, not WotLK.

Idea of current classic servers, from my perspective, is not only to re-launch all previous addons, but to improve concept flaws which have occured years before.

…And thats great! Im seeing automated-likers here in thread, and cant understand why those are not playing on retail which obviously has modern mechanics / ‘good’ automation systems etc. Just think about having 2 same pipelines of servers with one is just being ahead of the other - thats ridiculous! Continue to preserve classic server with its core ideas and leave it to according playerbase.

Just few words.
I will not try to change your mind.
You are saying that Zalanji is tryingto everything optimze. It is already happening. Min/Maxing is the plague in the WoW of today even in TBC.
As you told there would not be any consequences. Yeah lets make LFG on the server only.
BTW my opinion is that there is still no consequences even in TBC. Somebody will call it out in chat. Some guys will remember his name for one week but than ?

And i am on Golemagg what is not the biggest server.

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My server discord basically has a list of people that have acted really badly so the end result is that the guilds that actually care about their reputation, or want to work with other guilds avoid recruiting these players once theres hard proof they’ve been ninjaing, acting up and being intolerably rude.

Wow clearly READING is to much for you and still YOU make the most dumbest argument ever. Do not bother to respond if you are not going to read.

Really and WHERE does it say that you HAVE TO OR SUPPOSED TO WORK WITH OTHER PEOPLE TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS? The very definition do not support your “argument”.

Way to not even prove your point and make the same assumption that YOU cry about on OTHER PEOPLE. Clearly IRONY is lost on you but then again people like you clearly can not READ A TEXT.

Wow you say that i do not understand when YOU are the one who makes crappy argument that have NO MERIT AND NO EVIDENCE AT ALL. What is wrong with YOU people when YOU clearly can not even prove ME wrong. You do not even know what an mmorpg even means by the way ESO, FF14 and other mmorpg HAVE THE SAME IF NOT SIMILAR SYSTEM AND YET THEY WORK FINE WITH AN ACTIVE SOCIAL COMMUNITY. So clearly the system that YOU talk about is not worth the “criticisms”.

Right and I WANNA SEE SOME PROOF OF THAT SO CALL “KNEECAPPING THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY”. I also wanna see some proof that having a LFD tool is going to cost EVERYTHING. Right so it is SELFISH FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO PLAY THE GAME (THAT THEY PAY FOR MIND YOU) THEY WAY THEY WANTED AND THE DO NOT WANT TO SPAM THE CHAT JUST TO GET IN A GROUP TO DO DUNGEONS. I hope you grow and farm your own food and other stuff since you wanna cry about convenience for the sake of convenience.

Ha here it is you making an assumption on some one even tho previously you cry about how people making assumption of you. Man you really are a disgusting hypocrite. Beside I and everyone else do not have to make ANY POST whats so ever but clearly THINKING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE ARE TO MUCH FOR YOU. But then again YOU clearly do not care about the COMMUNITY that YOU SCREECH ABOUT.

I hope for YOUR sake that YOU read the text and the WHOLE OF IT before YOU RESPOND. Other wise YOU would just prove MY point that YOU are the selfish one who clearly should not play an MMORPG.

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Yeah, keep speaking in absolutes I’m sure that’ll win the day. Don’t forget to throw in insults because that really reinforces how smart ™ you are.

We’re playing an MMORPG. The fact this isn’t self explanatory to you is of itself ridiculous, be sure to ask the lead designer of this game Kevin Jordan I’m sure he can fill you in since you don’t trust me and can’t come to a conclusion about why a game that’s meant to be players working together to achieve their goals requires just that. Good luck soloing your dungeons.


An automated system decentivizes people from having to intreact with other people as they once had too with out it. Also, you’re typing in caps again. Is it broken?

Isn’t it funny how other people in these threads acknowledge the points being made as you sit there typing in caps lock screaming at me? The proof is in retail, I’m not going to sit here and pretend it doesn’t exist because you don’t want it too.

“If you don’t agree with me you’re a bad person!” Nope.

If they wan’t to preserve WOTLK CLASSIC, they shouldn’t remove the LFD feature. Yes, it makes sense to disable it during some of the first phases, but to say that it won’t be a thing in WOTLK is just wrong. It was a part of WOTLK, and it should be a part of it.

