As an Alliance player, there's no valid argument against exterminating the Horde

It’s not that easy.

One the one hand, Rastakhan could still be alive had the Zandalari empire not chosen to side with the Horde. On the other hand, without our help Talanji would probably still dwell in Stormwind stockades and have no empire anymore at all.

She is not someone to forsake her allies in a precarious situation, and she has every reason to be grateful to the Horde, whereas she has no reason at all to love the ones who imprisoned her, raided her city and killed her father.

I would love for nothing more than give her Jaina’s head on a silver platter, but let’s be honest, that is likely not going to happen.

Talanji’s desire for vengeance is justified, but she has already shown that she isn’t willing to get it at all costs.

It’s difficult to predict how she will act in the long run. She is portrayed as a forward-thinking, open-minded and even compassionate person, but she’s also the ruler of a very old, very proud and very warlike race.

In case of doubt I agree that her priority should be with her people, even if that means revenge for her father must be put aside for the time being. ( Which doesn’t mean I want her to forgive and become bff with Jaina, that would be absolutely horrible. )

That being said, I’m very excited to see what Blizz plans with her, but- since it’s Blizz- also anxious she might become just one more promising Horde character that will be thrown under the bus for some stupid plot twist.


Maybe next time don’t let your daddy start a war…

To be precise, it was not Rastakhan who started the war. Besides, it has nothing to do with my point.


Well put. Just cannot see her choosing a side between Horde’s internal conflict. Talanji might want to sit this one out, considering how much fleet she has lost already. So far Zandalari have been eating dust.

But back to my original point - Talanji is one of the leaders who does not actively support Sylvanas. She is her own power and will act if needed.

So when some Sylvanas fanboys coming out with big slogans saying “Sylvanas - People’s Warchief”, really think about the absurdity of it all. Come on it is Blizzard, do not trust everything some tiny quest says.

Except he was. He dispatched emissaries to every troll city, which ignited a war that never ended.

So when some Sylvanas fanboys coming out with big slogans saying “Sylvanas - People’s Warchief”, really think about the absurdity of it all. Come on it is Blizzard, do not trust everything some tiny quest says.

It seems obvious to me that the people mentioned in that quote is just the forsaken.

And couple of edgy Blood Elves.
Or should I say wannabe Dark Rangers.

Thats the problem with BFA the ONLY thing that can even be considerd a more grey action is the attack of Drezar laor every other time the Alliance has been painted as the sickening good guys.
Leaders who could show a real darker side of the alliance have been ignored in favor of good vs evil and the Horde was never evil in wow.


maybe not Sylvanas personally, but surely the people who helped her defend her homeland against various threats from outside and inside. All of them being horde members.

So Lor’themar is a Sylvanas fanboy now?

ah. You mean he rallied the leaders of the Troll tribes to unite under the banner of Zandalar, to save their race from extinction and take back what was rightfully theirs. An approach that was opposed by both Alliance and Horde at that time. And has nothing to do with my point which was, that it is only natural that Talanji would support the people who a) freed her from imprisonment and b) helped her stabilize her kingdom.

I don’t think Lor’themar would refer to the Forsaken as “the people”. It was still a statement that struck me as strange at that point. Then again, the common foot soldier doesn’t know what we know, and even we know next to nothing of Sylvanas’ real plans.


This is…weird.
If we were to dismiss pieces of lore like this, it would be chaos.

Without looking far, there have been lots of build up and debate around Anduin commenting on this war prior to Nazjatar.

Are we to ignore that thing a “tiny quest says?”.

keep on dreaming scoundrel! Your Allance will sooner crumble to dust, the pathetic “high king” will collapse under the weight of his incompetence. Anyone who is raising a hand against Holy empire will pay with death!


Zandalar forever! Di Chuka!


But this time over, its a fight between Horde members. Would she dedicate resources?

NO! What? Why?

Favor of her people said by Lor’themar is a character PoV not a fact to judge the lore by. I have doubt how much one can lean on that statement.

Agreed! But who is one TRUE holy Empire? :thinking:

Well Zandalar you dope! City filled with temples and which has a golden cross for their coat of arms!

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Same as Anduin declaring they are winning (or were at least).

There are instances where characters have no reason to lie.
Its an usual narrative tool, to use characters as mouthpiece to transmit the situation to readers (or gamers in this case), specially when the author lacks a means to transmit said information by using any other route.

No. He dispatched emissaries to the other troll cities and ignited the fires of war.

I don’t think Lor’themar would refer to the Forsaken as “the people”. It was still a statement that struck me as strange at that point. Then again, the common foot soldier doesn’t know what we know, and even we know next to nothing of Sylvanas’ real plans.

If anything, if he were also talking about the blood elves he’d just say “my people”. Also, the common foot soldier, except the forsaken who are psychos, would also realize that they are following another Garrosh, and wouldn’t stand for it.

How are they to realise that? Most of the nasty stuff is being carried out through some Black Ops quests, while Rexxar and company present the war effort facade and drive.
And their modus is still something most footmen would approve of.

From a soldiers point of view, the ones that lack the knowledge regarding most of Sylvanas shenanigans with the dagger, etc., this conflict seems to have a very upfront and honest intention.
The rebels stance seems harder to understand from their point of view, given Saurfang seems to have escaped Stormwind by being aided by the enemy, and then went ahead to infiltrate some Horde prison to free the guy that had just thrown the only leverage the Horde had in this war out of deference towards the one that had just killed their newest ally.

Not all characters have our meta knowledge. And given the information that would’ve realistically leaked and reached the troops, this ongoing war isn’t comparable at all with Garrosh (who at this point was openly sacrificing fellow Horde soldiers based on racial reasons solely).
The only thing that could’ve halted the Horde troops to the point they wondered about their new Warchief, would be Teldrassil. And still, given how the war developed afterwards, I doubt their reticence about it is still that of an issue in their minds at the moment.

Ps: Also, if we are to take Brennadam as canon, it would already point at Sylvanas not being the only one willing to take this war to extreme poles. Bad story all things considered, but still, it happened.



Yes, because I said that the common foot soldier would in a perfect world realize that what they are doing is pure evil. And don’t bring up Baby Hitler again, please.