Ok so as someone who joined World of Warcraft a week ago and been leveling from Lv1 in “retail” and rolled as a DK.
Retail is fun. It has a ton of QOL things, it runs faster, it more casual friendly.
Classic, also a lot of fun, it more “alive” in a social pov. It slower but more challanging, this I like a lot. Maybe cause I played Final Fantasy 11 since it release back in '04 to '10.
I don’t think Classic is boring “as expected”, it probably just wasn’t for you.
I mean, I quit in MoP (my last retail expansion) when I had to press 3 keys as a tank with an additional 3 emergency keys that were able to use when healers were slacking?
Coming from a PvE AND PvP vanilla background with a Rogue, I had to get four action bars full of abilities just to function…
This is just my personal opinion, but Classic feels way more immersive to me than BfA did. (unfortunately.)
I really love how you need to manage your silver in order to know what ability you’re gonna spend it on next. I don’t get this feeling of having to rush to do end content, rather I can just chill around, gather herbs, level my professions etc. It is slower, yes, but it feels more rewarding than retail, and more social which I really like.
I still like retail, but I gotta admit, Classic grew on me and I’m looking forward to spending more time there.
Because some of us have never heard such a preposterous statement sensibly justified. It’s as if someone asked me to explain how would someone say reptilian aliens have taken over Earth; the only thing to say is, well, they haven’t.
DPS/tanking rotations and healing are objectively simpler in Vanilla. They can be literally quantified, and it’s pointless to argue about it.
It’s not to say retail is not simpler in some aspects: they’ve hidden certain mechanics from the user so it’s easier to understand, reduced the number of stats (or introduced vague stuff like “Versatility”, which might as well be “player power” and get rid of everything else), simplified itemization (which, let’s be honest, is chaotic in Classic), drastically removed abilities across specializations (but mainly because of all the additions in the last 60 levels), etc. Today it’s all explicitly about “item level”, because the rest matters very little. In Classic you need to understand things like hit, armor mitigation, block, defense, mana regeneration… to know how to play your class optimally… with just a few buttons for the most part (at least in PvE).
In my opinion the appeal of Classic is not in the abilities you use, but in how you use your character in the world itself.
Funny, I was bored out of my mind when I tried out retail… It was so easy I didn’t even have to walk back to the quest giver to turn it in because the game teleported me back. Or maybe I’m just that skilled in retail.
Classic is as incredibly easy as retail if you are not a complete boiled potato who is stuck in 2005 when most people were potatoes. All you have to do is read a bit more, make sure u drink before every pull, make sure you have consumables, pull 1, max 2 at a time. Utilize CC whenever possible to avoid combat and GRIND A LOT more. Voila. No special skill needed just a bit more attention required and invest a HELL of a lot more time. GRIND and SKILL are 2 very separate things. Classic is not the game for you if you hate grind.
Fair enough, PvE could get repetitive when it came to ability rotations. For me, that was just an added bonus. You did PvE so you could get the gear, which, for Rogues, was literally PvP gear, and that was a whole another spectacle that required a lot more abilities and thinking.
Having a good time dying to 2-3 mobs or higher leveled mobs (hogger at level 8 woop woop) while in retail I’d pull 4-5 at a time while leveling just to get a decent fight with its freakin’ trash scaling.