[A][RP] Guilds for "Light" characters on Argent Dawn?

Light be with you,

I’ve been working my way through the Argentarchives and this forum and was trying to figure out if there’s a rather up-to-date list of guilds and their main genres such as “Light”-RP or “Military”-RP, etc.

I have one or two characters in mind that I’d like to put in a guild and I’ve seen guilds that seem to portray this sort of RP, but I’ve been struggling to figure out which guilds are definitely looking for more players.

:pray: Could anyone help me out and show me the most active “Light”-RP guilds who are actively recruiting players, please? That would be very kind.

Currently, I am looking for a guild for my Human character (Paladin/Cleric), and for my Lightforged Draenei (have multiple ideas in mind).

:speech_balloon: If anyone knows any guilds that recruit all sorts of “Light” characters with RP genres like military, city-RP, traveling, adventures, conflict-RP and focus on character development as well as interacting with other guilds / joining events then it’d be fantastic to hear who I should get in contact with. Thanks once more!

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For that, I recommend Dawn of the Faithful, and Holy Order of Lordain although I’m not sure if the latter is recruiting.

Links in order:

Edit: I also forgot to mention Sons of Silver, for Silver Hand RP!

Order of Oronaar.

Best of luck!


One of the best light rp guilds that I know of is dawn of the faithful
While not in myself I do know one of the people well ,he is good people

They don’t have a guild thread, but you could try Sons of Silver, as well.

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Doot doot! First of all big hearts for these warming words :heart::slight_smile: And seeing our thread has been linked already feel free to snoop trough it to see what we are about. For any further question don’t hesitate to contact any of us really! We have an officer in Stormwind atm for taking interviews as we’ve got people applying whilst we are on Campaign. :ok_hand: We should be fully returning after the 28ths.
Stay cool gamer! And gamers. Also for Silver Hand RP I can hugely advise the Sons of Silver as well!

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