Arms vs Rogue utility in Arenas/PvP & Feedback

Exactly, that’s how it feels like, there’s no fun CC to use, there’s no utility we can bring to the M+ table.
No Aoe stun (except on protection), no aoe slow, no aoe incapacitate (similar to the paladins’ blidnding light or Dragon Breath) no damage on hit removal CC (Fear is not an option here since it usually pulls unecessary extra packs and only lasts 8 seconds).

Rallying Cry is okay but not an “We HAVE to bring an Arms/Furry Warrior to this run since it has X cooldown”

Another problem with the warrior is that it’s just a warrior, adding any spell other than blunt damage, shouts and leaps will pull the warrior away from being just a fighter.


And a bad fighter on top, cause even what was considered core of the warriror - overpowering crushing attacks is now…meh…
Dot a top damage dealer…an abuse to the spec…


Here’s some change I came up with of the top of my head the Warrior would benefit from. I also edited and added this part in the original post for visibility.

Charge - keep PvP old effect
“PvE, only extra effect - Charge to an enemy, dealing (11.466% of Attack power) Physical damage, taunting it and gaining Bull Rush, making you take 80% reduced damage from the next physical attack against you. Generates 20 Rage.”

Actually, maybe this effect would be good in PvP as well.

Warbreaker - make it that targets affected by Rend or deep wounds "slow the targets a lot or interrupt them (or both).
Slow = 70% or more but only for a 5 seconds, not 8
Interrupt = could be just an interrupt.

“Smash the ground and shatter the armor of all enemies within 8 yds, dealing (150% of Attack power) Physical damage and increasing damage you deal to them by 30% for 10 sec. Targets affected by rend will also be slowed by 70% and will be interrupted”

Intimidating Shout - Make it more useful in PvE, like having the targets cower in a horrified effect for 3-5 seconds.
PvE Effect - “Causes all enemies around the warrior within 8 yards to cower in horror for 3-4 seconds, allowing the targets to take damage up to 20% of their health without breaking the horror”
PvP Effect - should remain the same

Heroic Leap - at the moment, it only deals (10.2211% of Attack power which is nothing)
“Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal (250% of Attack Power) Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Targets damaged by Heroic Leap will be affected by Rends or Deep Wound.”

Mastery: Weapon Specialization (that’s what a warrior mastery should mean in my opinion)
2h Swords: Your abilities have a chance to trigger an extra melee hit by 15%
2h Maces: Your abilities have a chance to slam the ground, dealing x% of Attack power damage to targets around you - 8y.
2h Axes: Your abilites have a 10% chance to trigger Veteran Precision, increasing your critical strike by 100% on your next ability”

Rallying Cry
**"**Temporarily grants you and all party or raid members within 40 yards 15% of maximum health for 10 sec. After the effect expires, the health is lost.

After the effect expires, gain Motivation, adding an absorb shield to the target up to 25% of their max HP based on the amount of damage taken during Rallying Cry."

Mortal Strike - keep Mortal Wounds in pvp
“PvE only extra effect - A vicious strike that deals (119% of Attack power) Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of their weapons, reducing their attack speed by 25% for 10 seconds.”

I’m sure I could summon more of these If I had more spare time.


literally 10 iq warrior post

I see your post history shows you’re incredibly toxic for no reason even if you haven’t played the game in the past 2 months.

Be constructive or create your own threads.


I never saw someone defending rogue as much as you why don’t you realize that rogue has been the best melee since BC?


always amusing how these forums make it seem like rogue is an untouchable god in comparison to every other melee in every expansion and every patch and yet they still get outperformed in tournaments and on ladder many times, and are usually pretty close if not on par with 1-2 other melees most of the time.

They are no gods by any means, but Rogue has been the most consistent and strongest melee class since BC. I can’t remember a time when they were unviable maybe once at the start of legion? But that’s it.

Defending it is like taking 2 cherries on 1 ice because it won’t get dumbed down or nerfed anyways.


