Arms/ret pepega cleave owning AWC

tbh if they wanna give paladin something like mobility and utility just take word glory out of rets and nerf their burst for consistent damage and they can give ret something like ultimate sacrifice pvp talent or merge sheild of vengance with bubble and when bubble expires it explodes for the damage bubble absorbed sounds fair to me tho , i mean look at warrior 0 self healing 0 immunites i want what arms is now in sl , is what i want rets to be and warriors should be the bursty class afterall

i mean thats how they were in MOP

Rogue outside of RMP, Monk, DH, Enhance, Hunter, RDruid only and Lock.

That Arms utility wise and defensive wise for example is a problem is well known.

This is not because you are playing a Warrior, but because Arms is the #1 specc currently.

Even tho we have bigger offenders currently in Ret Wog & Divine Toll, The Hunt, Convoke and WW damage.

Overall the most opressing one to face is Arms, it just does not as show because chances are high you died to the former mentioned speccs.

And what’s bad about it for a spec that doesn’t have self healing and has quite limited amount of hard CC?
Especially when this damage is almost all sustain as arms doesn’t have the burst a lot of other specs have?
Seems quite right.

my point was that convoke and big bite build is not what ferals wanted and that makes feral gameplay dull , cause your only damage is bite , bleeds are garbage sometimes feels like waste of cp and energy . i would gladly trade convoke for bleed buff anyday and in my eyes feral is trash compare to balance , feral is playable yes but its not an S tier spec

boomy convoke is stronger cause ther crit legendary synergies way better than any other feral legendary.

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Blizzard ignored this for 2 or 3 Betas currently counting for almost every specc.

There are some speccs that shine through a Beta once in a blue moon like Shadow iirc, while other speccs are left to dying against massive player feedback.

With that i dont mean the power level they end up, but the mechanical game design that is bad for S-Tier speccs.

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agree with you

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just want MoP feral back ngl i didnt see any problem with feral design in mop , i think feral was best designed spec blizz ever made in MoP

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Arm has always been a great pick for 3v3, since he has the abillity to peel for their allies. He can apply some pressure, but cant really kill someone by himself if the target isnt stupidly squishy. The rogue and the Hunter are the only 2 of your list i can say that enter this category, and the rogue has insane controls to avoid being the warrior’s victim.

The only reason the Arms is stupidly strong actually is because he has a disruptor place in the meta, and everyone hate that.


Most classes will call MoP as the Peak. As WW and Rogue i would too. Affliction and Frost Mage too…

Who am I kidding…who wouldnt is easier to answer…

As MM Hunter i would probably say Cataclysm.

Some ? You misspelled insane.

So you mean everything except Arms, Ret, Mages and Owls for example ?

Rogue gets pummled by Melees to death. Its currently the #1 target for Melees, that while they play with a Mage. That tells you everything.

But DH is currently…oh boy dont get me started how poor they are currently. Blade dance dogde had to go, it just had to and the Hunter need massive nerfs.

No he has the best utility while doing an insane amount of damage while having the best overall defensive.

How DK-s survive? Warriors will be fine too.

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Feral and DH are the only two melee’s that don’t have a S tier comp.

Feral’s bad.

Edit: Oops, forgot Survival but since Survival’s best comp is with Feral… yeah.

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man watching yesterdays awc seeing jungle geting shut down like that was nasty to watch , feral had to offheal cause the burst from ret is just dumb on hunter

With a healer, just as the warrior, because without one that tankiness is completely useless.
Also DKs have lifesteal into their dmg, it might not be good now but it’s there, in the design.

One game the Rsham did 1 million healing, the Ret did 700k. He legit healed 30% less than the actual healer did.

WoG should not scale on friendly targets (team mates missing health) in ret spec. it would make ret more offheal feeling and blessing of sacrifice would be more useable. Atm i rather spend gcd on wog than bos.

I think you are not following exactly, if this response was aimed at me, we were talking about arms in the case :slight_smile:
As for ret off-healing - totally busted.

I was agreeing with something you said earlier about Ret healing being broken, but I wanted to give the numbers so people could see how insane it is.

30% less than a healer class… mind blowing

But arms is also very broken too… insane utility, high up time, high consistent pressure while being very tanky themselves, With the best MS effects in game. Its literally a god class at the moment it can do everything.

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Ah, ok, yep I think I saw that game (or similar). Healer had 1.8 mil ret had 1.2 mil, if you mean that one.
As of now, only arms utility needs looked at, anything else, and we again will have warriors mediocre as they have been for too long. Their team utility is too strong though and needs toning down.

Yeah I agree… do something about the overload on their utility and their fine. A class shouldn’t have an answer for almost every single situation in the game.