Here’s some change I came up with of the top of my head the Warrior would benefit from. I also edited and added this part in the original post for visibility.
Charge - keep PvP old effect
“PvE, only extra effect - Charge to an enemy, dealing (11.466% of Attack power) Physical damage, taunting it and gaining Bull Rush, making you take 80% reduced damage from the next physical attack against you. Generates 20 Rage.”
Actually, maybe this effect would be good in PvP as well.
Warbreaker - make it that targets affected by Rend or deep wounds "slow the targets a lot or interrupt them (or both).
Slow = 70% or more but only for a 5 seconds, not 8
Interrupt = could be just an interrupt.
“Smash the ground and shatter the armor of all enemies within 8 yds, dealing (150% of Attack power) Physical damage and increasing damage you deal to them by 30% for 10 sec. Targets affected by rend will also be slowed by 70% and will be interrupted”
Intimidating Shout - Make it more useful in PvE, like having the targets cower in a horrified effect for 3-5 seconds.
PvE Effect - “Causes all enemies around the warrior within 8 yards to cower in horror for 3-4 seconds, allowing the targets to take damage up to 20% of their health without breaking the horror”
PvP Effect - should remain the same
Heroic Leap - at the moment, it only deals (10.2211% of Attack power which is nothing)
“Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal (250% of Attack Power) Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Targets damaged by Heroic Leap will be affected by Rends or Deep Wound.”
Mastery: Weapon Specialization (that’s what a warrior mastery should mean in my opinion)
“2h Swords: Your abilities have a chance to trigger an extra melee hit by 15%
2h Maces: Your abilities have a chance to slam the ground, dealing x% of Attack power damage to targets around you - 8y.
2h Axes: Your abilites have a 10% chance to trigger Veteran Precision, increasing your critical strike by 100% on your next ability”
Rallying Cry
**"**Temporarily grants you and all party or raid members within 40 yards 15% of maximum health for 10 sec. After the effect expires, the health is lost.
After the effect expires, gain Motivation, adding an absorb shield to the target up to 25% of their max HP based on the amount of damage taken during Rallying Cry."
Mortal Strike - keep Mortal Wounds in pvp
“PvE only extra effect - A vicious strike that deals (119% of Attack power) Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of their weapons, reducing their attack speed by 25% for 10 seconds.”
I’m sure I could summon more of these If I had more spare time.