I was 100% against LFD in Classic/TBC, but not in wotlk. It’s a part of the expansion. And with the xp/gear bonus that LFD provided made boosting less important. Like, 99% of the group ads are boosting services atm. This is what happens when we don’t have the LFD tool.


That is funny coming from some one who can not for the life of them PROVE ME WRONG OR SHOW ANY EVIDENCE TO ANY OF THE CRAP ARGUMENTS.

Again that is not what MMORPG even mean or stand for so YOU are avoiding MY QUESTION WHY? Do you quest in a group or do you quest solo? You do know that the game is not just for the lead designer right? He is not IN CHARGE of how people want the game. You can solo dungeons on SWTOR and it works there and they still have a active community. Funny how ANOTHER mmorpg PROVE YOU WRONG AGAIN.


Wow again with the stupid comment of the caps lock but clearly YOU can not even PROVE me wrong. Man you pathetic people clearly have nothing in your life since you are clearly trash.

Really? And YET YOU REFUSE TO SHOW ME ANY EVIDENCE WHY? Man YOU people really are pathetic losers.

Yeah that is not what i said or even mean but this clarify that YOU never went to school and got YOUR self an education since you clearly can not even read. Man you really are a pathetic person who can not even prove me wrong.

Repeating the same thing over and over doesn’t change anything. Typing in caps also makes you look like you’re malding out.

Okay tell me how you solo dungeons then?

No it makes you come across as a raging ten year old that can’t control his temper, are you throwing your toys out of the pram or having a discussion?

No argument, just an insult. What’s next?

Yes, I think retail’s lack of community and the fact that people act like bots in regular dungeons is proof enough. I also think that ignoring this, or the the many reasons why people asked for Classic to begin with means you’re either playing ignorant or genuinally don’t see what the problem is.

In two posts you’ve called me names, gone out of your way to say I have no empathy because I’m not bowing down to you while flying off the handle in e-rage. How old are you?

I dunno if LFD is the reason for that? Like what are u talking about… The boosting ads for every dungeon is just much worse. At least with LFD, you can find like minded people who just want to clear a dungeon for some xp/and loot. It also makes it easier to quest in the landscape and do other stuff while waiting in queue. Rather than focusing on spamming an LFG channel.


so your argument is that because YOU are antisocial everyone else should be. I have made many friends doing dungeons in classic/TBC. And it’s always nice when I join a random dungeon and there’s someone in there that I know. Cross-realm RDF would 100% remove any such meaningful social interactions.

Just because you want to make friends and endure boosting ads and spamming channels, Blizzard should remove the LFD tool that existed in WOTLK? Trust me, Blizzard will turn on this. You are a minority.

If it is that important to you, you could stay on vanilla/TBC ERA servers?

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Obviously we’re not going to agree, I see value in having to interact with people or make connections and the devs have shown on SoM that they’re willing to tackle mage boosting. To me the problem of boosting is something they should have always addressed to begin with, LFD in of itself shouldn’t be the end fix for that. Now if you want convenience for the sake of convenience so be it.

Says the the one who keeps repeating that “it will destroy the social aspect” and other crap with no evidence at all. If you think that writing in caps is malding out then clearly you never paid attention in school. But then again YOU refuse to even prove me wrong.

In wow? By being over level for the dungeons but then again YOU still can’t prove me wrong.

Ha WRONG AGAIN but then again people like YOU never had any real arguments at all. Clearly the lack of education IS STRONG WITH YOU.

Wow IRONY is lost on you since YOU clearly can’t prove me wrong with an argument.

YOU THINK what YOU THINK i do not give a damn about I WANT REAL EVIDENCE REAL PROOF not YOU THINK. Again you clearly miss the point. You say that i do not see the problem and yet YOU can not even show me ANY REAL PROOF OF THE PROBLEM WHY?

