As an Alliance player, there's no valid argument against exterminating the Horde



Brennadam is canon, sorry. Did Brennadam happen? Is it a fact that it got attacked? Yes, yes, so it’s canon.

And I mean realize that at Teldrassil, obviously. If you want to get so technical. Or maybe realize that it was bad but still keep following Sylvanas because they are just common foot soldiers and if they had a mutiny they’d get blighted.

As I said, I’d understand if said incident gave the soldiers a moment of pause. But given how the war devolved afterwards, I doubt they are currently giving it much thought. How sidelined said incident was, even amongst rebels like Baine (who took more umbrage in Dereks treatment), indicates that the waters have muddied to the point most average soldiers would consider the incident a necessary evil.
I’d expect them to not simply let things be once the Alliance retaliated proportionally in UC and then raided Zuldazar.

Or maybe they do so because they lack the kind of meta visibility we have, and see the rebels as a bunch of guys that are randomly sabotaging the war effort and causing even more deaths, whilst Sylvanas is, in appearance, more willing to let them retaliate or vent their grudges with the Alliance.
As I said, from most soldiers point of view Saurfang got out of jail because the SI:7 helped him. Baine threw away the only asset they had against Kul Tiras…in deference towards the chick that had just killed Rastakhan.
And then both stormed out of Orgrimmar, while killing soldiers that guarded one that, as far as they know, was simply awaiting just trial for his actions.

On the other hand, Sylvanas is offering a way to: get rich (goblins), have payback (Zandalari), grow (Forsaken), have vengeance (Barrens Tauren), and a long etc.
And doing so without the random segregation and racism Garrosh had with the Horde races that weren’t orcs.

It’s a matter of perspective. And so far, the underhanded ways Sylvanas has sported don’t seem as widespread.


That is not confirmed, as Saurfang could be lying either. Plus, Grunts dont have knwoledge of such details and for all they know they can take it with a grain of salt and skepticism even if somebody were to tell them.

But… but…one random shaman said that the Vision of Baine’s death would come true in a day… so it must be true … right? :joy::joy::joy:

Rebels are a joke

Plus people need to realise the amount of “globalisation” in factions. You have a Warchief Board and undertake assignments on all Horde lands, and Darkshore cinematic had trolls elves Orcs and everyone.

So for people claiming race “nationalism” , its not like belfs chill on Silvermoon discussing politics, and Tauren smoking in a Cliff… they are out there fighting a War , and for all they know they saw attrocities from the other factions and have their own personal grudges (like the belf from “A Good War” who practically hates nelfs). So we’re in the big picture now, the faction. The Horde!

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No. They do so because they are bloodthirsty and evil themselves, like they were back in MoP when they nuked Theramore, until it got retconned that only a small part was following Garrosh.

In a perfect world, nobody would go to war at all.

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In a perfect world the writers can write a big war and make it interesting, so this means not making one side of it mongoloid.

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agreed, except that this goes for both sides in bfa. Must give them that much.

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The Horde is not mongoloid-level, it’s Scooby Doo-level. The Alliance is mongoloid-level.

“Now lets see who is under Sylvannas Mask!! Its… DAELINNA!! Tha girl really wanted to continue on Daelins genocidal path. It all makes sense now”


Is that supposed to be funny or…

Regardless of how hard Blizzard hits the Horde with the villain bat, maybe it would be time for people to start acknowledging that maybe (from an ingame perspective) there might be some issues that the Horde can have with the Alliance.
Issues that might, in some cases, turn this acts of evil into the sort of natural reaction their races would have in their circumstances.
Not all, mind you, but some.

It’s not as if the Alliance is losing sleep over decimating goblins with Molten giants, nuke them out the sea as some minor collateral damage, or use Void aberrations in War.
But that doesn’t mean that the ones suffering from the above should be as willing to handwave it.

Issues that don’t justify literal genocide.

Insert “Look what you made me do”

In the backround of Void elf Dark Magics, summoning Horrors and all the above aforementioned things you mentioned yeah… Alliance like to have their hands forced so they can carry on with their hypocrisy

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I’ve repeatedly said that I’d understand if Teldrassil gave them a moment of pause.
But given the war raged on, with a series of events that superseded it as the trendy issue, it seems Horde soldiers shrugged it as a necessary evil in the ongoing war.
Even Baine snapped with a different issue.

And after UC, Dazar’alor, and the rest of events that followed, it’s not unreasonable to assume Horde soldiers are having other stuff in their minds.

As weird as it might seem from someone else’s point of view (obviously the issues with ones race will be seen much more important when they affect you directly).

Like how they can treat war prisoners. Keep them as dogs and have them fight each other or just straight up kill them and let their undead allies raise them? Such a moral dilemma.

There is a Horde quest that has you saving Horde prisoners that are being used as slaves in Kul tiras, or chained up and used as a practice dummy for axe throwers.

Things aren’t as black and white in war.

Given what they experience every day, and the information they have regarding the ones calling the shots (be them Sylvanas or Baine), it’s not unreasonable for many Horde soldiers to still support Sylvanas. Without being irredeemably evil because of it or while doing so.

War ain’t pretty after all.


They are black and white, don’t tell me that a few prisoners rounded up in that corner of Boralus means it’s black and white, give me a break. Next you’re going to mention Taurajo, aren’t you?

“We just very kindly asked them to move these things around. The chains? Oh they said they wanted to exercise with extra weight… thats clearly a misunderstanding…”

“Ahahahaha our men were just joking, they would never actually hurt an Orc Prisoner… it was a joke, get it?”

Yeah Sylvannas just wanted a BBQ fire. That was clearly an accident

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Not because of them, it was but a way of showing that from an average soldier point of view, the Alliance equivalent prisoner treatment in this war isn’t what one would call prettier.

Obviously someone won’t revolt against their superiors if they get wind of their enemies treating their own in a similar fashion.

That’s why I said war isn’t black and white. Soldiers won’t position themselves against what could consider bad, if they think that is an extended practice their enemies carry out without such moral qualms.

In war, this happens pretty often. Specially if both sides have a widespread low option of the other.

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