Asking to nerf ret is stupid

I feel like we have this conversation every few weeks. Ret is fine

Yes, once again all alt posting Andys are idiots.

Ngl i would love to play arms or unholy paladin
But i understand that its easier just to play them for me

I wish the healing spec, holy would be moved to priest and palas got a new dd spec instead…

Ret is Jack of all trade - master of none for pve and PvP.

Decision is given, I already started leveling my Ret pally, this might increase numbers of “Nerf Ret” threads significantly but it can’t be helped :smirk:

I do think they should have been nerfed during 8.3, not after. Blizzard nerfed them for SL tho, but that was more a corruption thing than a class thing.

I still see less QQ posts about rogues than ret paladin so XD

Can this spec enjoy being broken for at least 1 patch? Is that a big of a deal?

I’m playing DK this patch and I have to say : it’s sad Blizzard does not buff frost, which seems very undertuned. Still, DK has a back up spec, which ret does not. This is why I’m now playing warrior and DK, at least there more chances that 1 spec is being viable.

I have opinions and I just could not stand reading those QQ post about ret when other specs don’t even get the same amount of hate.

Ret has been pure garbage for 3 expac, therefore being OP for 1 patch is only justice.

This is the issue : a guild that has 1 or 2 ret does not need more ret. But a guild is more likely to stack locks and mages. I have to say that finding a CE guild has a ret has been a really really harsh experience in BFA that if I were to play ret once again I would have to give up on getting into a CE guild.

I advocated for a massive buff for survival, en and feral in 8.3 as some of compensation for those who sticked around with those bad specs as a “You can enjoy your spec for 1 patch”

That’s mature.

Well, the WW in my roster was given a choice : bench or play MW. He picked the later because he could play heal. But WW sucked so hard for raiding that it feels bad.

What I’m saying is that ret deserves being good for at least 1 expansion. As regarding Holy, I agree it deserves a nerf, because it’s to dominant.

I have to disagree here, ret’s utility are not consistent. They can be used to cheeze but it’s not as good as a 5% AP or a raid wide CD.

I know about, no worries :slight_smile:

Even if I don’t play ret and don’t intent to play ret, I still wanna confront the community, if they want ret to be nerfed, then they should be asking to nerf rogue, mage and lock too.

It’s fine if you don’t want to go for CE, for sure.

Not a good jack of all trade :
-no sustained damages
-no reliable utility
-has to choose between St or cleave damages
-healing is quite irrelevant in PvE

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Well, esp since your main reasoning was “PvE”, nope. Specs can be strong but should never be broken. Advocating in favor of broken things is never beneficial for anything.

Oneshot divine storm def ok in my book. Ohwait.

Also prob we gonna see somekind of balancing in the next 2 weeks. For sub rogues aswell.

Pretty much this.

Playing ret is just accepting you’re always going to be a middle of the pack dps at best of times.

Ret has a reputation, if people die to a ret paladin in pvp then they complain, they complain a lot, because that’s ‘not supposed to happen’. It’s practically built into the DNA of the playerbase that it should never happen.

If it does then ret is nerfed. That’s just the way it is, it’s probably not going to change anytime soon.


Hybrid classes isn’t a thing any more, ret is 100% dps. Ret got a weak heal, a full heal on 10 min cooldown and bubbles. Which is not good enough to either tank or heal consistently.


guess what, i was planning to use my boost on a ret pally !
i love to play ret but when im goin to play pally someone start saying you cant do dps as much as you think and this topic appeard !

am i suppose to play my ret finally? :blush:

Ret ST is… lower middle of the pack.
Ret aoe is good/fine.

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You did not just say this.

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Some specs need minor tweaking but you shouldnt take these forums too seriously. People crying about rogue being op but they refuse to buy medallion trinket :clown_face:

just git gut like my man Ziqo

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Community literally thinks that being trash is just Ret’s class fantasy and Ret is trash by design, so in their eyes Blizzard is just breaking the game. Meanwhile being S-tier and OP or borderline OP is a class fantasy for mages, locks and rogues and they are MEANT to be OP. It’s by design too.

The more I read whines, the more I’m convinced that people ACTUALLY think that way, and even when I thought I was joking I was probably not.


I know this thread is about ret, but… Havoc being above average for less than 25% of the time made me chuckle.

“bUt Dh WaS S TiER FoR aLL cONtent”

Time to nerf rogue/mage/lock.

Ahah thats so true, i feel like we cant get away from this stigma :frowning:

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And I’m accepting this actually and I think it’s fine. Really. With our survivability panic-buttons and off-heal utility we should NOT be top dps. Ret just can do too much to also be able to do top-tier single target damage. Single target burst is enough, and strong consistent AoE/cleave is fine too.

There are melee classes that should be above us in DPS because they lack panic buttons and powerful mid-fight (and not only) self heals - for example warriors. When warrior encounters strong enemy he just dies. Ret can smash his head through this enemy by healing like 4 hp bars during very long but at the end of the day also victorious battle. Many specs would just die in that scenario with 0% chance to win no matter what they did.

Being top DPS is just not meant for Ret, because it can do something else than just damage.