I did not call YOU name is describe who and what YOU are and it is not MY fault that YOU can not even PROVE ME WRONG. By the way my age have nothing to do with this argument since you still DEFLECT FROM THE ARGUMENT. Yes YOU have no empathy since YOU clearly did not played wrath at all. The fact that OTHER PEOPLE DO exist and they do not wanna play the game as YOU do. YOU are not the ONLY ONE here and YOUR so call arguments are pathetic and hold no ground at all.

Why not? It will fix it, since the original LFD had xp+loot bonus when queuing for random dungeon. If you look at TBC right now, it makes sense to me why they added LFD. It’s an original feature of WOTLK, and I don’t think such things should just be removed for the sake of it.

We also have to think about the level increases, like its not 60 now, it will be 80 with WOTLK. Making it easier to level with dungeons while questing on the landscape is a needed change. Again this isn’t TBC/Vanilla any more.

We have classic/TBC ERA servers for a reason.

I’m not going to LARP that automated systems haven’t had a fundmental impact on the game because you think otherwise.

Okay, so you’ve been soloing HC dungeons huh?

At this point I’m convinced you’re either a walking, talking, stereotype of blood elves or I’m taking the bait.

Yes, I’m sure you solo dungeons all the time because like you said you don’t need players to achieve your goals.

Retail, yes. The community there is non-existent, the very basis this project was predicated upon was people asking to go back to what WoW used to be and over now what it has become.

Um, sure. Feel free to move on then.

It’s not that I don’t agree that it will fix it but that the devs have shown they can fix it through other means, so if I think there’s inherit value in others interacting with other rather than having a system do all the footwork for the then obviously I’m not going to agree right?

So you think its better to make the leveling experience even slower, and force people that currently are boosting characters to do dungeons the normal way?

The fact that so many people are boosting is because its insanely slow to do it the normal way… If people had a blast and wanted to level through “normal” means they would do it… But people don’t, so just restricting boosting will not make these people happy either.

LFD will give them a good alternative instead of paying for boosts. What else should Blizzard do?

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Well for starters, just before I say anything do you think there’s any value in people having to cooperate or get together to do dungeons? Or for that matter, do you care about the open world? Those two things are kind of important to me and when LFD was originally introduced it did two things, make it far superior to spam dungeons to get to level 80 rather than quest which killed the open world and decentivized people from having to have tight knit communities because they no longer rely on them to progress outside of their cliques.

Boosts are obviously incredibly toxic, they’re not something I would ever tolerate in the game and if I could I would try to make it more rewarding not just to quest in the open world but to form dungeon groups, I don’t know I just wish there was a way to recapture what Classic had rather than throwing it all out of the window because the devs have neglected to make changes to stop toxicity.

Sounds more like you can not prove me wrong and instead of admitting that YOU are wrong you try to deflect the argument and run away like the coward you really are.

Wow nice of you proving my point that YOU do not read the text. Man you really are a pathetic person.

Ah yes and you think that i insult YOU clearly you fail to notice that YOU have no arguments at all and you still can not prove me wrong.

Wow another proof that YOU do not read any text clearly you have no arguments and you still can’t prove ME wrong.

Again i ask for real proof have YOU been to retail? Do YOU have screen shot of people REFUSING or IGNORING you? You do know there are also other reason to why people wanted the classic/tbc and wrath. It wasen’t just the social aspect in fact the social aspect clearly did not matter at all.

Ah yes the running away from the argument. Man you really are pathetic. It sounds like YOU are the reason to why the community is crappy.

For me the cooperate part happens inside the dungeon. You want to be nice, you want to have a good dialoge with people to make sure everyone stays and it increases your chances of succeding in a dungeon. Do I think any “cooperation” is needed when forming a group? Nah, it mostly leads to toxicity and unneccessry requirements. And having to endure strange ads for simple content.

Ofc I care about the open world. First, I don’t want LFD to be enabled in the first phase, I want the world to be active and I don’t want people to spam LFD to get to 80… I want it to be introduced at a later stage.

Secondly, an LFD tool would make the world more active IMO. You don’t get punished for going out in the world and focusing on crafting, questing etc… Because you can just queue and do other stuff while waiting.

Without LFD you are best of to just stay in a city, and you constantly needs to focus on getting a group via chat. This is why I think the world will be more alive, escpecially for levelling players since they can do stuff while queueing.