As Classic comes to an end... can Transmog finally carry over?

Simply because they had their exclusivity for about 15 years.
There are not many people left, that played back in the day. So why not open up this option for newer players after all this time. I haven’t seen any Corrupted Ashbringer on my Retail Server in years (did I ever see one? Don’t remember)

Also, once again speaking for myself, I obtained Benediction as well as some T3 pieces back in the day. But I lost them over the years (for reasons and for not knowing I would be able to use them again).

This would be my chance of getting them back, as well as complete the collection…

Because they were not in Vanilla, so they didn’t earn it.
It doesn’t matter how long ago that was, or how few people from that time remain.

These xmoggs are a badge of honor, why should anyone who didn’t walk the walk be allowed to have them? Just because he wants them? That’s not a reason. I want a billion dollars, no one cares :smiley:

It’s as simple as that.

Of course they/we earned them. Not in Vanilla, but in Classic. Why is this such a big difference?
Yes, we are better players nowadays. But we still put in the work to level to 60, “progress” and farm the raids to get those items.

Well if you earned your billion dollar back in the day or now, you still would have a billion dollars. Even if it would be easier to get it today (because you have better knowledge of economics)

We earned them in Classic.
Not in Vanilla.
Two different games.

But if I didn’t, I wouldn’t.
And Since I haven’t, I don’t.


Two different games, same rewards.

And each unique to each game.

We did not get the original vanilla wow mounts and people think blizzard would eventually carry over stuff from classic to retail? Doubtful but goodluck in your hopes for it :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re arguement is to allow Classic transmog’s to be available in Retail then Good new’s because every tier set is available to get in Retail already so you have absolutely no reason to play Classic if that’s your biggest point.

Your point of people only played classic to collect the tier set’s is absolute nonsense and show’s that you have absolutely no idea what the true essence of Classic was supposed to be.

People wanted to relive the day’s of 40 player raids with people and not have dungeon/raid finder etc etc but what they didn’t come to Classic for is a clothing collection simulator.

I understand you feel that it hurt’s no one but you seem to be missing the fact that you gain nothing inreality because all of the item’s you want to be available is already available in retail so all you have to do is run the old content on your Retail character and boom you’ve got the old sets again.

I spent month’s farming T1 in retail and still to this day do not own T1 shoulders but ironically in Classic T1 shoulders was one of if not the first tier item I got but by no means would I hope that would carry over because I understand it’s two totally different games.

WoW classic has the look of Retail but it’s a different game and I think you struggle to understand how accurate that point is or you wouldn’t be asking for what your asking for.

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Yes, I am a collector. Even back in the day in vanilla I ran Strath UD at least 50 times to get my T0 priest boots. So this is basically (one aspect of) the true essence of classic for me.

But no, that is absolutely not my main reason for playing classic. I played classic because I love the simplicity and the finite aspect of the game.
You can actually “finish” Classic, but as soon as you enter the next expansion WoW becomes basically endless.

First of all: Yes and no. T3 is still available on the BMAH, but you have to farm/buy/trade Gold to get it. I want to play the game (aka Dungeons or whatever) to earn stuff, not sit in front of the Auction House.
But it’s not only about Tier sets. I lost Benediction on my priest over the years. It cannot be restored. I lost my T0 and T0.5 on my priest and my rogue. I would have to grind DMF Tokens to get them back. Not exaclty what I call compelling stuff to do.

What I don’t get is, people like Sorzza above are strictly against what I’m talking about, but at the same time they don’t care about retail or classic era. So this wouldn’t impact them the slightest…

Another solution would be to restore the classic vanilla content in retail. I would be absolutely fine with it. But I don’t see what would be easier to achieve.

I already established how this impacts the classic community: xmog collectors screwing over guilds by leaving when they get what they came for.

Scarcity matters in games like WoW. If something is obtainable with little effort by everyone, it no longer matters. That’s one of the things that lead to retails downfall: The philosophy of making almost everything available to everyone, no matter how little they are willing to invest in acquiring it.

That’s why people still farm gold to buy T3 pieces from the BMAH, but no one cares about T4-TWhatever. That’s why people rather make amazing xmog sets from rare greens than from some shiny TNoonecares set. If something can be obtained simply by entering a dungeon and pressing one button, its nothing special.

It doesn’t matter if someone really really really wants this item!!! That’s not a reason to give it to him.

Thing is, getting T3 on Classic is no way easier than farming Gold in retail. It’s just 1000x more fun. (also, you could buy gold for the BMAH). Classic would be a way for the poor (like me) to put in effort and get these things as reward.

You would get these things as reward: IN CLASSIC.

A reward in classic however isn’t worth anything in retail, and shouldn’t be. If you win a game of poker, you win in poker. If you win a game of chess, you win in chess. You can’t demand an extra card in Poker if you take a piece in chess.


Hey guys, i just wanted to say, i’m 2.1 rated in arena in wow, so i should also get the diamond league rewards in League of Legends and supreme master first class in CSGO. Obviously that’s fair right? I worked for it.


Not only that, you should get a complimentary knighthood, a seat in the House of Lords, and a WoW Battle Pet named after you.

Can I have that too? I participated in all those things!

Sorry but no, one thing after another.

Celebras doesn’t yet fit the new naming schema for DE servers. As soon as it’s “Feierlicher Büstenhalter”, we can talk about other matters :smiley:

But I want my participation trophies! I even pushed a button. All the other kids in Retail got one!
And don’t you dare tell me I have to work for it, or that some opportunities don’t last forever. That’s racism or something!

Tourists that need on items for retail transmog would still be an issue that harms Classic. Not a huge issue, but Classic doesn’t need it, it will be healthier without it.

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That is not actually true. Ironically every Classic raid item is available in retail except Naxxramax and most of the items for Classic that were removed in retail are trivial things like a random low-level dungeon drop because some boss was replaced, a random green looted in outdoor zones because the NPC who dropped was replaced, random level 1-60 patterns for the same reason. On the contrary, every legendary, every tier, every raid epic…is still available in retail.

The only exception is Naxxramax, the whole raid does not exist in retail and T3 is only available in BMAH, but transmog tourist can’t screw guild for T3 because obtaining the full T3 is equivalent to complete the whole game, some players will quit the game after completing Naxxramax no matter what.

So, actually, any retail tourist that want transmogs could have all that he wants except T3 by playing alone, they don’t need any guild, and T3 requires them to not leave the guild until completing the game.

Of course, at the same time the fact that the only things a transmog tourist could get (unless he completes the game), are just trivial items, is a good reason for the argument that Blizzard should not bother making that transmog connection.


xmog tourist is included into the roster, wants one item.
xmog tourist gets into the raid, saves up dkp, doesn’t upgrade gear
xmog tourist gets to the item he wants, bids with highest dkp, wins, leaves the game.

guild screwed.

So yes, it is very much “actually true”, because this is exactly the kind of thing guilds would have to face, whoch is ehy blizz wont allow this ever.