As Classic comes to an end... can Transmog finally carry over?

That example is not real. Because that tourist can play retail and on the same time it takes for him to do that in Classic he can just level a few retail characters, wich probably already have, get alone into the raid, kill every raid bosses easily, keep all the raid items for him and in a few weeks he will have his item. If I wanted I can complete right now any Classic raid except Naxxramax 3 or 4 times in less than two hours.

As already said the irony of Classic items is that almost everything from Classic that requires some effort is available on Retail, while most of the items removed that a tourist could benefict are just trivial items like low level dungeon drops or random greens from outdoor moobs. A xmog tourist won’t need a guild at all to get what he wants unless he wants Naxxramax.

Really, he can do that to get, say, Corrupted Ashbringer?


Corrupted Ashbringer is a Naxxramax item. If he plays enough until Naxxramax and then he got Corrupted Ashbringer he has completed all Classic content. Most players will quit the game after completing Naxxramax, no matter if there is transmog or not. You can’t call someone who has complete Classic a transmog tourist.

So no, those transmog tourist you fear so much won’t ever exits. Classic transmog is black and white, no middel terms, exclusive transmog are trivial items that nobody actually would want or requires to complete all Classic content. And that is the true reason there is no transmog connnection betwen Classic and Retail, it is useless.

I see the irony on this comment, because you’re quite clearly a BMAH prod yourself.

I cleared Naxx weeks ago, I am still playing, and leaving now would be letting my guild down.

So this argument is wrong.

Just because you are playing after completing the game does not mean if other players leave the game after that they are transmog tourist. I do not believe you will continue playing forever so eventually, following your logic, you will quit the game and you will let your guild down with means if there were transmog you would be one of those transmog tourist you feat so much, in fact every Classic player would be one.

No, but if they do so after getting an item for xmog, they are.

We don’t want that in our game.

And Blizz wont implement it.

End of Discussion :sunglasses:

I still don’t see how the guy, that went all the way to Ashbringer is more of a tourist, than someone, who quits a few weeks later because he’s done with the game too.
My guild lost a lot of people who have finished, what they wanted to do in classic. I don’t see the slightest difference between them and a tourist. They all “let down” the guild. It’s part of the process of such games.

I’ve corrected that for you.
Because this is also my game, and I do want it.

And as you will move on into TBC Classic, why do you care what happens on Classic Era? I think opening up this possibility will lead to a new influx of players, be they tourist or not. And if a tourist comes for a trivial quest item, you won’t see them in your raid. And if he comes for Ashbringer, that guy will help you finish most of the game (and I’m even concinced he will stay for the rest of the game too)

That’s okay, I do see it.

And I do also know, that if someone asked if he can have a raidspot because he wants to get Ashbringer so he can transmog in retail, I would tell him no, he can’t.

And now find a majority to support that opinion.

I’ll wait right here :wink:

Can you understand that they are separate games since they work differently? Why would items you earn in classic transfer to retail? Most ridiculous suggestion i have seen this far on these forums… Also, those who play dress up in retail wouldn’t want items that are only obtainable in classic either, so you will get a double NO from both communities. Good luck

Well yeah, I would do the same. So it’s up to him to decide if he only wants to be a tourist or commit.

And its up to everyone ese to decide if they wanna play with him.

What do you think, how many raidleaders would invite such a person if they know what hes up to?

How many raidmembers would be okay with their lead inviting someone who they know upfront is just in it for one item and then gives them all the middle finger?

So guess what alot of people coming just for the transmogs will do.

The same thing as people are doing now. Picking a BiS Item on their last raid with their hoarded DKP only to never log on again (or worse, leave the guild).

Nobody would take a tourist. As nobody would take a ninjalooter. But to get to Naxx, you would have to prove yourself in some way.

The problem is, Ninalooters cannot be avoided.
xmogg tourists can be avoided…simply by not allowing transmog to carry over.

And that’s why Blizzard wont do this.

This is always based on the assumption, that “tourists” would hurt classic. Still convinced, they could contribute positively to a healthy population (Talking about classic era, TBCC will be populated enough)

The only real arguments (outside of opinions) I’ve seen until now, are:

  • It could hurt the classic (era) community
    => Yes it could, but it could also lead to more players trying out classic and staying (because it is the better game).

  • It would lessen the achievement of having the “real” items from Vanilla
    => Yeah, but there are not many players left with items from Vanilla. Most of them bought it on the BMAH. So those items are lost forever or exclusive to the rich (aka those who buy gold)
    => Also, a lot of people (including myself) had some of these items but lost them over time. Because who could have know that transmog would be a thing.

  • People will stop playing classic after getting what they came for
    => Already happening now, so no difference…

An assumption teamed up with an opinion.

This is not an argument.

Everyone who has that much gold is automatically a gold buyer?

That’s tough luck. Not Classics job to fix that though.

Personal experiences vs. reliable statistics

Great argument, because you have no statistics either.
This is a battle of opinions, so do not try to disguise yours as facts…

I just want to raise the question and let the guys with the numbers and the knowledge (Blizzard) decide.

A bit offtopic, but I want to address this:

No, I do not think that every rich guy ingame is a gold-buyer. But the inflation in retail (and classic) does not come from people farming gold ingame.
(For example one of the most efficient Gold farms is BRD as a rogue. I do on average 60-90G per hour. To get to 40k (or more, just look at the big GDKP runs), you would have to play 500+ hours.)
So to keep up with these people (in classic and retail), you have to find other ways of earning gold: play the auction house or sell boosts. In both cases you are earning “dirty money”. :wink:

Don’t have to, I know that most people want no retail xmog tourists.


Ok, well then I will stop arguing with you as you seem to have all the facts.