As Classic comes to an end... can Transmog finally carry over?

That’s not true, many people are farming Naxx as we speak.

So, you make a broad definition that could mean absolutely everyone is transmog tourist. If he do so waiting one week, or month or even one year to no seem to bein a supposed “transmog tourist” you will change your definition to make them “transmog tourist”, even if they don’t play retail right now they could do it in the future, so everyone, including you, is potentially a transmog tourist based on your logic. When your definition of transmog tourist encompasses everyone it means those so called transmog tourist ever exists on the first place.

You are also wrong. The discussion can’t end when the discussion was never started. Maybe you believe this is a discussion about allowing transmog but I had never said that Blizzard should allow transmog in Classic, I said that Blizzard won’t implement it, but they won’t do it simply because it will be useless, not because they fear of those “transmog tourist” effect, simply because there is nothing interesting for those transmog connection to be worth, any exclusive transmog from Classic are just trivial items no one want or items from the last raid that requires enought dedication to not consider anyone who go for that as retail players anymore, if someone raid every day in Classic during months he is a Classic player, not a retail player, in wich case why would he want transmog for retail.

I just simply do not believe the end justifies the means, even I agree with you in the conclusion if I believe you are coming to that conclusion based on what think is false I will tell you. It is like in math in school, when someone gives the right answer without being able to explain why or doing so with wrong arguments it is the same a given a wrong answer.

That does not change what I said, there are also many people who has quit the game and they won’t be transmog tourist even if there were transmog connected to retail. And even so most of those people farming Naxx wont keep forever, so if there were transmog tourist then everyone will be a transmog tourist eventually.

I am done repeating myself, and I am done discussing this.

The answer is no.

And Blizz is listening to the classic players on this.

You are not discussing because you are not even capable to understand tha I have never defend that Blizzard should include transmog in Classic. You are making out your discussion againts a false version of me that never exits, only in your imagination, and that is why you fail, because instead of arguing about the reason why the anser is No, you are just repeating that the answer is No instead of Yes. And that can’t be a discussion when I was the first that said “Blizzard won’t implement transmog in Classic”.

Tell me more, the answer was never yes. I said that way before you started your imaginary discussion between You and the version of me in your head that said the answer is No. The only problem is that I am not that person.

I think I said that way before you, but probably you have not bother to read what I said. The discussion was never about if Blizzard will implement transmog, it is about why they won’t, it is about your arguments, not your conclussion, your’e conclussion is right, but you are using wrong arguments to justify it, you are like someone who gives a random answer in a math test and by luck he is right, even with the right answer his test is still a failure.

Yes, i’ve acquired T3 through BMAH simply because it is available just like i would gold cap ashbringer if that became available on the BMAH aswell. That being said, there are certain items that i would never want up on the BMAH or reinstated in the game. I was sad when Zulian Tiger became available, because i had that prior to it being purchasable on the BMAH, therefor i know how OG T3 people feel.

That being said, if they allow items, collectables and various flavour items to be transfered to retail, it would annihilate the economy and also destroy the sense of any items from back then being “rare” and “exclusive”. Seeing someone with a corrupted ashbringer now, is like seeing someone driving a Bugatti. If they brought it back by allowing people to transfer their stuff, seeing someone with a corrupted Ashbringer would be like seeing someone driving a Ford Fiesta.

In a game where the majority of rewards are given through cosmetics, you cannot have every cosmetic be available to everyone.

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