First season of MoP afaik only pika got Glad :stuck_out_tongue: something like that anyway, might just be on US ladder people say that. Rogue has 3 DPS specs, it will never be completely unviable. No pure dps class has ever been entirely unviable. People just hate rogues because of the comps they are in and their playstyle since they’re annoying to play against.

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Season 12 was a mess anyways, Comps like RMX couldn’t do crap there with all the BM hunters and Arms Warriors globalling everything and everyone (I believe enh was also busted?).
There was also only 1 WW on EU who got glad in this season too on both sides NA and EU


I think noone told that that rogues were bad so many seasons right? I mean it was actually a safe class to do arena in every season^^

Back in the day I used to wind shear spell reflect.


Rogues have always been viable even when they are not the best melee. There are many reasons for that, but one of them is that mage has also always been viable and rogue + mage is the best and clear-cut synergy combo in the game as long as it has been.
There is no other pair throughout wow history that has kept its synergy at such a level of strength and viability throughout the game’s lifespan.


Omegalul @ppl coming to defend rogue, a class that was always viable in any situation LUL


That’s mainly becuase other classes got prunned whereas RMX got new tools in form of shimmer polymorph and greater pyro.

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Let’s try to be objective. Mages have gotten some new tools… but have lost a lot to pruning too.

I’ve never seen someonr defending Windwalker as much as you why don’t you realize the spec is disgustingly overpowered in the current format, not compared with Rogues only but with the rest of the classes ?

Just like he said. Watch pros. Rogues aren’t the best melee and, in fact, weren’t often. They were sometimes. They were always viable melees, not best melee. That’s a very big difference. The class is often played because the synergy with Mage is hard to erase, or with Priest. That being said it was far from the best. Have a look at what won recent tournaments ? Not Rogues. Have a look at what won the last Blizzcon ? Not Rogue. Have a look at what won Blizzcons even back in WoD ? Not Rogues. And what’s more, the Blizzcon I mention here were won by, you get it, MELEES, but there weren’t Rogues. That’s weird since, according to you, they are the very best melee and always have been, don’t you think ?

See you got it. Close to never unviable. Is that equal to the strongest melee ? No. It was insane at the start of BfA, not below DH. Look at what won thr tourneys, DHs. Now DKs and WWs are far better. In Legion Frost DKs were better and ferals after buffs were better too. Rogues were great in 7.2. Doesn’t mean best. Turbo in wod seemed to shatter rogue comps at least given tourney results. I don’t exactly remember further in the past, although cataclysm with fangs of the father was stupid as can be.

Also what Rogues are and have been since BC are thr most hated melee. Maybe even class. Quite a few people not playing Rogue seem to end up over frustrated whenever they face one because they can’t deal with a class having Sap in the opener and frequent stuns unless they are themselves brokenly overpowered. Just have a look around. The higher you get in rating the less players complain about Rogue, they complain about actual broken stuff because they can handle a Rogue. Ofc that’s not always truew the average twd that is currently at high rating might still hate rogues and complain about them as soon as they stop being the meta comp that stomps on everything with brain turned off.

Im wondering why.

At all when i read through that i would shoot myself answering that because you are indeed very biased towards rogues.

There has to be people to defend said specc because of people like you who thinks rogues aren’t viable and a strong class because said class.

You should start thinking outside the box and see how good rogues are actually since ages and how good ww’s and dks have been.

Rogues have been a very very strong class since BC can’t change my mind about that, it doesn’t matter if i play windwalker or not.

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Rogues are good because they always have been. They are the least pruned class together with resto druids and leaderboards in arena demonstrate this.

What should be done? What we are actually asking about 2 years now…

Unprune the rest of the classes.


No melee will ever be better consistently than rogues though and they shouldn’t be. Rogues are the only pure melee class; if rogues were bad that means all 3 specs are bad and the odds of that being true whilst the class still being good in PvE are just so low that odds are the entire class would be broken.

Sure many others have 2 dps but I mean for most of this expansion Assa has been the only viable spec for rogues in pvp and the other two were terrible; beauty of having 3 specs to use.

Of course, wouldn’t be an issue if they could actually balance PvP but they cant so. That’s my opinion anyway. Can replace “better” with viable I guess.

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