Asking to nerf ret is stupid

why do you want to nerf mages and lock now? xd

Well they have been at the top since forever, it’s time for other classes to shine. No kings rule forever my son.

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Classes that relies on burst will be OP in the current PVP meta. If u dont nerf them they will keep being OP in PVP, and get totally useless in PVE. Kind of hard to balance

The community won, ret is getting a nerf.

So if there are new broken spec, will those broken specs getting the same amount of hate than ret did or will they be left alone?

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People cry nerf when Ret isn’t the consistently average performing spec it ‘should be’. It is unusual for it to be noticed, and when it is people go “what, I was killed or out-DPSed by one, something is wrong.”

Every single time it is purely anecdotal reports, and as you stated the statistics prove quite otherwise. What’s worse is Blizzard often listen early on - or even comically in pre-patches - to the whining about ‘God-like Paladins’ and then they smack them with the nerf bat. Unsurprisingly literally weeks later Paladins occupy near bottom or very bottom of the charts.

Why is it so under-represented in PvP? Same for top end PvE.

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They are very strong in pvp.
Tons of ways to get out of cc and their builders do wayy to much damage, allowing them to just WoG up to full and outlast anything

The damage should not be touched but the heal could be curbed a bit, maybe that talent that affects WoG healing

The same could be said about the strengths of other specs, yet they always get a pass.

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Mate, if they would be vulnerable to CC, fine, but they are not.
Even hunters and rogues are, and the damage is comparable and the CC is around there.

Think of it this way, the problem is not their strengths, but that they have no weaknesses.

Technically the mobility is a weekness, but in reality freedom, steed and hindrance are enough for the length of the current fights.

If things slow down then yes, they become more exposed to kiting, but currently it’s a non issue

Ret got nerfed during early BFA. As a result, the spec never recovered and was a consistent bad spec, ie always in the 5 worst spec in raids. The side effect was obviously that no guild would recruit a ret paladin.


This, just this.

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They will not. Alot of the people complaining are playing these specs.

They are already complaining the nerfs was not enough, so i guess more nerf incoming for ret anyway.

Actually considering retiring from this game permanently because of all this, you invest alot of time in mains, covenants, etc for only it to be nerfed into the ground to the point where the best thing to do is only to delete that char.

Community has the iq of a potato, and will never stop, some specs are just supposed to be good and some bad.



Maybe one killed you by bursting his CDs. Then what does he do? You do realise Divine Steed has a 45 second CD? The bubbles have a 5 minute cooldown with Forebearence debuffs. Freedom has a 30 second CD. Hammer of Justice 1 minute… I mean I could go on? Paladins are arguably less mobile than even DKs (who also incidentally have insane survability-- yet no one complains about them).

Look at things from the perspective of a long battle against multiple opponents. Also you cannor actually heal and do damage at the same time, what’s more Paladins are vulnerable to silence because they have ONE school.

World of Warcraft is not and should not be balanced around duels.


Not anecdotes, real play my man.

Yes the cds are long, but as the game is so fast, at least in 2v2 and 3v3 it’s long enough to score a kill.

Check out some of the savix videos, no issues staying on target or staying alive.

Turns out the massive burst every minute and that 5 minute cd bubble untalented is enough

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This is why I’m no longer playing ret and won’t be playing paladin any time soon. The community says it’s bad and wants it to be bad, so… Well… Gonna adapt.

I’m just using this char as a forum char because new forum is kinda meh.

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Top players like that becomes somewhat irelevant for the general playerbase.

You will find any player on that level performing just as good with just any spec.

Pshero could probably destroy everyone and everything as subrogue in bfa, wich still was a bad spec in bfa.

I mean I can’t speak for PvP but the amount of damage my TV is doing whilst levelling compared to everything else is absolutely disgusting and my healing with divine purpose is actually comical.

I hope they don’t nerf ret, it would be… ret-gretable

I know it’s not considered proper PvP, but that doesn’t help in Warmode. I keep getting deleted by higher-geared players because if the wrong things are on cooldown, I’m a sitting target. I played Warmode a lot in BfA as solo Alliance and never felt anywhere near as vulnerable to other solo PvPers as I do now. It’s like “Oh, crap. I just used Bubble and Wings to kill this other player. Guess I’m dead then.” And as PvP scaling is broken and casual PvP gear is actually WORSE now than it was in BfA, I’m not seeing how I’m going to close ilvl the gap with the M+ and raiders who aren’t even that good in Warmode.

You remember when DKs got first implemented?

Getting bored of these hilarious exaggerations. People like you are the reason why Blizzard doesn’t use forums for anything other than a cackle.

did you just imply that ion and co can read because based on the beta forum feedback i’m not so sure …