Asmongold is switching to FF14

Agreed, I don’t think he’ll even reach lvl 30 before he quits.


i kinda dont likeraiding in wow, sure i ll do heroic curve but im trying to get into m+, but alliance feels dead,i could switch to horde but draenei race is only thing i cared about wow

Exactly. This is the guy who made a bit of a name for himself trying to poke fun at RPers in WoW and trying to get his baying mob to “have fun with them”, in a game where this group is a minority and restricted to principally one server. In a game like FF where it’s pretty much thrown at you in general, I don’t see him suddenly reforming his views and going “oh wait RP is actually cool, I take back all that I said about people being wierdos for doing it and me making fun of them”.

He’s doing a “keeping up with the joneses” with the other streamers due to recognising what’s trending, nothing more, nothing less. It’s actually cringeworthy honestly. Here is an individual whom has presented himself as a bit of a joker, fun poker, kinda elitist and generally “lulz toxic but no serious” going into a game where all of that is completely countercurrent because he knows it might make him a bit more relevant again.

It’s like watching an aged pop star whom had their heyday in the 70s with all the peace and love movement start hanging around with contemporary rap artists whom rap about cutting people up because they know it will get them in the papers again. Tragic.

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I’ve done both over SL. I’ve got a couple of horde chars at 210 only, but decided to focus back on this dude in the time that remains. I have no idea whether it will be possible for me to claw out KSM in the time that remains but I will give it a shot. I’m planning on maining veng so that will help i guess, but i’ll be starting from the bottom as of next week probably (need to spend rest of this week finishing cov campaign and getting my stuff done, I made this decision very last minute).

From there, who knows, but hey, if you’re starting from a similar point and don’t mind healing, i’m sure we could combine forces on it if you like. If you can guarantee the tank and healer, the rest will fall into place. This guy will be my regular focus most evenings from here on out, so i’ll be in a position (once chores are cov campaign are done) to be running keys for 2-3 hours most evenings.

I’ll also planning to double check if my SoD membership is still active (not sure, I joined, got tempted by horde, now back) but if so that should help me too to coordinate people. Perfectly doable in my opinion to make it a semi-realistic goal. The main issue is getting to the ilevel where you’re running keys in the higher range of 10+, because there’s most keys at that range atm, whereas low levels less so (much more reliance on pushing your own).

Just let me know if you’d be up for such a partnership but if not, no harm no foul.

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Streamers bring only hate and chaos , asmongold Trolls brings toxicity 2x

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He’ll play it for 1 day and go back to WoW.

i know that is sad part, There is not way to get ridof that kinda of infastation its like a mold in house always find a way back


im just gonna create one of those vulpera rats and play for till my sub runs out in 20 days,if i cant get anythiing done in this time then its GG

1st Thought when i read the title of this topic
Hope it’s true and doesn’t ever change his mind .


Best of luck, Horde is still pretty active tbh. I was running keys in the 7-10 range on my healing monk about 4 days ago (before deciding to swap to this guy - again). So you should be able to get something done if you put the time in.

He will come back by the time 9.1.5 is released.

This is true, I’ll also add to it some of us don’t care about money. I only care about money when it comes to paying my rent and eating food. About 4 years ago I came into £5000. I didn’t know what to do with it. It’s still sitting there untouched as I’m not a person that gets satifisfaction from it. This isn’t because I make lots of money either. I’m working class.

I have no desire to be a millionaire at all.

Is this how people measure if someone is better than someone these days? Why don’t we just list how much money we all have at the end of each post to decide debates/agreements.

I bet the same people who think with this logic about Asmongold think differently about the Blizzard ceo who makes more money than him.


If the real life counterpart would be considered rude, it’s rude.

I don’t believe that in the slightest.

If that’s really true, which I don’t think it is to be clear, then that is very, very sad (for those people).

No he’s not. Many of his ideas of ‘better’ would ruin the game for me. :man_shrugging:t4:

Because I like stories.
For instance; I don’t play table top D&D to be ‘super awesome’ in combat or stuff like that. No I play it for the stories we create as a group in a persistent world. That’s what I love.

People like different things. :relaxed:


100% agree on the last point especially.

People will be quick to praise this streamer as a success because he’s a 30 yr old millioniare, but quicker still to label Kotick as a greedy vulture because he makes billions. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

Do people honestly think Asmon is motivated by anything other than greed? Come on now. The man has made no secret of his contempt for people whom are invested in stuff like RP, storytelling and more “casual friendly” stuff. Yet here he is, declaring loudly that he’s going to give the game that combines all of this a proper go coincidentally at the same time many other streamers (his competition) are doing so.

It would be obvious to blinded bat with a bucket stuck on it’s head that this is motivated by nothing more than his concern over his paycheck. The dude has form for abandoning his principles at the drop of a hate when it comes to keeping his channel moolah-positive.

Yet his being millionaire is to be lauded as some testament of skill? To me it only shows two things. 1) How low in integrity people are prepared to be (in public) to make money and 2) How some people are apparently either so wealthy or so lacking in financial acumen that they would pay to listen to someone else chatting random nonsense about something.


If a none streamer sorted via discord to crash a realm like AD they would be perm banned but not him . Same with Preach got a 3 days slap on wrist for using XP potions when others got harsher penalities .


Can you not treat yourself to something nice that gives yourself a nice long lasting memory :slight_smile:


I think I’m treating my mum to a holiday of a lifetime when Corona is over. She’s not had a holiday in over 20 years. I’m personally satisfied with the basics. I just grew up that way and what I’m used to.


Sounds like a really glorious idea :slight_smile:


WoW existed long before asmon started streaming…he was in pre school,playing wow with his mom.

People give too much credit to some people.If they all vanished suddenly one day,literally nothing would change,but you sadly cant explain that to their sad followers with sad empty lives.

They are so deluded thinking that their ‘‘idol’’ switching a game is going to kill wow.

They have literally 0 impact on wow or any other game for that matter,because like i said,wow existed and did well long before any of them started streaming.


To paraphrase Asmongold “It’s not the second coming of Jesus that I’m gonna try FF, I just want to try it like a normal person”.

Rent free I’m telling you.

Personally I could care less if he tries FF or not, if he enjoys another game than WoW then cool, if not then whatever :man_shrugging: